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Approved Ranged Weapon Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Ori'ky'dir' Active Protection System

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: Large

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Image Source: Here.
  • Processing and Memory: The system reads in sensor, scanner, tracking and targeting data from the platform that it is integrated into to track incoming ordnance such as missiles, rockets, grenades, mortars, artillery rounds and the like. Once tracked, an intercept course is plotted, programmed into the missile and the missile is fired from whichever launcher has the best shot. The system can do this for a total number of targets up to its total number of missiles limited only by each autocannon's rate of fire, which is impressive. Additionally, the system can assign more than one missile to a single target.
  • Communications:
    • Comm Laser
    • 'Manda' Battlenet or Equivalent Compatible Networking
  • Micro Missiles:
    • Components:
    • Guidance:
      • Pre-launch: The missile is programmed with an intercept course by the launcher and then launched.
      • Midcourse: The missile receives midcourse updates from the system via comm laser if necessary.
      • Terminal: The missile uses its on-board systems to track the target and make adjustments if necessary.
  • Interception: The system's ability to intercept incoming ordnance is an advantage that cannot be overstated. Ordinarily a user would rely on cover or their own wits to be able to avoid incoming ordnance, possibly or rather ideally, a combination of both.
  • Fast: The micro missile interceptors are extremely fast and the verpine shatter autocannon they're fried out of increases their launch velocity considerably, giving them a very high intercept probability.
  • High Rate of Fire: The high rate of fire allows the system to engage even a large number of targets in a short amount of time, lowering the likelihood that the system will be overwhelmed.
  • Potent: The baradium explosive component and depleted baradium penetrator do mean that the micro missiles have a chance to neutralize ordnance that are several times their size.
  • Ammunition: Once the ammunition is depleted, so too is the system's capability to engage incoming ordnance. The weapon's rate of fire means that this is something that can happen quite quickly provided there is a target rich environment.
  • Targeting: The system's ability to target incoming ordnance is governed by the mounting platform's sensor. scanner, targeting and tracking system's capabilities. A system that cannot effectively detect, target and track incoming ordnance effectively will not enable the system to engage said targets effectively.
  • Power: No dedicated power supply is included, the system is designed to be connected into the power supply of whatever platform it is integrated into.
Vehicles, large droids and installations often face the same threats as medium and heavy infantry in powered armor on the modern battlefield. In a bizarre turn of events, Breshig War Forge Consolidated drew inspiration from its infantry active protection system to develop a scaled up version for vehicles, large droids and installations. Vehicles and large droids, however, often face no small degree of threat kinetic penetrator rounds. The system's high velocity micro missiles, however, have sufficient velocity and explosive mass to deviate and potentially deform even kinetic penetrator rounds. It was during testing, where this aforementioned ability of the system was tested, that the engineers decided on the name for the system given its obviously improved capabilities over the smaller scale system it was based on; Ori'ky'dir roughly translates into basic as "super interceptor".
The system is designed to be built into the chassis of vehicles/droids or mounted as turrets to defend installations and then connected into the sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking system of either. The system tracks incoming ordnance such as missiles, rockets, grenades, mortars and the like. Once tracked, an intercept course is plotted, programmed into the missile and the missile is fired from whichever turret has the best shot. The system can do this for a total number of targets up to its total number of missiles limited only by each autocannon's rate of fire, which is impressive. Additionally, the system can assign more than one missile to a single target.
While each turret can carry an impressive number of interceptor micro missiles, in a sufficiently target rich environment assuming the unlikely case of perfect target engagement with the weapon's impressive fire rate this ammunition capacity can be drained fairly quickly. Reloading in the field is certainly possible, but till the weapon is reloaded, the whole system is entirely useless. Additionally, should platform power be lost at any point, the whole system will once more prove to be rendered non-functional. Finally, the system's ability to target incoming ordnance is governed by the mounting platform's sensor. scanner, targeting and tracking system's capabilities. A system that cannot effectively detect, target and track incoming ordnance effectively will not enable the system to engage said targets effectively.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an active protection system for use and sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: 'Ori'ky'dir' Active Protection System
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Duranium frame, dallorian alloy coated barrel, Combat De-ionizer, verpine shatter autocannon components, Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.
Ammunition Type: Depleted Baradium tipped Guided Baradium Micro missiles
Ammunition Capacity: Very Large
Damage Output: Very High
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Other
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