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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Strill Sur'haai' Sensor, Scanner, Targeting and Tracking Suite

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average
Size: Average

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Data-sharing: Naturally the Strill Sur'haai can share all data via the 'Manda' battlenet or any other battlenet patched to function with the 'Manda' style data-sharing and processing, but it is also capable of establishing a local area network between other Strill Sur'haai or similar, compatible systems.
    • Feed Sharing: The composite fused sensor feed can be shared either via battlenet or local area network. Other data streams can also be shared.
    • Targeting: Targeting data is shared and overlaid on connected systems typically as 'lines' showing the approximated trajectory of the weapon system. The estimated damage on target and area of effect (if applicable) is also overlaid on the user's display.
    • Navigational Data: Navigational data including but not limited to multiple versions of planned routes, points of interest, targets, objectives and the like can be shared between users.
    • Fire-support: Targeting, positional and other relevant data can be passed on for the purposes of calling artillery or close air support strikes and the like to any compatible system.
  • Data Fusion: The system compares and correlates the data coming in from the myriad systems, showing the operator the combined picture from the various systems to reduce errors and outliers as much as is possible. This also allows accurate tracking, target identification and for clear vision through thick cloud cover, storms and heavy rain, fog, as well as other conditions that might otherwise impair targeting, tracking and vision to a severe degree.
  • Navigation Suite: The navigation suite uses the different systems to best ascertain the operator's location and then provide appropriate navigational aids as required by the user.
  • Software:
    • Mapping: The system has a full navigation suite to be able to aid the user in navigation, but can also use this suite along with its other systems to create a map of the area.
    • Early Warning: If the system detects active sensor or scanner pings or targeting lasers coming from a bearing and range or position that doesn't have any friendly IFFs the system will indicate the direction with either a yellow or red arrow to warn the user depending on whether neutral or hostile signatures are detected.
    • Concealed Shooter Location System: The software parses the sensor feed for signs of a concealed support weapons position, concealed shooter or vehicle firing from a concealed hull down position using the sound of the shot if any and also any emissions from smart optics, sensors suites and the like. Once a rough location has been triangulated, the system places a red square on the user's HUD in the general direction of said potential concealed shooter.
    • Positional Mapping: The system tracks the positions of friendly, hostile and neutral contacts on the map generated by the navigational suite and is constantly updated based on local and networked data.
  • Hardware: The Strill Sur'haai's powerful cluster of heuristic processors allow for vast quantities of data to be easily processed translating raw data to actionable information at an extremely rapid rate. The processors are learning machines and 'learn' how to process data patterns faster and more effectively the longer they are exposed to them.
  • Tactical Analysis and Planning:
    • 'Manda' Module: Tactical analysis is provided by the 'Manda' Tactical Battlenet, performing the same functions as a battle analysis computer and then some. The system computes the various battlefield variables and can offer tactical planning solutions to the user, whether for individual engagements or an assault plan on a enemy held location. The Manda module is a learning machine and adapts its database entries based on the users experiences.
    • Jamming Lock: Using its sensors and scanners it is possible for the system to triangulate the source of electronic noise to a reasonably accurate extent such that a firing solution can be plotted against it. Multiple sources of jamming with a high enough magnitude do greatly increase the amount of time that this times.
  • Targeting:
  • Tracking:
  • Utility Systems:
    • Retractable Hardened Verpine Shatter Tracker Launcher
    • Sensors:
    • Multi-mode Spot-luma(s)
    • Repair: Specialist databases prepared for use with the system can be downloaded from Breshig War Forge Consolidated over the Holonet with the provided access credentials provided to customers. Vehicles not manufactured by Breshig War Forge Consolidated can only have databases prepared if the design specifications are shared with Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
      • Mechanical: The system analyzes the data feed from various sensors and monitoring systems placed around the vehicle feed for similarities with stored design schematics and provides information on tips for repairing, modifying or otherwise dealing with said design.
  • Security:
    • RRDM
    • Socketguard
    • Echo Pulse
    • Pyrowall
    • Holotrace with Connection Trace functionality
    • Retinal Scan: The retinal scan is required to start the system. If the retinal scan fails, the suite will shut down.
    • Emergency Ion Charge: A code-activated ion failsafe can fry the system in emergency situations. The ion failsafe will also activate if any unauthorized tampering is detected by the system.
  • Power:
  • Comprehensive Sensor and Scanner Suite: The sheer number of sensors available gives the craft the suite is mounted on excellent detection, targeting and tracking capabilities.
  • Jamming Resistant: The system's data fusion prevents interference generated by jamming or other electronic warfare from overwhelming the system, with only extremely heavy electronic warfare being able to cause any real issues to the system.
  • Lock on Jam: The system has the capability to triangulate jamming signals and develop a firing solution for the source, enabling vehicles equipped with the system to deal with enemy electronic warfare rather than be largely defenseless against such capabilities.
  • Compatibility: The Strill Sur'haai is compatible with both the Sragivagr and the Manda, allowing for better operator awareness and further improved targeting respectively.
  • EMP/Ion Resistance: With a combat de-ionizier, agrinium mesh and reinforced duraplast plating, the entire system is highly resistant against EMP/Ion weapons.
  • Long Range: The sensor suite has long range detection and target acquisition capabilities, giving the platform it is mounted on a decided advantage in that regard.
  • Power: The system draws a lot of power and requires a dedicated power source to keep running. The backup battery does provide 12 hours of use, but depending on circumstances that could be far from adequate.
  • EMP/Ion: Should the system actually sustain EMP/Ion damage that bypasses it's defenses, then it can cause all manner of havoc, such as data corruption, sensor damage, forced reboots and even total system failure.
  • Electronic Warfare: While jamming resistant, particularly electronic warfare dense zones can notably reduce the effectiveness of some of the systems in the suite, but not totally prevent them from functioning.
  • Comms Required: For any of the networking and data sharing functions to work, an additional communications suite is required.
  • Data Security: Because the communications are not handled by the suite, data security of transmitted data is not something that can be ensured by the suite.
"I can see that shabuire's tattoo..."
"Does that mean we're too close or he's too close?"
"Depends on what magnification you're got it set to."
- Ghes Netra, Jintar Kyrdol and Ruus Kote Ruus Kote

The Strill Sur'haai was designed as a completely new sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking suite as part of the company's ground forces modernization program. One of the new requirements for the system was to de-couple the sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking suite from the communications system to allow a degree of separation that would ideally make remotely accessing the system that much more difficult. The lessons learned from the updated 'Jai'galaar Sur'haai' and the 'Sapan'got Sur'haai' were incorporated into the new suite, taking advantage of the triangulation capabilities of the larger vehicle grade sensors while incorporating the advanced software solutions of the smaller, newer infantry portable system.
The Strill Sur'haai is designed to have a far more comprehensive and notably higher resolution sensor and scanner suite than the Tayr that it replaced, which was already among the marker leaders in vehicle grade sensor and scanner suites. The Strill Su'rhaai didn't have to do double duty as a droid-based sensor suite, however and so had the notable advantage in being able to include larger systems that may not be able to be included in smaller platforms such as large droids or light reconnaissance speeders. A vast range of optical systems and large sensor/scanner apparatus such as a full spectrum transceiver and omniprobe sensor array give any vehicle mounting the system fantastic detection capabilities.
The system's targeting and tracking systems are not lacking either. A macrolaser tracker array, starfighter-grade ranging laser and even a target identification network make up a few notable elements of the suite's targeting systems. The tracking system consists of a fast-target compensator, target acquisition and tracking and countermeasures compensation augmented tracking computer and a friendly, hostile, and neutral target identification system. With modern battlefields often oversaturated with hostile targets and with powerful electronic warfare more often than not pervading it, a solid tracking system is essential in order to carry out any serious operations, and the Strill Sur'haai has one of the most powerful, interference and jamming resistant suites on the market.
In addition to being jamming resistant, one of the software solutions the suite brings to the market is its ability to lock onto jamming sources. Though this more often than not does not result in a firing solution on the precise source or sources of jamming, it does usually prove to be enough to either allow indirect fire to deal with the target or alternatively allow the solution to be dealt with the old-fashioned way; with a lot of direct fire delivered in close, at distances where no amount of electronic warfare can prevent weapons fire from being delivered on target.
A novel software solution pioneered in the Sapan'got Sur'haai that was scaled up to be useful for vehicles is the early warning system. If the system detects active sensor or scanner pings or targeting lasers coming from a bearing and range or position that doesn't have any friendly IFFs the system will indicate the direction with either a yellow or red arrow to warn the user depending on whether neutral or hostile signatures are detected.
Another such solution is the concealed shooter location system. The software parses the sensor feed for signs of a concealed support weapons position, concealed shooter or vehicle firing from a concealed hull down position using the sound of the shot if any and also any emissions from smart optics, sensors suites and the like. Once a rough location has been triangulated, the system places a red square on the user's HUD in the general direction of said potential concealed shooter.
Packing the latest and greatest in technology that the company could think to include for a general purpose suite such as this, the old adage of versatility and modularity was not forgotten. The system can be integrated into existing vehicle systems as a replacement for similar systems if existing. Additional communications, sensors, scanners, targeting and tracking systems may be added on to the system. The system can also interface with a number of other vehicle systems such as active protection systems, electronic warfare suites, mine detectors and the like.
The system does have more than a few drawbacks of the Tayr suite it was meant to replace. One of them, and perhaps chief among them being the lack of a dedicated power supply. Additionally, the inalienable reality of the way such systems operate is that as resistant as they may be to jamming, there is a proportional decrease in effectiveness relative to the strength of jamming in the local area, however low this may be due to the highly advanced signal processing and sensor fusion of the system. Finally, unlike the Tayr, the Strill Sur'haai lacks a dedicated comms system, requiring the addition installation of one, though this is largely an inconvenience to a manufacturer rather than being something that is likely to affect the end user.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an advanced sensor and targeting suite for use on medium and larger ground vehicles.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: 'Strill Sur'haai' Sensor, Scanner, Targeting and Tracking Suite
Modular: Yes
Material: Molecularly bonded Duranium frame, Molecularly bonded Duranium-reinforced Duraplast composite plating, Condensed-matter composite reinforcements, Agrinium lining, Thermal gel lining, Anti-corr coating,Combat de-ionizer, and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.
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