Shuklaar Kyrdol
CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

- Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
- Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities.
- Material: 'Gar Agol' CNT Synthetic Muscle Fiber reloading arm (launcher variant), Reinforced Duraplast ammunition feed, Armorweave sheathed gas pipe and power cable, Molecularly bonded Duranium-reinforced Duraplast casing (backpack and ammunition packs), Condensed-matter composite reinforcements (backpack and ammunition packs), Agrinium lining (backpack and ammunition packs), Thermal Gel layer (backpack and ammunition packs), Anti-Corr 113 coating, Combat De-ionizer and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics (backpack and ammunition packs).
- Modular: The backpack has ammunition and power line adapters to suit a variety of ammunition types and power cell connectors.
- Adjustable: The backpack's straps and armor attachment points can be adjusted for best fit no matter whether with armor, without armor or a variety of other circumstances.
- Weight Distribution: The backpack is built to be able to distribute the weight of its contents evenly.
- Weight Reduction: The pack features micro-repulsors for reducing the felt weight of both it and its contents. These can be switched on or off at the wearer's discretion.
- High Capacity Rylith Power Cell: Power to connected weapons is provided by a high capacity power cell. This power cell can be connected to an external power source such as an armor or vehicle power supply while providing power to a weapon.
- Ammunition Store: The backpack features modular drop in ammunition packs that are compatible with a wide variety of weapons. For blaster and other energy weapons that require a gas supply, the ammunition pack takes the form of an armored gas canister with an armored gas In the case of solid projectile weapons, the ammunition is stored in the container and fed to the weapon via a semi-flexible reinforced Duraplast feed.
- Reloading Assistance: A 'Gar Agol' CNT Synthetic Muscle Fiber with an attached electro-photo receptor that folds into the side of the pack is featured on the ordnance launcher version of the pack instead of a flexible feed. This arm loads the weapon once fired on operator command or automatically. This is either done via HUD or datapad link or by the arm detecting that the weapon has been fired and the operator bringing the loading opening on the weapon up to the pack.
- Less Reloading: With the larger power reserves and ammunition stores, weapons need to be reloaded considerably less frequently.
- Hands Free: The pack mounts to armor or can be worn using adjustable straps, allowing the user to keep both their hands free.
- Resilient: The backpack is designed to take a staggering amount of damage from battlefield sources for what it is.
- Awkward Reload: Carrying spare ammunition packs is not very practical on account of their size and weight relative to magazines/feed boxes, power cells and/or gas canisters.
- EMP/Ion: EMP/Ion weapons that are powerful enough to overload the protective measures will likely cause an overload that will fry the pack's electronics.
"He's got to be out by now!"
"Kriff! He isn't! How much ammo does he have in that thing?!"
- Two pirates during a Strill Securities Tra'verd boarding action.
Developed to ease the operation of heavy and large special weapons, the MAB-01 has remained largely the same since it was first issued to Strill troops prior to the invasion of Breshig. The pack's most obvious advantage is allowing heavy and special weapons operators to be able to keep up with high tempo operations. Additionally, the pack itself can be reconfigured to feed solid projectile weapons, energy weapons or even ordnance launchers. All this comes in a highly resilient package that is resilient in the face of all manner of damage that could be encountered on the battlefield.
The backpack's straps and armor attachment points can be adjusted for best fit no matter whether with armor, without armor or a variety of other circumstances. Additionally, the pack features both weight distribution and reduction features, which is important for the operators of heavy and/or special weapons, which tend to be on the heavier side.
One of the downsides is that once the pack itself is out of ammunition, however, reloading the built-in ammunition hopper can be a cumbersome if not entirely impractical affair. Additionally, powerful enough EMP/Ion weapons can overload the protective measures will likely cause an overload that will fry the pack's electronics. The elements of the pack unaided by the electronics will still function, however, such as the ammunition feed itself.
Out Of Character Info
To create a modular ammunition backpack for use and sale by Breshig War Forge Consolidated and for use by Strill Securities.
Canon Link:
Primary Source(s):
Technical Information
Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
'Tebec Birgaan' Modular Ammunition Backpack
'Gar Agol' CNT Synthetic Muscle Fiber reloading arm (launcher variant), Reinforced Duraplast ammunition feed, Armorweave sheathed gas pipe and power cable, Molecularly bonded Duranium-reinforced Duraplast casing (backpack and ammunition packs), Condensed-matter composite reinforcements (backpack and ammunition packs), Agrinium lining (backpack and ammunition packs), Thermal Gel layer (backpack and ammunition packs), Anti-Corr 113 coating, Combat De-ionizer and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics (backpack and ammunition packs).