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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Shushai Rugam' Sensor Sphere

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Light
Size: Small

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Image Source: Here.
  • Data-sharing:
    • Feed Sharing: The composite fused sensor feed can be shared to whoever launches the droid.
  • Comms: Data is transmitted between the operator and the device over a short-range, frequency hopping, encrypted comm or ptp link.
  • Sensors:
  • Offensive Systems: The spot-luma and sonic weapon can be activated remotely by the operator.
    • High-intensity Spot-luma: Several high intensity spot-lumas strobe at the same brightness as a flash-bang grenade, potentially blinding unprotected organics and droids.
    • High-intensity Sonic Weapon: Emits sound similar to a sonic grenade, potentially debilitating unprotected organics and droids.
  • Power:
    • Rechargeable 1 hour power cell.
  • Small, Difficult to See: The sensor sphere's size and its reflec coating make it difficult to see.
  • Tough: The sensor ball is designed to be thrown as it has no method of locomotion on its own, as such it was designed to withstand all manner of abuse, including some limited weapons fire.
  • Extended Situational Awareness: The sensor sphere's sensors can extend the bubble of the operator's situational awareness, particularly without potentially exposing the operator to fire.
  • EMP/Ion: Though the sensor sphere is well protected against EMP/Ion damage, should any damage bypass its defenses, it will like cause significant damage, cascading errors or in a worst case scenario, total irrecoverable shut down.
  • Immobile: The device is completely immobile, and as such it must be positioned carefully. Additionally, if engaged, though not particularly easy to see, the device would be a stationary target.
Designed for use by the company's Vornskr Shock-Assault and Night Stalker commandos as well as for the company's Shocktroopers for use in closed confines of urban operations, the Shushai Rugam or Sensor Sphere in basic, is a simple to use deployable sensor platform that can also serve as an aid to assault operations.
The sensor ball is designed to be thrown as it has no method of locomotion on its own, as such it was designed to withstand all manner of abuse, including some limited weapons fire. That said, it's size and its reflec coating make it difficult to see. The sensor sphere's sensors can extend the bubble of the operator's situational awareness, particularly without potentially exposing the operator to fire. Additionally, it can activate high intensity spot-lumas and high-intensity sonic weapons that can emulate the effects of a flash-bang grenade and sonic grenade respectively.
The major downside is however that the device is completely immobile, and as such it must be positioned carefully. Additionally, if engaged, though not particularly easy to see, the device would be a stationary target. Additionally, though the sensor sphere is well protected against EMP/Ion damage, should any damage bypass its defenses, it will like cause significant damage, cascading errors or in a worst case scenario, total irrecoverable shut down.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new deployable sensor for use by Strill Securities and use and sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: 'Shushai Rugam' Sensor Sphere
Modular: No
Material: Duranium frame, Agrinium inner mesh liner, Duranium plating, Duranium-reinforced Stygian-tripsmatic Polymer composite armor, Reflec coating, Combat De-ionizer, Thermal Gel layer, Anti-Corr 113 coating, other droid parts, Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.
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