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Approved Armor Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Rammikad b' Marev' Gauntlet and Vambrace

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Commando's Best Friend: Adding onto the Verd b' Marev's capabilities with additional infiltration and security bypassing aids, the Rammikad b' Marev provides the just that much more that commandos require in the field and comes coated in reflec to keep its sensor and visual signature low.
  • Resilient: The 'Rammikad b' Marev' is made from a Stesr'gar-Stygian triprismatic polymer composite, allowing it to resist damage from a number of sources such as energy weapons, kinetic energy weapons, EMP/Ion weapons and even lightsabers.
  • Enhanced Capabilities: The 'Rammikad b' Marev' features a built-in crushgaunt with a number of other lethality enhancing and utility functions. This not only makes the wearer more lethal on the battlefield, particularly in close combat, but also makes them more versatile in their capabilities.
  • External Power Source Required: The 'Rammikad b' Marev' Gauntlet and Vambrace was designed to be connected to an armor's power supply rather than be used without a suit of armor with a self-contained power supply. It could be connected to a power supply independent of an armor as well, but doing so would be up to the user.
  • EMP/Ion: Though well protected against EMP/Ion weapons and against potential short circuiting from weaponized electrical attacks, should any of these actually manage to cause damage, it will likely cause a catastrophic cascading failure given the high percentage of electronic and electric systems.
A slightly modified version from the beseline model made for the company's commandos, the Rammikad b' Marev features a number of additions specifically suited to commando work over the more stripped down infantry focused base model. This model was later modified for export and also modified for use by slicers and medics. Rumors exist of a specialist version of all variants made specifically for the elite of the company's elite commandos, though no official statement has been made.
One of these additions was the addition of a AI powered slicing system that allowed commandos to potentially access computer systems or bypass locks without requiring the presence of a specialist. However, should such a specialist be required, and should the situation arise that said specialist is not skilled in commando operations themselves, then it is for that precise scenario that a slicer's key was included.
Occasionally, time is of the essence and for such cases a retractable, replaceable, one use security spike tunneler was added. Sometimes security is simple enough to bypass, and for such cases, a high speed, high efficiency security descrambler dock was added.
To further aid in bypassing security, jamming comms and generally performing functions that aid the likely mission of the user, an anti-security blade was added. The anti-security blade is fully configurable and is compatible with frequency hopping comms systems, jamming only the frequencies the device is not using. It can also be used with comm scanners to jam frequencies that are detected as presently active.
The drawbacks of the system are unfortunately the very same as the Verd b' Marev that it was based on. Such flaws are easily ignored however when the weight of features the device provides are taken into account.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new gauntlet for use by Strill Securities.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: 'Rammikad b' Marev' Gauntlet and Vambrace
Modular: Yes
Material: Reflec coating, Stesr'gar-Reinforced Stygian-triprismatic polymer composite armor, Thermal Gel layer, Anti-Corr 113 coating, Combat de-ionizer and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):

EMP/Ion: Very High
Lightsabers: Very High
Acid: High

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