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Tech Review Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Tra'shuk' Hyperjump System

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Cooling Systems: In order to prevent the large amounts of heat generated by the system from melting it, the 'Tra'shuk' has an integrated cooling system that will shut the weapon down in the event of it overheating in order to perform a coolant flush and to allow the system to cool down. The system has enough coolant to perform five coolant flushes, but can be connected to a larger coolant reservoir.
  • Diagnostics and Analytics Suite: The system's in-built diagnostics and analysis suite keeps the crew apprised of all manner of system integrity data and effectiveness.
  • Navigational Data Sync: The system is connected into a ship's navigation system and courses are charted the same way they would be charted with a hyperdrive. A destination is chosen and then the beam creates a hyperspace wormhole to that location. The system then runs the necessary calculations to modulate the gravitic polarization beam to create a hyperspace wormhole that leads to that location.
  • Capacitors: A series of high power capacitors can hold charge allowing the system to be calibrated, charged and then used at a moment's notice.
  • Retractable Panel: The gravitic polarization beam's barrel is kept behind a retractable panel. The armor panel made from whatever material the host ship's hull is made from.
  • Blockade? What, blockade?: The system generates a hyperspace wormhole between two points in realspace, allowing it to bypass and interdiction given the transition doesn't require a hyperdrive and isn't affected by mass shadows that may or may not exist along a route between the two locations.
  • Fast: Use of a hyperspace wormhole to traverse the distance between two locations results in considerably less travel time than even some of the fastest hyperdrives.
  • Consistent Time: The time taken to run the necessary calculations to modulate the gravitic polarization beam is always consistent no matter the distance of the location being jumped to.
  • Capacitors: A series of high power capacitors can hold charge allowing the system to be calibrated, charged and then used at a moment's notice.
  • Targeting?: There are no real targeting controls, the gravitic polarization beam 'fires' where the ship is aimed with very limited indication of where the hyperspace wormhole is going to be generated. The process is far too slow to be used remotely effectively or even feasibly in combat.
  • Low Power: The gravitic polarization beam is a far improved model from the power hungry prototypes created during the waning days of the Republic and during the Galactic Civil War. It is capable of creating a hyperspace wormhole without nearly as much energy. That said, it has almost entirely lost its ability to be used as a weapon.
  • Overload: Any attempt to increase the power to the gravitic polarization beam to attempt to weaponize it or any kind of power surge can result in a catastrophic overload resulting in the creation of a hyperspace wormhole in the firing chamber of the gravitic polarization beam.
  • Consistent Time: Though the time taken to run the necessary calculations to modulate the gravitic polarization beam is always consistent, it does mean that short range jumps take just as long as long range or even extreme range jumps, making it a more economical use of time to make use of a traditional hyperjump for such cases.
  • Move, move, move!: The wormholes are not particularly stable and hence do not stay open for a long time, while the precise time can be modulated with power output somewhat, ships have to make their way into the wormhole with a reasonable degree of haste.
Breshig War Forge Consolidated has never been one to make use of esoteric hyperspace transit technologies, however recent dealings with Locke and Key on the part of both Breshig and its parent company did result in some interesting conversations on hyperspace transit technologies, particularly in regards of Locke and Key's hypergate technology. However it was data pulled from the CIS' arhcives of their ancient predecessors that truly yielded any information in how to make any progress in this regard, rescued from the collapse by virtue of Shuklaar Kyrdol's position as deputy minister of science. Attempts to weaponize the technology had all resulted in dramatic failure, but years of careful study of how to tune and optimize the power requirements of the beam resulted in the accidental discovery that it could be used to create hyperspace wormholes to specific locations.
Armed with this knowledge, the company had attempted to create usable technology out of this. Initially the thought had been for the system to be used with a manually updated pre-programmed location as a sort of emergency escape system, similar to what had been used on Mandal Hypernautics Keldabe-class in the years long past. This changed however once Shuklaar attended a corporate meeting regarding the Dark Empire's latest attempts at economic suicide, and it occurred to Shuklaar that he needed a way to bypass blockades and interdictors that didn't involve HIMS systems or having to drop in an neutralize said interdictors. He met with the design team and told them what was required. Soon, they came up with a solution. The team came up with the idea to connect the system to a ship's navigational computer to directly feed the system navigational data.
Calibrating the beam to adjust the wormhole's endpoint it turned out took roughly the same time no matter the distance. This turned out to be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Though the time taken to run the necessary calculations to modulate the gravitic polarization beam was always largely consistent, it did mean that short range jumps took just as long as long range or even extreme range jumps, making it a more economical use of time to make use of a traditional hyperjump for such cases. To mitigate this issue, a series of high power capacitors can hold charge allowing the system to be calibrated, charged and then used at a moment's notice. That said, the calculations for wormhole generation always have to be done with current location taken into account, should the ship hyperspace jump into another system with an already plotted solution calculated, the solution would either have to be done with the next system taken into account or an entirely new solution would have to be calculated.
The system's operation is not without notable aspects that are required to be taken into account, however. The wormholes are not particularly stable and hence do not stay open for a long time, while the precise time can be modulated with power output somewhat, ships have to make their way into the wormhole with a reasonable degree of haste. Additionally, there are no real targeting controls, the gravitic polarization beam 'fires' where the ship is aimed with very limited indication of where the hyperspace wormhole is going to be generated. Finally, any kind of power surge can result in a catastrophic overload resulting in the creation of a hyperspace wormhole in the firing chamber of the gravitic polarization beam. Nonetheless, the cost of being aware of these issues is seen as a small price to pay for the immense utility added on by a system such as this.
Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol

I love the creativity involved in this submission, this is the very definition of finding a piece of obscure tech and running with it. There are however, a few changes I'd like to see made to this submission in order to pass it.

1) I need it made clear that the creation of the hyperspace wormholes is still affected by gravity well, that is to say, you can't create a wormhole in a planetary or an interdiction well. These are gravitational anomalies, and we know hyperspace is also affected by grav wells.

2) This is too powerful a technology to be allowed at a minor rating, allowing effectively instantaneous travel across space. As hypergates are limited to semi-unique, I'm going to require this technology to also be restricted to semi-unique.

3) Only the ship containing the system should be able to enter the wormhole, other ships should not be able to use it.

Please review my notes and let me have your notes.

It has also been brought to my attention that hte gravitational polarization beam technology upon which this is based is a superweapon. As super weapons are not allowed by the Chaos rules, I'm going to give you the opportunity to see if you can find a different basis for this submission.
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Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated
John Locke John Locke

To address the gravitic polarization beam's status as a super weapon, as you can see, my version has numerous weaknesses that outright stipulate that the modified version of the gravitic polarization used in the submission does not have the power to function as a weapon and that if the power is increased the weapon will end up creating a hyperspace wormhole within its firing chamber. I feel as though this precludes the component from ever being used as a weapon.

The rest of your points make sense to me. If I may be permitted a counterpoint to the production rating, however, hypergates are not only much larger but are also effectively 'permanent' while these wormholes as I believe I've stated in the submission barely last long enough for the ship in question to use them. Additionally the calculations have to be carried out for each origin system and take the same time no matter distance unlike with a traditional hyperdrive. So while the transit is faster, the actual pre-jump process is actually potentially longer than a standard hyperdrive. With that in mind, could I convince you to allow them at limited?
Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol

I do understand that you tried to balance out hte superweapon status, however Chaos' rules are very clear on that point, Superweapons are not allowed. No matter how we try to weaken or adjust them. As such I'm going to move this submission back top the pre-factory to give you a chance to rework the submission to remove the super weapon elements.

Regarding the semi-unique classification, it's a good try, but no, this is in face more powerful than a hypergate since it can be formed anywhere. It was a good attempt but no, semi-unique is where it stands.

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