Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Brick

Faction: Mandalorian

Species: Human

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Height: 6'1

Weight: 205

Eyes: Green

Hair: Brown

Skin: Light

Force Sensitive: No

Strengths: Hand to hand fighter. Proficient with knife. Excellent with sword and shield. Aggressive.

Weaknesses: Amnesia. Loose canon. Doesn't know how to fly. Bucks authority. Insecure due to not knowing who he is. Always trying to prove himself which gets him in tight spots and more oft then not injured.

History: He was born, or more like came into being, a little more then one standard year ago. He was found amid five men who were dead buck naked and gripping a brick dyed red with the blood of the dead. In jail he waited and then was sentenced to death. The ship on the no name back world that was to deliver the man known as 'Brick' and other murderers to their death crashed allowing them prisoners to escape. So Brick caught the first transport of the rock and found his way into the galaxy.

All he knows of his past is what his body tells him. He is tall and strong with hands and instincts that have seen battle. He thinks he was a soldier or a mercenary. Scars sprinkle his body as well as a tattoo. The mythosaur, the symbol of the Mandalorians. He found he knows how to speak huttese, a smattering of curses in several languages, and mando'a.

Now he searches for answers of who he is, who he was, and who he could be.

A pack with two changes of rough clothes.
Two swords and circular shield.
A knife.
A DC-17 blaster.
Ration cubes.
Damn, I thought you would have looked differently.

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