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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated SAC-02S Super-heavy Accelerator Cannon

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Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Intent: To create a scaled down version of the AC-01S Usen'ye-class Accelerator Cannon for use on starships and emplacements by Breshig War Forge, Strill Securities and select others.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Primary Source: UAC-01 Usen'ye-class Accelerator Cannon.
  • Classification: Mass-driver-Energy Torpedo Launcher Hybrid.
  • Size: Extremely Large.
  • Weight: Very Heavy.
  • Ammunition Type:
    • Mass-driver Mode: Ferro-magnetic rounds
    • Energy Sheathed Mass-driver Rounds: Energy sheathed ferro-magnetic rounds, Energy Torpedoes.
    • Energy Torpedo Mode: Energy Torpedoes.
  • Ammunition Capacity:
    • All Modes: Large.
  • Effective Range:
    • Energy Torpedo Mode: Extreme.
    • Energy Sheathed Mass-driver Mode:
      • Long-range Mode: Extreme.
      • Rapid-fire Mode: Battlefield.
    • Mass-driver Mode:
      • Long-range Mode: Extreme.
      • Rapid-fire Mode: Battlefield.
  • Rate of Fire:
    • Energy Torpedo Mode: High.
    • Energy Sheathed Mass-driver Mode:
      • Long-range Mode: High.
      • Rapid-fire Mode: Very High.
    • Mass-driver Mode:
      • Long-range Mode: High.
      • Rapid-fire Mode: Very High.
  • Damage Output:
    • Energy Torpedo Mode: The damage done when fired in this mode is reduced to a Very High rating as when compared to a dedicated energy torpedo weapon of the same size and output.
    • Mass-driver Mode and Energy Sheathed Mass-driver Mode: Extreme.
  • Recoil: Very High.
  • Fire Modes:
    • Mass-driver: In this mode, the SAC-02S will function precisely like a 'standard' railgun-based mass-driver.
    • Energy Torpedo Launcher: In this mode, theSAC-02S will function precisely like an energy torpedo launcher.
    • Energy Sheathed Mass-driver Rounds: In this mode, the SAC-02S sheathes the mass-driver round in the same magnetically contained fusion plasma used in energy torpedo launchers, and then accelerates the round as a 'standard' railgun-based mass-driver.
    • Mass-driver Fire Modes: While utilizing either of it's two mass-driver fire modes, the SAC-02S has the further ability to select one of the two following fire modes.
      • Long-range: The long-rage fire mode emphasizes range over fire rate, maintaining a significant range with a notable fire rate.
      • Rapid-fire: The rapid-fire mode is optimized for closer ranged engagements, but is capable of reaching considerable ranges.
  • Energy Torpedo Fire Modes:
    • What type of fusion plasma is used to sheathe each mass-driver round or fired in energy torpedo launcher mode can be chosen before each shot. The following types exist:
      • Standard: A 'standard' packet of fusion plasma capable of immense energy release on target.
      • Incendiary: Similar to the shot fired by the ancient Incinerator-class railgun, this torpedo can 'stick' to a target and continue to burn with the fury of a solar flare (naturally not the same temperature as a solar flare) for a short period of time, potentially superheating and weakening the structural integrity of armor and hull plating.
      • Ion: A packet of ion particles capable of immense damage to a target's shields and other systems.
      • Radiation: Similar to the T33 Plasma Torpedo, this torpedo is a high radiation energy cone that is designed to do extreme damage to shield systems.
  • Variety of Ammunition: Breshig War Forge Consolidated produces a variety of ammunition for the weapon:
    • AP: Armor-piercing rounds with a depleted baradium core designed to act as a penetrator upon impact with armor.
    • API: Depleted baradium armor-piercing tip with an incendiary plasma component.
    • AP-C: Depleted baradium armor-piercing tip with a CryoBan charge.
    • API-D: Depleted baradium armor-piercing tip with a delayed detonation incendiary plasma component.
    • APFSDS: Depleted baradium sabot, designed to penetrate heavy armor.
    • AP-Seismic: A depleted baradium tipped projectile with a seismic charge.
    • Cluster: Effectively a cluster bomb in the form of the shell, it is best used against enemy fighter or ordnance swarms, ideally when friendly sub-capital craft are out of the blast radius.
    • High Explosive Incendiary Armor Piercing: Using a deuterium based explosive to trigger a blaster gas incendiary charge before driving a depleted baradium penetrator into the target.
    • HE: Baradium detonator rounds designed to explode on contact with a hard surface.
    • Ion: Extremely powerful ion detonator round, designed to severely damage shields and other systems.
    • Ion Encumbrance: Functions precisely like an oversized ion encumbrance tag.
    • Minelaying Shell: These shells are largely empty, with space for a dozen standard sized mines and a dispersal charge.
    • Trihex-AP: Depleted baradium armor piercing tipped round with a trihexalon charge.
  • Cooling Systems: In order to prevent the large amounts of heat generated by the weapon from melting it, the SAC-02S has an integrated cooling system that will shut the weapon down in the event of it overheating in order to perform a coolant flush and to allow the weapon to cool down. Each weapon has enough coolant to perform five coolant flushes, but can be connected to a larger coolant reservoir.
  • Diagnostics and Analytics Suite: The weapon's in-built diagnostics and analysis suite keeps the crew apprised of everything from ammunition count to accelerator coil integrity and effectiveness.
  • Accurate: Provided it is paired with the right sensor and fire control systems, a capable operator could make great use of the SAC-02S inherent accuracy in all fire modes out to its furthest range increment.
  • Extremely High Damage Potential: The SAC-02S has an extremely high damage potential against a wide variety of targets made from a wide variety of both conventional and exotic materials.
  • Armor-piercing: All three of the SAC-02S fire modes have a high potential to penetrate armor. This is especially the case when firing the energy torpedo/fusion plasma sheathed mass-driver rounds, as the tendency of the former to superheat the point of impact can increase the armor penetration characteristics of the mass-driver round.
  • Fast Projectile Velocity: Energy torpedoes and mass-driver rounds fired by the SAC-02S reach an extremely high velocity, making avoiding them a difficult prospect, especially for targets with a notably low maneuverability and speed.
  • Resilient: The launcher itself is partially exposed, and as a result the company made efforts to protect it against all manner of damage that it might be exposed to on the battlefield.
  • Versatile: The SAC-02S is an extremely versatile weapons system, able to take on a variety of differently defended targets with a wide variety of projectiles that it can fire.
  • Slow Fire Mode Change: Changing between the weapon's firing modes takes a notable period of time. It is not as easy as changing the feed for projectile weapons. This is a factor that starship captains will have to take into account during engagements.
  • Slow Torpedo Fire Mode Change: Changing what type of torpedo is fired, or is used to sheathe mass-driver rounds is a relatively slow process and takes just as long as the recharge cycle between shots.
  • Ammunition: Once out of ammunition's, the weapon has to rely on it's comparatively less effective energy torpedo mode.
  • Cooling System Malfunction: Should the cooling system malfunction or become damaged, the weapon will shut down to prevent a critical operating failure.
  • EMP/Ion: If the launcher actually sustains enough EMP/Ion damage, it's accelerator rails will be permanently damaged, requiring a complete replacement of the barrel.
  • Hybrid: An equivalently sized energy torpedo weapon would be able out damage this weapon when firing in energy torpedo mode.
  • Sensor Suite: In order to make use of the SAC-02S inherent range and accuracy, the mounting platform must have a powerful, high resolution, long ranged sensor suite.
"Mass-driver rounds dry!"
"Keep firing. We need to buy more time."
- XO Emri Kyrr and Fleet Admiral Nyles Kote during the evacuation of Breshig.
The SAC-02S was developed as a scaled down variant of the AC-01S to be used as a super-heavy gun on company manufactured starships. Like it's much larger predecessor, the SAC-02S boasts impressive accuracy, range, versatility, damage and armor-piercing potential. All this is complemented by an extremely fast projectile speed and fantastic resilience of the weapon itself.
However, being a largely scaled down version, the SAC-02S suffers from the very same flaws as it's predecessor as well. Slow fire mode and torpedo fire mode change, a notable dependence on it's mass-driver mode and hence ammunition and a vulnerability to EMP/Ion damage and cooling system malfunction. Additionally, like the larger version, the energy torpedo mode isn't as efficient as a dedicated energy torpedo launcher, and a powerful, long range high resolution sensor suite is required for optimal operation.
The major departure from the design of the AC-01S is the two additional settings for the mass-driver fire modes, optimized for long-range and for rapid-fire. The former is intended for use at extreme ranges, maintaining a slightly lower range to be able to maintain a higher rate of fire. The sheer versatility offered by both the SAC-02S and the smaller and lighter AC-03H combined with the sheer accuracy, range and damage potential is the number one reason for why it has superseded standard railgun-based mass-drivers on company ships.
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