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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Sapan'got Sur'haai' Combat Suite

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Very Light
Size: Small

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Image Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
  • Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities.
  • Material: Reinforced Duraplast, Combat de-ionizer and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.
  • Modularity: Yes, the system can be integrated into existing armor systems as a replacement for similar systems if existing. Additional communications, sensors, scanners, targeting and tracking systems may be added on to the system. The system can also interface with a number of combat peripherals such as integrated weapon systems, jet/jump packs, medical systems, electronic warfare suites, datapads (integrated, wired or over a wireless connection), slicing tools and the like.
  • Data-sharing: Naturally the Sapan'got Sur'haai can share all data via the 'Manda' battlenet or any other battlenet patched to function with the 'Manda' style data-sharing and processing, but it is also capable of establishing a local area network between other Sapan'got Sur'haai or similar, compatible systems.
    • Feed Sharing: The composite fused sensor feed can be shared either via battlenet or local area network. In-helmet camera and other data feeds such as vital signs, medical information and the like can also be shared.
    • Targeting: Targeting data is shared and overlaid on connected HUD systems typically as 'lines' showing the approximated trajectory of the weapon system. The estimated damage on target and area of effect (if applicable) is also overlaid on the user's HUD.
    • Navigational Data: Navigational data including but not limited to multiple versions of planned routes, points of interest, targets, objectives and the like can be shared between users.
    • Fire-support: Targeting, positional and other relevant data can be passed on for the purposes of calling artillery or close air support strikes and the like to any compatible system.
  • Helmet:
    • Advanced Rangefinder with HUD projected size and position configurable picture-in-picture feed.
    • Audio Sensor with Aural Amplifier and Sonic Dampener.
    • Externally mounted, concealed Audio Pickup array.
    • Visor:
      • Automatic Anti-Flash Viewplate.
      • 360-degree FOV Coverage Wide-angle Electro Photo Receptor with Electrobinocular (1x - 100x magnification) functions: The Electro Photo Receptors used here have been modified with a number of additional sensor, scanner and imaging systems listed below. They are all built with the same magnification level as the listed Electrobinocular zoom. The view displayed is a composite image created from all the connected systems parsed and processed by advanced data processing algorithms and a secondary advanced Droid Brain with Gabonna memory crystal.
      • Laser Visor Cleaner: A series of laser emitters along the outside edge of the visor automatically activate to remove any obstructions but can also be manually activated by the user.
    • HUD: The entire sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking suite is wired into the 'Manda' module which then processes, analyzes and then outputs the data that is then displayed via the HUD to the user.
      • 360-degree FOV Internally Projected Holographic Advanced HUD
      • Fully Configurable with all UI elements movable, recolorable and resizable according to the user's preference. Individual modules' output can be displayed separately or as part of the composite sensor, scanner and tracking HUD feed. This supports multiple customization presets that can be edited, saved and loaded at will.
      • Interface:
        • Voice control.
        • Eye-motion control.
        • Neural Link: Either the company's neural interface or a compatible neural link can be used.
      • Linked Datapad Interface: The linked datapad interface allows the user to control a linked datapad via their HUD, negating the need to divert their attention to a separate device.
      • Navigation:
        • Explosive Hazard Threat Detection: The system analyzes the composite sensor feed, including but not limited to the built-in vapor sampler to detect both the explosives and triggering mechanisms of mines, grenades, and other explosive devices and highlights them.
        • Mapping: The system has a full navigation suite to be able to aid the user in navigation, but can also use this suite along with its other systems to create a map of the area.
      • Sensor and Scanners:
        • Composite View: The HUD feed is made up of a composite sensor and scanner feed. This gives the advantage of allowing the system to detect something that one sensor or scanner may not have picked up on its own. This also allows accurate tracking, target identification and for clear vision through thick cloud cover, storms and heavy rain, fog, as well as other conditions that might otherwise impair targeting, tracking and vision to a severe degree.
        • Early Warning: If the system detects active sensor or scanner pings or targeting lasers coming from a bearing and range or position that doesn't have any friendly IFFs the system will indicate the direction with either a yellow or red arrow to warn the user depending on whether neutral or hostile signatures are detected.
      • Specialist Database(s): Specialist databases prepared for use with the system can be downloaded from Breshig War Forge Consolidated over the Holonet with the provided access credentials provided to customers.
        • Computer Interface: The system analyzes the HUD feed and displayed relevant data on the HUD by translating complex computer algorithms into easy-to-understand symbols and words. While not preferred by experienced slicers, it can help an amateur slicer crack more complicated systems.
        • Electronic Systems: The system analyzes the HUD feed for similarities with stored circuit component registries and provides an analysis of the systems, particularly those pertaining to security, demolitions, and general computing functions.
        • Mechanical: The system analyzes the HUD feed for similarities with stored design schematics and provides information on tips for repairing, disabling, modifying or otherwise dealing with said design.
        • Medical: The system analyzes the subject using the full suite of equipment integrated into the combat suite and provides tips and assistance in a variety of medical situations. The user is provided with a constantly updated stream of information on the patient's condition.
      • Tactical Analysis and Planning:
        • 'Manda' Module: Tactical analysis is provided by the 'Manda' Tactical Battlenet, performing the same functions as a battle analysis computer and then some. The system computes the various battlefield variables and can offer tactical planning solutions to the user, whether for individual firefights or an assault plan on a enemy held location. The Manda module is a learning machine and adapts its database entries based on the users experiences.
      • Tracking and Targeting:
        • Friendly, Hostile, and Neutral Identification: The system highlights, friendly (targets with a friendly IFF), neutral and hostile (targets with a hostile IFF) contacts with a colored outline for better battlefield awareness. The system defaults are yellow outlines for neutral contacts, green outlines for friendly contacts and red for hostile contacts.
        • HUD-linking Weapon Targeting System/Optic Compatible: The system is able to link with smart optics, HUD-linking weapon systems and the like to provide a full interface with the weapon. The system places a weapon appropriate reticle, ammunition readout, status display and full targeting controls for guided weapons or weapons with airburst features and the like. With weapons that are compatible, users can eject magazines, switch firing modes or utilize any other similarly linked function over this link. The user can also adjust for ballistic drop if relevant or generated a predicted firing solution as well to aid in tactical planning. This firing solution can be shared with other linked compatible systems via local area network or over the 'Manda' battlenet.
        • Linked Weapon Systems: For system linked armor mounted weapon systems, the system provides the same functions that it provides over a HUD-linking Weapon Targeting System/Optic link.
        • Counter-Sniper: The system uses its audio pickups and EPR to try and locate a hidden marksman or a concealed support weapon position using the sound of the shot if any and also any emissions from smart optics and the like. Once a rough location has been triangulated, the system places a red square on the user's HUD in the general direction.
        • Positional Mapping: The system tracks the positions of friendly, hostile and neutral contacts on the map generated by the navigational suite and is constantly updated based on local and networked data.
  • Torso:
    • Over the Shoulder Articulated Sensor Pod:
    • Back-mounted Case:
      • Environment Scanner
      • Navigation Suite: The navigation suite uses the different systems to best ascertain the user's location and then provide appropriate navigational aids as required by the user.
      • HUD-linked Portable Computer: The HUD linked portable computer is an extension of the system, fully able to connect and interface with connected systems as required but otherwise it just provides the functions of a portable computer via the HUD. Alternatively, the device may link via cable or wirelessly to an external display.
      • Vapor Sampler
    • Front-mounted Case:
      • 'Manda' Tactical Battlenet - Ground Variant
      • LIDAR
      • General Purpose Scanner (Lifeform Scanner unable to bypass stealth systems).
      • ID Scanner with DNA Tracing Module, Genetic Sampler and Backtrack Sniffer: The ID Scanner connects not only to the Guild database, but also the company's database and any databases made available to the company when the correct access codes are entered. This enables Strill Securities troops to stay aware of persons of intertest without having to check a mission briefing document. Without the correct access credentials, only the Guild database can be accessed. The access credentials provided to the customer to access specialist databases don't give access to the company databases that contain the relevant information for use with this module.
  • Security:
    • RRDM
    • Socketguard
    • Echo Pulse
    • Pyrowall
    • Holotrace with Connection Trace functionality
    • Retinal Scan: The retinal scan is required to start the system. If the retinal scan fails, the suite will shut down.
    • Emergency Ion Charge: A code-activated ion failsafe can fry the system in emergency situations. The ion failsafe will also activate if any unauthorized tampering is detected by the system.
  • Power:
  • Modular: Additional sensors, scanners, targeting and tracking systems may be added on to the system. The system can also interface with a number of combat peripherals such as integrated weapon systems, jet/jump packs, medical systems, electronic warfare suites, datapads (integrated, wired or over a wireless connection), slicing tools and the like.
  • Composite View: The HUD feed is made up of a composite sensor and scanner feed. This gives the advantage of allowing the system to detect something that one sensor or scanner may not have picked up on its own. This also allows accurate tracking, target identification and for clear vision through thick cloud cover, storms and heavy rain, fog, as well as other conditions that might otherwise impair targeting, tracking and vision to a severe degree.
  • Early Warning: If the system detects active sensor or scanner pings or targeting lasers coming from a bearing and range or position that doesn't have any friendly IFFs the system will indicate the direction with either a yellow or red arrow to warn the user depending on whether neutral or hostile signatures are detected.
  • Counter-Sniper: The system uses its audio pickups and EPR to try and locate a hidden marksman or a concealed support weapon position using the sound of the shot if any and also any emissions from smart optics and the like. Once a rough location has been triangulated, the system places a red square on the user's HUD in the general direction.
  • Seamless Navigation: The system's auto-mapping and myriad navigation systems allow for an almost guaranteed seamless navigation and tactical planning experience.
  • Manda: The Manda module provides the user with the system's best analysis of enemy tactics, which takes into account enemy positioning, aggression, capabilities, known tactics, fighting styles and current status overlaid onto the user's HUD. The system also creates an accurate and adaptive firing matrix, making real-time adjustments for movement, battlefield debris, atmospheric conditions and other factors. Most importantly, however, when connected to a battlenet, the seamless sharing of data and the highly advanced coordination functions that
  • Resilient: The system's housing is made from reinforced Duraplast and features a combat de-ionizer, making it very resilient against most forms of damage and lessening the likelihood of damage taking the entire system offline.
  • Expert Knowledge: The specialist databases give easy access to expert information in an easy to digest format, allowing users to make use of it in the field without being entirely familiar with the subject matter themselves. For those familiar, any information that they might require is made available almost instantaneously, augmenting their own affinity with the subject matter.
  • Power: The system draws a lot of power and requires a dedicated power source to keep running. The backup battery does provide 12 hours of use, but depending on circumstances that could be far from adequate.
  • EMP/Ion: Should the system actually sustain EMP/Ion damage that bypasses it's defenses, then it can cause all manner of havoc, such as data corruption, sensor damage, forced reboots and even total system failure.
  • Training: The sheer amount of information as well as the non-traditional user interface is extremely difficult for those who have not had any experience and/or training to use.
  • Electronic Warfare: Electronic Warfare dense zones can notably reduce the effectiveness of some of the systems in the suite, but not totally prevent them from functioning.
  • Range: Not all the sensors work at the same ranges, and for those unfamiliar with using equipment like this, it can be easy to forget that just because something isn't picked up doesn't mean it isn't there.
  • Comms Required: For any of the networking and data sharing functions to work, an additional communications suite is required.
  • Data Security: Because the communications are not handled by the suite, data security of transmitted data is not something that can be ensured by the suite.
The 'Sapan'got Sur'haai' Combat Suite started out as an attempt to modernize the 'Kartayl' Armor Subsystem Suite, but quickly became an entirely new framework with a focus on modularity. The new system can be integrated into existing armor systems as a replacement for similar systems if existing. Additional communications, sensors, scanners, targeting and tracking systems may be added on to the system. The system can also interface with a number of combat peripherals such as integrated weapon systems, jet/jump packs, medical systems, electronic warfare suites, datapads (integrated, wired or over a wireless connection), slicing tools and the like.
The system added on a number of features and improvements over the older Kartayl suite, including but not limited to the inclusion of a portable computer, better optical sensors, a more capable HUD interface, updated specialist knowledge databases, improved hardware, an early warning system and a counter-sniper system. The latter two were added as an attempt to evolve with an increasingly changing battlefield. Troops with high resolution sensor suites, recon droids and the like have become increasingly prevalent. As such, both to better cater to the safety of Strill Securities troops and that of their customers, the early warning system was added on to alert soldiers that they were being targeted so that they have a chance to deploy screening countermeasures and the like.
The counter sniper system is a solution to an age old problem faced by infantry. This is the issue of concealed support weapons positions and marksmen. The system uses its audio pickups and EPR to try and locate a hidden marksman or a concealed support weapon position using the sound of the shot if any and also any emissions from smart optics and the like. Once a rough location has been triangulated, the system places a red square on the user's HUD in the general direction. This gives troops a rough direction to direct reconnaissance, call in fire support or in general watch for any sign of said hostile marksman/weapon operator.
Attention was also paid to the navigation suite. The 'Sapan'got Sur'haai' was designed to provide highly advanced navigations functions with the added benefit of an automapping function for situations when there are no navigational aids or existing maps of the local area. The systems tracking functions also displays the actively tracked and constantly updated position of hostiles on the map, allowing for easier and more detailed tactical planning.
A returning feature is the composite HUD feed. This gives the advantage of allowing the system to detect something that one sensor or scanner may not have picked up on its own. This also allows accurate tracking, target identification and for clear vision through thick cloud cover, storms and heavy rain, fog, as well as other conditions that might otherwise impair targeting, tracking and vision to a severe degree.
In addition to all the new hardware integrations, the 'Sapan'got Sur'haai' also has an integrated portable computer, putting several times the computing power of the average datapad at the user's disposal. This not only increases data storage, but also has the added advantage of the flexibility that the added computing power of a portable computer adds, not to mention the added convenience. Users can do everything from converting it into a powerful slicing rig to running a monitoring program of their starfighter's systems .
The drawbacks of the system, however, are largely the same as its predecessor, with the exception being the fact that not only does the 'Sapan'got Sur'haai' not include a comm system, but it also has no way to ensure security of transmitted data as a result.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new visor, HUD and combat peripheral suite for use by Strill Securities and use and sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: 'Sapan'got Sur'haai' Combat Suite
Modular: Yes
Material: Agrimium mesh, reinforced duraplast plating, duranium frame, combat de-ionizer.
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