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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated PD/AM-01 Pursuit Denial/Anti-personnel Mine

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Type: Explosive
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Average

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated




Partially disassembled and deployed.
  • Multiple Modes of Operation:
    • Deployment: The mine can be thrown, placed or launched out of a grenade launcher once the pin has pulled. On impact, the mine will deploy its six stabilizing plates fold out and turn the mine upright. Following which four 10m long tripwires are deployed from opposite sides of the mine.
    • Detection and Detonation: Provided no friendly IFF signals are in the detonation zone, the mine will detonate under the following circumstances if any of the following are tripped. The IFF safety feature can be disabled.
      • Tripwire: If nay of the tripwires are disturbed, the mine will detonate. The tripwire is wired to a separate mechanical fuze.
      • Gyroscopic Tamper Sensor: A gyroscopic anti-tamper sensor detects if the mine is being disturbed or tampered with and triggers a detonation. This is done via a second mechanical fuze.
      • Seismic Sensor: If any major vibrations are detected, such as those generated by digging, footsteps, repulsors, vehicles or the like are detected within ten meters of the mine, it will detonate. This is done via an electric fuze.
      • 360-degree FOV Electro Photo Receptor: Anything that is detected by the electro photo receptor that approaches within and out to twenty meters of the mine is tracked. If they attempt to withdraw and don't trip any of the other sensors, the mine will be detonated via electric fuze. If they do not, the mine will be detonated once they reach ten meters.
  • 'Manda' Battlenet-compatible encrypted comm/ptp link: The mine links with other mines in the immediate area and links to the user's HUD suite or a data pad. The mine is also compatible with the 'Manda' Battlenet and will add to the combined sensor picture. The mine can be detonated over remote link as well.
  • Big Boom: The PD/AM-01 has a lethal explosive radius of 10 meters. It has an extremely high damage potential, capable of vaporizing objects within its effective radius form the sheer energy release, and causing intense concussive damage to anything out to 20 meters.
  • Multiple Detection Methods: The mine features both mechanical and sensor based detection methods, with the mechanical systems still retaining function in the event that the other systems are disabled.
  • Difficult to Disable: Even if any of the electronic sensors are disabled, the tripwire and tamper sensor will still function. Being mechanical, they are extremely difficult to disable without having an intimate knowledge of how the mechanical fuzes function.
  • Volatile: Baradium is a volatile substance, stray rounds and the like can set off the mine prematurely.
  • EMP/Ion/Mechu Deru: The seismic sensor and electro photo receptor are likely to be disabled if hit an EMP/Ion weapon and certainly can be disabled by use of Mechu Deru.
"Perfect for dealing with unwanted attention."
- Strill Securities marketing slogan.

The PD/AM-01 Pursuit Denial/Anti-personnel Mine was designed to be a single solution to two problems. The first was the requirement for an anti-personnel mine for use by Strill Securities Shock Troops and the other was for Strill Securities commandos who were looking for explosives to cover their retreat after completing an objective. The final product chosen for production was a single mine that could fit both tasks. This ended up greatly simplifying logistics on multiple levels as an added benefit.
The PD/AM-01 was designed to be extremely easy to use. The user can just pull the pin and throw it without having to use any of its other features. The mine does offer a number of other advanced features over an encrypted comm or ptp link. The mine links with other mines in the immediate area and links to the user's HUD suite or a data pad. The mine is also compatible with the 'Manda' Battlenet and will add to the combined sensor picture. The mine can be detonated over remote link as well. The mine can also be detonated over said link at will.
The mine proved to be difficult to disable. Even if any of the electronic sensors are disabled, the tripwire and tamper sensor will still function. Being mechanical, they are extremely difficult to disable without having an intimate knowledge of how the mechanical fuzes function. The seismic sensor and electro photo receptor, however, are more susceptible to being disabled by an EMP/Ion weapon or by use of Mechu Deru. The final issue is the volatility of the baradium itself, but this has not prevented widespread use of the mine with no major changes to its design.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new pursuit denial mine for use by Strill Securities and use and sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: PD/APM-01 Pursuit Denial/Anti-personnel Mine
Modular: No
Material: Baradium, chemical fuze components, electronics, grenade components.
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