Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Brief LOA

Internet access is gonna be hampered, so [member="Ærin Firebrand"], our epic thread will be delayed just a bit. 4-6 days, I expect.

For people rp'ing with my alts [member="Cronos Aegir"], [member="Aela Darkstar"], & [member="Kára Morrigan"]; namely [member="Morgana Forceborn"], [member="Serena Bouie"], [member="Enigma"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Cody Jorin"], [member="Aurelia Volcata"], [member="Jericho"], [member="Solan Charr"], and etc., our rp's will commence upon my return!

I bid the adieu, and good day!

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