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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated NGG-02 Nagnol Gas Grenade

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Type: Explosive
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Average

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


  • Image Source: Here.
  • Two Operation Modes:
    • Launched: These grenades can be loaded into an appropriately sized grenade launcher and launched.
    • Thrown: There is a switch on the grenade that switches it from a launched grenade to a hand grenade.
  • Detonation Modes:
    • Impact: The grenade detonates either on impact or rapid deceleration. In the latter case, this includes but is not limited to being redirected or stopped via the force, tractor beams or similar technology. This is a chemical fuse that arms after one second. The fuze functions whether the grenade has impacted on any terrain, including but not limited to snow, sand and water.
    • Timer: If the grenade does not detonate on impact after a period of 3 seconds a pyrotechnic timed delay will set it off. Alternatively an electric configurable delay (rotating the top dial near the mode switch) can detonate the grenade after a time delay of anywhere from 5 seconds to 1 minute. The timed delay mode includes a tamper detection function and if moved or disturbed the grenades will detonate.
    • Airburst: The only electronic device in the grenade is its airburst fuze. The airburst fuse features an encrypted ultra-short range comm or PTP link to sync with either a bracer computer, datapad, wrist comm, HUD suite or similar device to set the airburst distance. Alternatively it can communicate directly with a smart optic or weapon control system to do the same.
  • Blind: Nagnol gas is both visually obscuring and also blocks sensors, making it useful for providing concealment on demand.
  • Large Radius: The pressurized gas can disperse into a cloud of a roughly ten meter radius.
  • No Redirection: If the grenade rapidly slows or stops, the impact fuze triggers and detonates the grenade. This makes redirecting, stopping or otherwise trying to affect the grenade with the force or tractor/pressor beams or similar means a decidedly dangerous prospect.
  • Ion/EMP/Mechu Deru Proof (Almost): With the exception of the airburst mode, the entirety of the grenade's functioning is all based on mechanical devices or chemical fuzes, meaning there are no electronics for Ion/EMP weapons or Mechu Deru to disable.
  • Double Blind: The gas blocks sight and sensors on both 'sides' of the cloud, meaning both those who deployed the grenade and those it was deployed against will be affected.
  • Atmospherics: High winds and other similar conditions can disperse the gas. Additionally, force users capable of manipulating air can disperse the gas.
  • Limited is not None: The electronics in the grenade that are required for the airburst mode to function are vulnerable to Ion/EMP weapons. Though unlikely, if powerful enough, an ion weapon could theoretically fry even the extremely simplistic electric timer used by the timed delay mode.
Fixing a long-standing issue with their product line-up, Breshig War Forge Consolidated finally addressed the company's lack of offerings in the infantry carried explosives segment, particularly grenades. The PG-02 is part of the company's new series of grenades. In order to simplify logistics for both distribution and for supplying the company's PMC subsidiary, Strill Securities, the decision was made for the grenade to have two operation modes; one as a launched grenade and the second as a hand thrown grenade. At first the decision was met with push back from Strill Securities, but following a trial period the grenade was accepted into service and full production kicked in following a few minor revisions.
With the increasing prevalence of EMP/Ion weapons and force users capable of disabling or redirecting traditionally launched or throw ordnance, Company CEO Shuklaar Kyrdol worked with the design team on a pair of chemical fuzes to allow the grenade to function even if hit with a powerful EMP/Ion weapon, or affected by Mechu Deru and similar abilities. Additionally, the grenade's impact fuze was designed with the ability to activate even if the grenade was redirected or stopped via the force, tractor beams or similar technology. The impact fuze could detonate no matter what terrain the grenade is used on, including but not limited to snow, sand and water. The timed fuze is largely a backup for the impact fuze, but could also be used with a electric timer for more 'creative uses' such as a poor-man's pursuit denial munition.
The new grenades however, while extremely resistant to EMP/Ion weapons and the like can still have some features disabled by powerful examples of such weapon systems. The electronics in the grenade that are required for the airburst mode to function are vulnerable to Ion/EMP weapons. Though unlikely, if powerful enough, an ion weapon could theoretically fry even the extremely simplistic electric timer used by the timed delay mode.
The NGG-02 nagnol gas grenade was designed to supplant smoke grenades. particularly within Strill Securities' armories. Nagnol gas has the benefit of being both visually obscuring and blocking sensors, scanners and other detection equipment. The pressurized gas within can disperse into a cloud of a roughly ten meter radius. The only downside to this is that it obscures both friendly and hostile sensors, scanners and line of sight. Additionally, high winds, other similar conditions, and force users capable of manipulating air can disperse the gas.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new nagnol gas grenade for use by Strill Securities and use and sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: NGG-02 Nagnol Gas Grenade
Modular: No
Material: Pressurized Nagnol gas cannister, chemical fuze components, electronics, grenade components.
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