Shuklaar Kyrdol
CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

- Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
- Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities.
- Material: Reinforced Duraplast case, Combat de-ionizer and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.
- Processing and Memory: The system's jamming is carefully modulated by processor to avoid jamming the armor system that it is integrated into.
- Communications:
- 'Manda' Battlenet Compatible Networking: The system can modulate its jamming so that it does not affect friendly units by carefully directing and modulating its jamming based on positioning and the modulation of the sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking systems of friendly forces as indicated by the 'Manda' battlenet or any similar system.
- Jammer:
- Modified Dedicated Energy Receptor Projector: The modified DERP absorbs and blocks long-range sensor pings preventing clear target acquisition and target recognition by most enemy scanners, targeting computers, and incoming missiles.
- Modified Full-spectrum Distortion Projector: Using data from the armor it is mounted into, the system checks for detected enemy sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking and then attempts to jam those transmissions by emitting noise in the same direction and modulation.
- Countermeasures:
- Aural-Biological-Chemical Scrambler: The contents are filled with a specialized marker compound, the precise signature of which can be used by friendly sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking systems to 'tune out' the disruptions caused to their operations.
- Coordinated Disruption: The electronic warfare suite has the benefit of not only being able to modulate its capabilities to better impede enemy scanning, targeting, tracking and general situational awareness but also can do so to avoid impairing the same capabilities of nearby friendly units.
- No Dedicated Power Supply: The system was designed to be connected to the power supply of whatever armor that it was integrated into, should that power supply fail or be interrupted the system will simply case to function till continuous power flow is restored.
- We're Being Jammed!: The enemy is usually almost always aware that there is some manner of interference preventing them from getting a good electronic picture of the area, meaning that this is not a great tool to use to avoid detection.
- No Dedicated Sensors: The system was designed to utilize the sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking suite of whatever armor that it was integrated into and does not feature its own.
The Sapanyc Buurenaar or electronic storm in galactic standard basic is a symptom of the constant war between the sword and the shield. Weapons have gotten increasingly intelligent, accurate and lethal. An armored Mandalorian is less of a deadly presence on the battlefield than they used to be, and this certainly went for others using similar infantry doctrines. Numerous solutions were developed in response by the company, including an infantry-scale active protection system. The Sapanyc Buurenaar was one of those solutions.
At the core of the system is a powerful heuristically learning droid brain. The droid brain carefully modulates the jamming to avoid jamming the armor system that it is integrated into. This processor can also tap into a battlenet feed such as the 'Manda' Battlenet that the company produces. It can then modulate its jamming so that it does not affect friendly units by carefully directing and modulating its jamming based on positioning and the modulation of the sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking systems of friendly forces as indicated by the 'Manda' battlenet or any similar system.
The system was designed to be used with an armor system that features its own sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking system as well as with its own power system and as a result. features neither a dedicated suite of its own nor its own power supply. Additionally, a reality of jamming the enemy is that they are usually almost always aware that there is some manner of interference preventing them from getting a good electronic picture of the area, meaning that this is not a great tool to use to avoid detection.
Out Of Character Info
To create an infantry scale electronic countermeasure suite for use by Strill Securities and for use and sale by Breshig War Consolidated.
Canon Link:
Primary Source(s):
Technical Information
Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
'Sapanyc Buurenaar' Electronic Countermeasure Suite
Reinforced Duraplast case, Combat de-ionizer and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.