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Approved Ranged Weapon Breshig War Forge Consolidated ML-04E-GA Missile Launcher

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Light
Size: Large

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


(Additional targeting panel seen in images marked (2) never put into production)​
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Damage Output: Very High. Listed is the standard Baradium HE dumbfire rocket with a 10m blast radius.
  • Sensors:
  • Variable Launch Modes:
    • Dumb Fire: Arms and launches the loaded ordnance. If guidance data is required for the missile to function, then the launcher instead uses it's accelerated launch function to fire the ordnance with it's warhead armed.
    • Accelerated Launch: When firing unguided ordnance, the launcher simply arms the warhead and fires the ordnance at an accelerated velocity using it's accelerator rails. If the ordnance is guided, it'll include the increased velocity and range into the data it feeds the missile. This does mean, however, that the missile must be compatible with the launcher's systems.
  • Variable Fire Modes:
    • Single Tube: Fires only a single tube.
    • All Tubes: Fires all tubes at once.
    • Ripple Fire: Fires all tubes one at a time with a configurable time delay between shots.
  • Autosteady Gyro-gimbal
  • Down, But Not Out: If the accelerator rails are damaged, the weapon can still fire ordnance but with none of the range boosting capabilities.
  • Resilient: The launcher is well protected against most sources of damage that it might be expected to face on the battlefield, notably protecting it's electronics from Ion/EMP weapons.
  • Accelerated Launch: The ML-04 has the capability to considerably increase the launch velocity and hence the range of loaded ordnance by accelerating the ordnance out of the tube using it's accelerator rails.
  • Versatile: The ML-04 features a number of fire and launch modes, allowing it to adapt as per the changing requirements of the engagement.
  • EMP/Ion: A powerful enough EMP/Ion weapon can fry the launcher's accelerator coil and it's sensor suite. This will prevent it from using guided ordnance that require initial target data from the launch platform as well as making use of it's accelerated launch function.
  • Heavy Ammunition: Rockets and Missiles are heavy, preventing much additional ammunition for the launcher from being carried practically.
  • Size: For it's size, the ML-04 doesn't carry as much ammunition as many of it's competitors, potentially limiting what other weapons its operators can feasibly carry.
  • Compatible Guided Ordnance: Not all guided ordnance can take advantage of the ML-04's sensor suite, and some are incompatible with it's accelerated launch feature.
Designed to be light enough to be portable for Strill's commandos and mechanized troops, but be flexible enough and be able to carry enough ammunition to make the operator a threat to whatever target they're engaging no matter the circumstances. To facilitate this, the ML-04 features a number of launch and fire modes, as well as an autosteady gyro-gimbal. Additionally, this gives the ML-04 additional flexibility to allow it to adapt to the potential rapidly changing pace of the battlefield.
Putting to use the lessons they learned in developing the MMOL-series of ordnance launchers, Breshig War Forge included accelerator rails to give the ML-04 the same capabilities, which is to considerably increase the launch velocity and hence the range of loaded ordnance by accelerating the ordnance out of the tube using the aforementioned accelerator rails. Of course, the accelerator rails themselves are prone to EMP/Ion damage, which is the reason why the case of the launcher is made from duranium and plated with reinforced duraplast and fitted with a combat de-ionizer.
The launcher was, however, designed for use primarily with ammunition made by the company, and as such not all guided ordnance can take advantage of the ML-04's sensor suite, and some are incompatible with it's accelerated launch feature. Said ammunition is also heavy, preventing much additional ammunition for the launcher from being carried practically by the operator. Because of the way it is designed, the ML-04 doesn't carry as much ammunition in relation to the launcher's size when compared to many of it's competitors, which has the added disadvantage of potentially limiting what other weapons its operators can feasibly carry.
The E-GA variant of the ML-04 was specifically developed for the Galactic Alliance's requirements by the company. The E-GA comes standard with an unguided baradium high explosive rocket with a 12 meter blast radius. Additionally, preparations were made to open an entirely new production line for the weapon seeing as the Galactic Alliance was keen on paying for a vast number of the weapons should they be accepted. Company CEO Shuklaar Kyrdol attempted to reach out to the Alliance to remind them of the potential expense and lack of necessity of this, but eventually gave up in this endeavor.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new missile launcher for the Galactic Alliance's tender.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance.
Model: ML-04E-GA Missile Launcher
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Battlefield
Rate of Fire: Selective Fire
Material: Duranium frame, Darllorian alloy coated barrel, reinforced Duraplast armor plating, combat de-ionizer, rubberized grip, railgun components, missile launcher components, Ultrachrome circuity, electronics and wiring.
Ammunition Type: Missiles, rockets.
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Low
Ranged Class: Other
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol

As usual, very cool sub!
  • In the fields you wrote the Ga to the Affiliation, but in the template these are your companies. Which is the true?
  • And you can't use the "Integrated 'Kyrayc Sur'haai' 1-250x Extreme Range Optics System" in this sub, because it has minor production, and this sub has mass production rate. I would like to ask you to edit this.
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