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Approved Armor Breshig War Forge Consolidated 'Verd b' Marev' Gauntlet and Vambrace

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Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Average

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Soldier's Best Friend: The 'Verd b' Marev' Gauntlet and Vambrace was designed to be more than just a platform for weapons, rather it was designed to put a number of features an infantry soldier might need at their fingertips so to speak.
  • Resilient: The 'Verd b' Marev' is made from a Stesr'gar-Stygian triprismatic polymer composite, allowing it to resist damage from a number of sources such as energy weapons, kinetic energy weapons, EMP/Ion weapons and even lightsabers.
  • Enhanced Capabilities: The 'Verd b' Marev' features a built-in crushgaunt with a number of other lethality enhancing and utility functions. This not only makes the wearer more lethal on the battlefield, particularly in close combat, but also makes them more versatile in their capabilities.
  • External Power Source Required: The'Verd b' Marev' Gauntlet and Vambrace was designed to be connected to an armor's power supply rather than be used without a suit of armor with a self-contained power supply. It could be connected to a power supply independent of an armor as well, but doing so would be up to the user.
  • EMP/Ion: Though well protected against EMP/Ion weapons and against potential short circuiting from weaponized electrical attacks, should any of these actually manage to cause damage, it will likely cause a catastrophic cascading failure given the high percentage of electronic and electric systems.
The ''Verd b' Marev' Gauntlet and Vambrace' was designed as the base for a number of different specialist gauntlet and vambrace combination units
as part of the company's armor modernization program. The 'Verd b' Marev'itself, however, was designed to be the infantry soldier's best friend. Packing in all manner of advanced Strill Securities' shock troops had often complained about the general lack of ability to customize the tools attached to their vambraces, and so the company set about creating a gauntlet and vambrace that included a number of major improvements but made sure those improvements didn't get in the way of ease of customization.
Following company tradition of bringing Mandalorian tradition into the modern era, the design team decided to integrate a number of different functions into the crushgaunts. Magnetic grips with the ability to attract ferromagnetic objects toward it from a short distance away were included due to the prevalence of those with either the technological or force-based means to disarm opponents as well as for the ease of retaining grip on one's weapon in extreme circumstances. Failing that, the magnetic attraction feature allows a user to quickly recover their weapon by attracting the grip into their hands. The process is somewhat tricky and takes practice but company troops have taken to it with minimal difficulty, with many having integrated such technology into their armors.
In order to further increase the lethality of the crushgaunts, a energy field enhancement notably increased a user's already very lethal blows. In addition to the crushgaunt's ability to increase the user's strength, a repulsor based system that actuated to increase the force of the user's strikes either on command or automatically based on the commands of a dedicated system that studies the user's fighting style. Finally, to aid non-lethal engagement of hostile targets, a variable shock setting was integrated.
In keeping with tradition, both wristband blades and a knuckleplate vibroblade were included, in keeping with the close quarters training traditions of the clans of Breshig that still largely make up the company's ranks as well as that of the company's own close quarters training regimen, which was derived from that of the clans. Modular weapon attachments allow the user to mount and use whatever weapons they might prefer, addressing a previous concern about a lack of modularity held by company troops. To further address said concern, the tool mounts were also made modular, but include as standard a fusion cutter and a repulsor-assisted grappling hook.
One of the factors taken into consideration while designing armor is user survivability. To this extent, the 'Verd b' Marev' includes a medical regulator device. The regulator device can connect to an armor mounted medical suite for better coordinated functioning between the two devices.
The crushgaunts also aid motor control and even provide targeting synced weapon stabilization for carried weapon systems with compatible targeting solutions. A microsensory mesh can be enabled to can increase the user's sensitivity through the gauntlet, greatly increasing their dexterity. A reversible micro repulsor rounds off the utility functions, allowing the user to potentially adhere to surfaces.
A full communications capable high powered datapad with a number of interface options and a full security suite was also integrated to give the user easy ability to view, store, share and editg data in the field without having to bring a separate datapad or portable computer. The datapad also includes a databreaker, meaning users can potentially gain access to data without requiring a specialist. An included, powerful computer spike with RRDM countering routines furthers capabilities, potentially allowing access to both data as well as the system itself.
The 'Verd b' Marev' is not without its own flaws, however. Due to the fact that company produced armors are powered by a powerful, long-lasting Isotope-5 reactor, the decision was made not to include a dedicated power supply. Should an armor integrated power supply fail, the 'Verd b' Marev' will lose the ability to function as well. Additionally, though well protected against EMP/Ion weapons and against potential short circuiting from weaponized electrical attacks, should any of these actually manage to cause damage, it will likely cause a catastrophic cascading failure given the high percentage of electronic and electric systems.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new gauntlet for use by Strill Securities.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.

Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: 'Verd b' Marev' Gauntlet and Vambrace
Modular: Yes
Material: Stesr'gar-Reinforced Stygian-triprismatic polymer composite armor, Thermal Gel layer, Anti-Corr 113 coating, Combat de-ionizer and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):

EMP/Ion: Very High
Lightsabers: Very High
Acid: High

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