Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bria Shadow-Tarkin

NAME: Bria Shadow-Tarkin
SPECIES: Eldorai/Zeltron
AGE: 30 *been in stasits for 1000 years*
SEX: female
EYES: Yellowish/pinkish tint
HAIR: Purple
SKIN: pinish


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: -Having a command presents when in the room of others
-Having the wisdom of the life she passion for those under her ruling.
-Keeper of balance between those who would do harm
-hide her thought

WEAKNESSES: -Love of her late husband and children
-Let her angry take a hold of her quickly
-Others to control her action, to please them.
-Understand her actions full, just thinking with her passion

APPEARANCE: Wearing that of her dress, not always what she thinks she should wear, but knowing what needed. Closing to left side is a three little yellow stars for her children. In the middle is sith crest for her husband. She also had tattoos on her face to make it more interesting. In her hair she wears a crescent moon for her family crest. Being of little pettie of 5'3 weighting only 112lbs. Keeping her hair straight.


BIOGRAPHY: Until she was taken off her planet by force by one that could see her force sensitive. Having a wonderful simple life with her family. Nothing by love there, even those there was always that talk of how different her father was from all the other father. Nothing was spoke of where his wealth came from or what life he had lived before meeting her mother.

It wasn't until that night that she was taken from her bed in the middle of the night to unknown place. It didn't go well for her at first until she learn how to please her captor. Only to find him wanting more from her, to start some harsh training upon her.

In this time learning who her father really was, the horror of every detail. Not able to shake it off, as the father she knew was nothing but loving caring for all he came to call family and friends. At that time, her mother caught up to her only this captor had turn her against her mother. Taking off from her, as she fought to behead the Sith Lord that taken her. Making it only to the planet of Gyndine where she once again was befriend, started a relationship with the ruler of the planet, which continued her training, into the dark arts. Until he disappeared coming to find herself being called to defend not what the people of the planet call her Mother Protector.

In this time instead of running into battle she used her skills to call to the table to which came out of a friendship at first. Over the next year or so with Raven call on her from time to time being some of her other skills to her knowledge of the mind.

He was afraid of taking Bria to see his father, but he had fallen for her not only that but when around her he was calm, and in control of himself. Knowing that he could become his father at anytime. It went back to the time of Clone war, that the Tarkin couldn't stand other race but human all other race was below them. In was that time that the truth came out that Raven was a truth sith Lord. Coming also to train her in a little bit of sith magic not enough but enough to defend herself against her crazy father-in-law.

Making sure to hide her true self from now father-in-law playing the subservient to his bidding. This was when Raven built his own Emprie the Tarsin taking over Taris where she became Empress of the Empire. Ruling caring deeply for her people, they coming to love her just as much as Raven. Falling in love with her beauty but also her feeling of others, not that she was always so loving when needed to she deal harshly to those that decide to go against the Empire.

As time went on what they would later call a joy but also met dark time for them was when coming pregnant with her children, knowing Raven father would want to get his hands upon them to control them into his own game, what every it was with him always playing dangerous games. This being hard and hard to hide taking a toll on her body. With out a word when the babies was born taking them from her own darker, to the point of no hope. Even in her heart knowing it was for the best that they be hidden knowing that she could never know where her husband had taken them to. Only then came the finally blow that she put her self in stastis that was the killing of Raven with out her she couldn't go one, weak and broken, with out direction putting herself to sleep. In a tone that had family history but also, of great power and wealth. It being protective by sith magic and traps to the Empress of once great Empire of old.

SHIP: Lightsaber whip, a rode, holcron of her sith husband, sith magic book of the dark arts.

Force powers: *knight rank*

*Mind Control
*Force Illusion
* Force suppression
* Force fear
*Force deflection
* Force empathy
*Force Telepathy
* Force camouflage

This part from this character in rp.


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