Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Bright Day, Dark Night




Emberlene ~ Hall of Faces
The Hall of Faces. Adron thought it was a peculiar name for the ballroom where the people of Emberlene had devoted a lavish celebration to, but he said nothing aloud. He was, after all, a guest of the Council of The People and it would not do to insult them so forwardly. The King of Illyria stood on a balcony, overlooking the crowd of Emberlene Aristocrats who danced below. They were all fashionable dancers with unique flair. In fact for the time being the Royal was content to merely watch the display without entering the fray or attempting to boost himself to prominence with honeyed words and a golden tongue.

The hall itself was also beautiful. Décor of gold and scarlet was a popular duo among the wealthy so it was no surprise to see it embodied so wonderfully here. In fact the familiar sense of superiority caused a smile to come to the King's lips. That was when he heard a voice ring out from behind him. "
Your majesty, you have worried me." The voice was poised and measured, but with it was a unique tone that few could hope to copy. The King turned back to face the Chamberlain of his House with an interested, albeit it minor, arch of the brow. "I have worried you, Jean?" He repeated as the silver haired man held out a flute of golden champagne. The King wrapped his gloved hands around the crystal before bringing the drink to his lips. The Chamberlain was noticeable hesitant as his arms fell to the small of his back. He said nothing for a moment before opening his lips as if to speak but shortly closing them once again. "It is just. You have been working even more than usual lately."

Adron chuckled softly at the words. "
I am a King, that requires more than sitting upon a throne and throwing banquets all the time." He responded. The Chamberlain nodded slowly before speaking up once again, this time more directly. "I worry that since pulling from The Confederacy and your annulment of your marriage that you have been throwing yourself too deep into such depths." Ah. Adron thought with a notable gleam in his eye. He smiled softly before drinking down a bit more of the wine, then he turned his expression to Jean. "Leaving the umbrella of The Confederacy was necessary as was removing Alessandra from the throne." He said simply.

"The Golden Age of Illyria is before us and I will let nothing come in the way of its arrival, least of all my emotions." He said with finality before the Chamberlain nodded before clearing his throat. "Of course, your Majesty. Just please remember...Illyria needs you far more than you need it." The Chamberlain held out an item, resting it on the bannister beside the King. Adron glanced down to see the owl-like mask that sat beside him. An owl? He mused. Was that the best that Jean could find? The King chuckled softly to himself before taking the mask into his hands. When the King turned back to face his Chamberlain the man had disappeared. It was his nature, as both servant and assassin, he could not bear to remain out in the open for all to see.

"Very well Jean. Then tonight I will not work, I will turn my eyes outward and see what this world can offer me." He said, slipping the mask on over his face.

W E A R I N G | [X] - [X]
T A G | Adron Malvern Adron Malvern

Emberlene was beautiful that night, and the Council of The People had done a fantastic job mirroring that inside the ballroom.
Tinkling music swelled to a beautiful crescendo, every note finding a home in the cracks between the titled floor or the eves decorated in streams of gold. Bright, vibrant flowers in all shades were spattered about the room, filling it with a heady scene that lingered in the nose long after you departed. Behind each ornate mask, there was a smile unmatched. Even the dance floor seemed to be alive with something not quite tangible. People dressed in a blurred rainbow of silk and velvet swung in concentric circles, performing the steps to dances older than time itself.
There was a hint of superiority in the air. The notion that everyone gathered here today believed themselves to be pique of high society. This thought was reflected in everything. The sounds, the smells, the sights, the food, the drink…
Saraya fit in exceedingly well.
The edges of her ebony dress caught a breeze as she swirled hand in hand with a masked partner to the soothing solo of violins. Where it not for the theme of the party that evening, his mask would have made him mysterious. An exotic stranger garbed in a black suit with a wrought metal face-covering set neatly on his features. As it was, he was no more exciting than the rather plain choice of wine the Council had picked for the evening. When the violins died down, the silence was quickly filled with a round of applause, dulled by the silk gloves encasing the guest’s hands. Saraya joined in, offering a respectful nod of her head to her dancing partner.
He stepped forward, offering out a hand for a second dance, but Saraya shook her head politely and excused herself from the dance floor. The lure of the silver tray topped with silver goblets had called her back to the edge of the ballroom.
“He seemed… interesting.” Her friend commented as she joined her side to watch the second dance. Saraya shot her a playful smirk. “Interesting is far too kind a word.” They both shared a half-hidden giggle at his expense. “Honestly, Sara, will anyone ever interest you?” Her friend remarked in turn once their laughter had died down. Saraya cast her friend a “touch me not” expression and turned her emerald gaze back to the dancing. It was far too deep a question for an evening such as this. Besides, she had not come here to search for a suitor. She had attended to make merry.
To dance, drink, laugh…
What her friend sought was the stuff of fairy stories. Love and first sight. Princes rescuing princesses from tall towers and dangerous dragons. A once upon a time ending with a happily ever after. Saraya was much more the realist.
Drawing another sip of sweet, dry wine she cast her gaze out to the crowds. To the people sitting shoulder by shoulder at clothed tables, indulging in exotic fantasies. To the ones swirling to the music in a snowstorm of multicoloured material. To the balcony that ran around the entire length of the ballroom. A flash of silver caught the dimly glowing candlelight that decorated the walls. Saraya could not help but be drawn to it. A solitary man stood at the railings, glaring down upon the gathering with an intense gaze.
It was the mask that had originally caught her attention, but it was the way he seemed to hold himself that convinced it to stay.



The evening was carrying on and the King's gaze scoured the crowd as a hawk searched its familiar hunting grounds for prey. His fingers strummed along the bannister as his amethyst eyes lingered from one part of the crowd to the next. Those assembled were like the thousands of others the man had seen just like them. Ravenous appetites of every nature, searching to fulfil their needs of food, drink, sex, drugs, and gossip. It left a dark cloud within the air that only a Sith Lord could have a true appreciation for. For just a single moment he closed his eyes to take in the lust and avarice within the room. When his eyes opened again they had a certain shine about them and he felt his body fill with a kind of relaxation.
Those amethyst eyes turned back to the crowd below and Adron spotted a pair of eyes lingering on his own form. A brow was lofted in the direction of those eyes, finding them beautiful even from this distance. Slowly he let his gaze rest on her own, taking a moment to gauge what he'd found.
At that moment he could feel a presence behind him once more, looming and alert as always. Jean glanced up to his King before turning his eyes to the source of that gaze he'd never once seen before. The woman that caught his eyes caused his lips to form a circle in understanding. With his hands tucked at the small of his back in two balled fists, the man could not help but show a small smile. "Something catch your eye, your majesty?" Adron glanced back to the Chamberlain with a soft chuckle falling from his lips. "Perhaps..."
"And?" Jean insisted. Adron turned from the bannister, towards Jean while placing a hand on the man's shoulder. "The eye does not go wanting. I think I'll go and mingle." Jean smiled at this as well, following on the man's heels. "Very good, your majesty."
Descending from the upper floor, Adron moved with an even gait. As he came down the stairs his eyes fell on the woman he'd shared a gaze with and he offered her a choice smile. Closing the distance between them a single hand sank into his pocket as the Force extended from him in a simple wave. He could feel her curiosity and he intended to pique her interest. Once the distance was closed, the man placed a hand behind his back while the other came up over his heart. He bowed, those amethyst eyes never once escaping her as he spoke. "Bonjour, ma dame." He greeted in the fluid, romantical tongue of High Illyrian.
"Honor me?" He suggested a dance, holding his hand out to the lady in invitation.
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T A G | Adron Malvern Adron Malvern

Mystery had always intrigued her. The who and what of what lay beyond first glances and meetings. This man on the balcony was certainly a mystery. For Saraya that mystery extended far more than just what was behind the expertly crafted mask.
Turning his head to face her was the last thing Saraya had imagined he would do. She felt a flush of embarrassment taint her cheeks a bright shade of scarlet, but she did not withdraw her gaze. For some strange reason, she was entirely enraptured by him. It was almost as if it had been disguised before, when his head had been turned to other things, but now it was as loud as the chatter of the guests. Though she could only make out the outline of his form, there was a tension between them that could not be explained.
A second man appeared suddenly, one that stole the attention of her mystery owl away. Saraya hid her disappointment in another sip of wine.
“Who was that?” Her friend’s voice sliced through the tension like a warm knife. “I’m not-…” Saraya began to reply, but she was drowned out by a piercingly high squeal of excitement. “He’s coming down!” All of a sudden, Saraya felt a strange sense of elation. As though the butterfly on her mask had slipped down and was beating its wings aggressively against her stomach. She watched the back of his suit disappear for a brief moment, only to reappear at the bottom of the staircase.
It appeared that Saraya wasn’t the only one enamoured with the mysterious stranger. Almost every eye was on him as he cut through the crowd toward her. For a moment she was almost certain that he would turn at the last minute, to give his attention to someone far more suited to his aura, but he did not. When he spoke, his voice was as beautiful and seductive as the strings the musicians plucked at. In return for his bow, she offered him a curtsy. The reason was two-fold. First, it would hide the scarlet that had still yet to leave her cheeks. Secondly, she was ever the princess.
Saraya had heard the tongue before. A language native to Illyria, said to be one of the most romantic in the entire Galaxy. He spoke so beautifully she was almost embarrassed to respond in crass and harsh sounding basic. “It would be my pleasure.” She spoke, pulling her painted lips up into a beautiful smile. Her emerald eyes risked a quick glance to her friend, who had by now slunk back a little to give the two some space. Her face was beaming with a grin that Saraya would have recognized blindfolded. She did her best not to roll her eyes at her.
Taking his hand in hers, Saraya led them toward the centre of the ballroom.
“An interesting choice of mask.” She commented as they slipped easily onto the crowded dance floor to merge in with the other dancers. Though she would not notice for months to come, the action was so fluid. As though they had been there, dancing together, from the very beginning. “Owls are said to be incredibly intelligent. I’ve heard them being described as sage-like.” A small smile crept onto her face as she placed one hand on his shoulder and the other into his palm as they began to sway. Fresh new music swelled as the light orchestra began to play again. “I wonder, does the mask reflect the man behind it?”


The softest hands he'd ever experienced slipped into his own as a confident smile came over his lips. He led the Lady from her party, instead guiding her to the dance floor with a practiced step. His own Chamberlain simply bowed his head and stepped back towards a nearby wall, more than content to watch the King he served. They joined the dance floor as two rivers flowing into a single stream, effortless and without pause. Slowly and confidently they slipped into the steps of the routine. When she spoke of his mask, the man could not help but loft an unseen brow behind his mask. "Owls are very intelligent. We have many species of them on my home planet. Of course they are intelligent, focused and deadly creatures." His tone was low and attracting, standing on a plateau of allures.

His hands went to her waist, keeping the dance intimate but not too intimate to where she would take distress, only pleasure. As they began to move through the dance floor the King smiled down at the woman within his arms. When she asked if the mask was a reflection of the man behind he offered her a gentle tease in his tone. "I suppose you would have to know the man behind the mask to know for certain. After all what words could I offer you that were nothing more than..." He spoke, leading her into a deep dip, his free hand coming to draw her leg up as he held her by the dip in her back and her thigh. "...a dream?" He recovered her as the music seemed to speed up ever so minorly. Again they were in step with the crowd with flawless precision. He guided her and she followed as if two embers blowing through the night sky in perfect sync.

"But people do enjoy their dreams, don't they?" He said, before turning his eyes to her own mask. His presence before her was powerful, yet safe. He wanted it to be known as such. He was a warlord, a murderer, a monster, and a savior all wrapped in one and every single thing about him reflected that, from his tone to the way he led her in the dance. "A butterfly, appropriate. Butterflies are unrivaled in their beauty yet survive extremely harsh conditions." He said as they moved into a spin.

"What is the name of the butterfly I hold within my arms?" He wondered aloud, allowing his amethyst eyes to fully reveal the interest and curiosity within.

He quickly corrected himself. "Excuse me and my lack of manners. It would not do to ask a Lady her name without presenting myself first. I am Adron Malvern, King of Illyria and catcher of butterflies." He said with an amused tone.
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T A G | Adron Malvern Adron Malvern

The word rang like great brass bells in Saraya’s mind. It was not just the nature and meaning of the word that caused her heart to beat faster against her ribs. It was the way he had said it. With such intense emphasis that Saraya could not ignore it. Her only problem was, she could not decipher whether it made her uncomfortable or whether this seemingly dangerous streak within made her feel exhilarated.
When his hand slipped around her waist, she was all too happy to let it draw them closer.
Saraya was exceedingly interested in getting to know the man behind the mask. She could only offer him a sultry smile. It was as though he knew the mystery was the very reason she had accepted his offer in the first place, and that intrigue was the reason they continued to dance.
A breathless sigh of surprise escaped her lips when he swung her down into a dip. Her fingers curled tightly around his lapel, and she was vaguely aware of the sound of blood rushing through her ears. This was as close as they had been, and Saraya could now see the hint of colour in his eyes. A fantastic hue of amethyst that seemed to drink in every inch of light that came its way. Saraya thought she had escaped the shade of scarlet, but when he drew her up to resume the dance, it had returned to her cheeks like an old friend.
“How could they not?” She responded. “After all, dreams are the perfect way to chase your heart’s desire.” Saraya almost felt as though she were dreaming now. The music had somewhat faded, as though they were dancing underwater. She could have sworn when they began the dance they were surrounded by a crowd of smiling faces, but now there were just the two of them.
Her emerald gaze flicked up at the mention of her mask, as though she could see it herself. Of course, all she could see was a hint of silver in her peripheral vision. The mask itself had been a gift, but the three dark purple jewels had been added for the party. It felt rather like fate now.
Finally, he asked her name. Just as she parted her lips to respond, he interrupted her.
Saraya could have feigned a disinterest. She could have pretended to not know who he was, but she did not. Instead, she allowed her face to openly display her surprise. When she finally came to her senses again, the shocked silence had been stretching between them for what had felt like a painfully long minute. “Sara.” She began with but quickly followed up with further information. “Saraya Arenais. Princess of Mnemosyne and owl whisperer extraordinaire.” Her face managed to look almost regal. Beaming with subtle pride at the way she had recovered from total shock to flirtatious banter.
“So.” She asked, risking the chance to draw herself closer to him. She felt his hand slip on the soft silk of her dress as she moved until it was almost entirely encasing her. “Does this mean I should call you your highness?


As the woman spoke of dreams and desires the King's lips curled into a welcoming smile. Vision. He could see it from just that one moment that behind her eyes and within her heart was a vision. Like a hungry rancor his appetite for this woman only continued to grow from that single sentence. "Yes, they are, aren't they?" He responded to her with an agreeing tone. As they danced he could smell the perfume covering her scent. It was more intoxicating than any drink in the galaxy and three times as alluring.

Then she said it.

Saraya Arenais. The words caused him to fall silent in the dance they shared. Behind his mask, not the mere owl mask, but the mask that had been created through years of political maneuvering, beneath that mask his mind surged. There had only been one Arenais that Adron had known in his life and that had been his former Master, Veiere Arenais. Veiere had once committed himself to deepening Adron's connection with the Force, making him something more than a mere Dark Jedi. In some ways it was that man who set Adron on the path to becoming a Sith Lord, though he would never have guessed that so many years ago.

A fraction of a moment passed and the King decided to try the name on his tongue. "Saraya." he repeated with a low, almost sultry tone. As Saraya grew closer to the King he savored every inch she gifted him with. Feeling her nearly pressed against his body was enough to bring the fires from deep within him to stir. His hand that rested on the small of her back urged her forward. "You-" He said sharply, lingering a spare few inches from her. "-may call me Adron." He leaned forward so he might whisper into her ear. "And you may say the name anytime your lips miss the taste of it."

He stepped back, creating distance between the two. It was a harsh movement, however every man in the hall did the same as that was what this particular routine called for. As the music began to wind down, the Illyrian glanced at the band, bowing deep at the waist at the Lady. A sign to mark the end of the dance. As he recovered he could not help but think the dance had ended entirely too early. His brow lofted when another seemed to share his mind.

Across the room Jean was approaching the band. Adron could see the man slipping a credit chit into the Maestro's hand before turning and looking to Adron pointedly.

Suddenly there was a long, beautiful
note to erupt from the band.

The King watched as those confused dancers stepped back, uncertain of what to do. As they all stepped back, the King looked to the woman before him, holding out his hand with a challenging smile. "Honor me?" He asked, once again.
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T A G | Adron Malvern Adron Malvern

Though she could not tell for certain, Saraya was sure she had seen a glimmer of recognition in his eye at the mention of her name. The notion itself was nothing new, the name Arenais was not a quiet one, but it was more than that. He knew it better than simply “The Monarchy of Mnemosyne”. Though her curiosity had reached a fevered peak, Saraya did not pry.
Her name had never sounded as beautiful or as alluring as it did when he spoke it. The gentle weight he placed on her lower back left her breathless, and his sultry tone in her ear caused an unintended sigh to trickle from her lips. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention and a shudder of electricity ran through her spine. Saraya was almost lost for words. She flicked her emerald gaze up to meet his, wearing an expression that illuminated her face.
“Adron.” It slipped smoothly off her tongue, as though it had always belonged there. “I fear if I allow myself such a pleasure your name may never leave my lips.” She quipped back with a coy smile.
Saraya was almost pained to hear the familiar notes that signalled the end of the song. The not so subtle truth of it was, she could have danced with Adron all night, music or not. Yet, she managed to step back as the dance required. She managed to clap politely for the other dancers, despite neither noticing nor paying attention to them in the slightest. As she offered a curtsy to Adron, she realised. She did not need to be a mind reader to know he felt the same. The dance had ended far too soon.
Just as she was about to part her lips to thank him, the band picked up again. A single, pitched note that carried far across the ballroom and echoed from the marble walls. Saraya smiled and threw her gaze from the floor up to Adron.
His hand hovered in the air inches in front of her, fingers stretched out toward her daringly A blush crept over her cheeks as she cocked her head slightly toward him. It was not a dare, she realised. It was a challenge. The smile stretched until her painted lips parted to reveal pearly white teeth. Saraya was not the type to shy away from a challenge. She grasped his hand.
As the music dove into a spirited beat, her heeled shoes twirled expertly against the polished stone floor. The hem of her dress flared dramatically as she spun into Adron. Chest against chest, she could feel his heart beating against hers. Smell the intoxicating scent on his skin. One of her hands reached up to trace the chiselled line of his jaw. She knew this dance. It was almost like a game.
Saraya was more than happy to show him how she played.


Dancing was as much an art as any other. In the world of the Aristocracy one who could not dance was one who was barely worthy of any title. So naturally the Princess of Mnemosyne and the King of Illyria moved with perfect elegance. The moment the dance began the two put on a wonderful display. As Saraya's dress flared through the motions the man kept his focus on the movements of her feet, suggesting her movements. He moved forward, embracing her charismatically, enjoying the feeling of her warm hand against his jaw. Even he could not hold back the smile that came to his lips.

The song continued and as the two danced, Adron's eyes became the property of Saraya. Not a single glance was spared away from the beautiful woman. However he looked to more than her beautiful green pearls. He watched every movement as it was executed in perfect precision. Not even a single hair was out of place.

Very well. Then let us my world. His lips curled into a deeper smile and suddenly there was darkness.

The Sith Lord had exerted his control over the Force and in Saraya's mind they descended into a pit of darkness. Their clothes became nothing more than wisps of shadow, barely clinging to the form of their bodies. In this realm Saraya could see the shine within Adron's eyes, yet surrounding in darkness he seemed larger than he was and his handsome face could have well been the face of a demon. They danced together, yet there as no music, nor was there any sound. There was only the two of them dancing in the depths of shadow.

It lasted for only a fraction of a second, however in Saraya's mind they may as well have danced for an eternity. As they returned to reality and Saraya clung to Adron, he dipped her one final time, bowing his head and closing his eyes. As the sound trickled back into the room with a thunderous applause he could not help but twist his lips back into that same self-content smile he loved to host.
W E A R I N G | [X] - [X]
T A G | Adron Malvern Adron Malvern

Dancing was the last thing on Saraya’s mind as they threw themselves into the frenzied movements. The complicated steps came as easy as breathing, though from the moment she felt his skin against hers, breathing had been impossible.
Where his eyes were her property, hers were under his spell. An enchantment was far too kind a word for the power he held over her. Just as it had in the dance before, the rest of the ballroom melted away. The balcony, the tables, the faces surrounding them, nothing but a blur of irrelevance. The only thing that mattered was him. The only stark difference to this dance was the tension that swelled between them until it came to a cataclysmic clash in time to the music.
Adron drowned them in shadow and revealed his true self.
The darkness did not frighten her. It had not even tried her in her youth when all the other children of her age whimpered for nightlights the moment the sun dipped behind the clouds. Darkness fascinated her. There were so many undiscovered things lurking in the shadows. So, when shadow came to claim them both, Saraya did not shy away. Nor did the spell break. If anything, when the demonic presence he projected came to wrap its arms around her, Saraya felt safe. Though it dominated her in every way possible, though its face was frightening and full of evil, Saraya was no less enamoured.
In the shadowed realm the light sided tendencies of her family shone. The wisps of smoke twisting and curling around her form glowed, illuminating her body in soft golden light. When the steps of the dance drew them closer together, his eyes were the only thing she cared to look at. His hands were the only thing she cared to feel. She fit perfectly in his embrace, and he in hers. As though they had been made for each other. This was just like the books she often favoured. She was his beauty, and he, her beast.
Eternity was not nearly long enough.
Saraya was only aware that the shadow had disappeared when the thunderous sound of applause reached her ears. It was sharp and jarring after the silence they had just danced in, as were the colours and the lights, but nothing could tear her gaze from his. The smile he placed on his face only seemed to make him more attractive, and as he lifted her from the dip, she found her fingers curling tightly around his lapel. As though they were projecting her subconscious thoughts, begging him not to let her go.
Not wanting to be the one to step away first, Saraya could do nothing but stare at him wordlessly as she attempted to catch her breath.


He would not release her.

They stood there in the center of the dance floor, long past the moment when many would expect them to part. He was entranced by those beautiful eyes and the feeling of holding her within his arms. He said nothing for some time before finally his hands slowly and reluctantly came from the curves of her back. However they did not outright part. Instead he broke the silence between them. "For every passing moment I find you hold more and more surprises within." He said, a hand rising so that his thumb may softly brush against the curve of her chin. The music began to play once more but the King was far more interested in the woman before him. He turned his eyes to the bar table in the edge of the room before looking back to Saraya. "I think we deserve a drink for the performance." His hand fell to the small of her back and he would guide her towards the table.

They stepped from the center floor to the table and suddenly they were allowed something similar to privacy. "Wine?" He asked her, gesturing to a sweet red that was placed in the center of the table. He found a fine Nubian wine which he poured into a glass, the azure liquid filling it's host with a beautiful shade. If Saraya wished to enjoy then he would pour something for her as well before turning back to her.

Are all women where you are from as passionate in their dancing? Or are you as unique as I believe?" He asked her offering another smile with his words. He had studied the young boy, Caedyn carefully. Adron was uncertain why he had become so concerned about the boy, aside from him being the son of Adron's former master. "Mnemosyne. The planet where the Royal House of Arenais rules. I am quite familiar, though I did not know they had someone quite so...impressive in their line." He said.

"You'll have to tell me all about it." He said with that same low alluring tone. His words were formed in such a way that Saraya would know he was content to hear her voice for the rest of the evening and even longer after that.
W E A R I N G | [X] - [X]
T A G | Adron Malvern Adron Malvern
When the warmth of his hand slipped from her waist, Saraya felt rather hollow.
However, the smile remained on her face when, instead of moving away, his sultry voice filled her ears once more. “Surprises can be fickle things.” She replied pointedly, her emerald eyes still trained on him. “I hope you’ve found only the pleasant kind in me…” At the touch of his hand, her gaze finally faltered, thick eyelashes fluttering lightly as the world was cast into shadow once more. “…as I have in you.” She finally managed to breathe out.
If she never heard another voice, or smelled another scent, or felt another touch, Saraya would not have cared. The galaxy could have caved in around her right there in the ballroom, and this night alone would have made it all a life worth living.
She had not noticed just how parched she was until Adron suggested a drink. Nodding her head in agreement, she allowed him to guide her toward the bar.
In comparison to where they had just come from, it was quiet here. Quiet was relative in the midst of a masquerade, but it was quiet enough for her to feel a sudden rush of excitement. They were almost alone. “Please.” She responded to his question with a smile as she slipped herself onto the nearest bar stool. A dull throbbing ran along the bottom of her feet and up her thighs, but it was a pleasant kind of ache. Saraya nodded in thanks for the wine and took a small exploratory sip as she listened to his questions.
Flattery was not at all a new thing to Saraya. It was almost dull. The same tired words painted in different voices. Yet, for some reason, when Adron flattered her she could not help but blush. The wine glass clinked loudly against the top of the bar when she put it down.
“That’s rather a compliment, coming from the King of Illyria.” Ironically, Saraya had heard much more about Illyria than she had about him. Her mother had been born and raised there before moving to Mnemosyne. However, Saraya only needed to know about the planet to figure out the leader, and planet spoke volumes of him. “I’m afraid I’m on the lesser side of the Arenais family.” She quipped lightly. “My Father Bastin Arenais was…” Saraya paused for a moment, to correct herself. “…is Veiere Arenais’ brother. Caedyn is my cousin.”
She smirked somewhat, meaning for it to be private, but she could not have hidden anything from him if she tried. “He was never one for finery. It was actually my mother who insisted on dance lessons.” Saraya took the glass of wine up once more and doused her tongue with the sweet-tasting liquid. When she pulled the rip away from her lips, a voluptuous smile had been left in its place. “I have to admit, it wasn’t a passion until today.” She took further refuge in the wine before she recalled the first few moments of conversation they shared.
Her emerald gaze turned on his once more. "So." She began. "Dare I ask about the man behind the mask?" If he truly was as wise and sage-like as the owl he bore, he would realise. Saraya was not talking the obvious mask.
When Saraya indicated that she would like a glass of wine, the King saw her needs met. His eyes locked on hers as he poured the liquid into the pristine crystal glass. Finally as the pleasentries continued Saraya revealed a bit more about her lineage. To hear that she was the daughter of Veiere's brother was certainly intriguing. His late master had never spoken much of his family. In fact the only member of his family to ever meet Adron was his wife, whom the Sith had arranged to be assassinated just so he could rescue her from the assassin, falsely earning her trust. His lips curled into a soft smile as he recollected the event.

So she was the Cousin to the King, a direct cousin which gave her some prominence in the Courts. This continued to become an interesting meeting indeed.

The King leaned forward, his warm hand falling on the woman's thigh as he spoke. "I am interested in seeing what else you have a passion for." He all but whispered the words before recovering himself and bringing the glass of wine to his lips He took another measured sip as the woman spoke of the man behind the mask. The King's eyes closed as he offered no answer, but merely continued to drink from his glass. Once he'd parted the crystal from his lips he spoke softly. "There is no fun in simply telling someone what hides behind a mask." He said, his finger tracing down her thigh seductively.

"They have to be shown." He said.

The King's hand parted from Saraya's skin and he set his glass upon the countertop, turning to look over the display of drinks and speaking in a tone born in mystery. "Would you like me to show you?"

Saraya Arenais Saraya Arenais
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T A G | Adron Malvern Adron Malvern
Everything he did was doused in elegance and then covered in mystery. Unravelling his layers would be an endless task. One that she was more than ready to take on.
He wanted to know what else she was passionate about, but it was as if the mere question had wiped her mind clean. She had done thousands of things in her life, her mother had assured her of that intrigue at least. Yet, all she could think about were the whispered words against her skin. The warmth of his hand on her thigh. She wondered if he would accept the only answer she could conjure.
Saraya narrowed her eyes, but it was barely perceptible behind the heavy silver mask. In a way, she felt she already knew what lay behind his. The demon form she danced with still dominated her mind. His twisted grin had enchanted far more than just her gaze. The tendrils of black smoke they had danced in now swirled around her soul, forever cementing her in that shadowland. She would never be free of it. Nor did she want to be.
Still, she smiled. Her painted red lips curling slightly as she reached out to catch the hand that trailed her thigh before it could leave. What she found as she wrapped it in her own was an incredibly intense spark of electric that almost made her shudder. As she explored every line and every digit, she felt as though they could tell a thousand stories of the things they had accomplished. Saraya sunk her top teeth into her lower lip as she slipped her grasp down the edge of his sleeve.
She could feel the warmth radiating from his wrist as she rested her fingertips against the thin layer of skin. His heartbeat steadily against her nerves. Every pump of blood that rushed through the veins she pressed against; she could feel.
Her emerald gaze remained trained there for a few tense moments. Her hand had never looked so small encased in someone else’s, but it had never looked so right. Tearing herself away, she flicked her eyes up to Adron with a coy smile on her lips. “Yes.” She whispered back, sweet tone full of almost unbearable anticipation. “Show me.”
"Show me."

The moment those words were spoken the man turned to her, his eyes giving off another vibrant shine as he reached up. He rested the flat of his hand against her cheek before slowly letting his fingers roll to the back of her neck. Every moment his fingers pressed into her soft skin her felt the fires of emotion within him rise into an inferno. He savored it, drank it in like water from the freshest of wells. He leaned Saraya close to him guidingly, possessively. When they were only inches from each other he whispered into her ear. "I will open your eyes." He promised. Suddenly the emotions that Saraya had stirred within the man exploded out from him. An ice cold wave flowed over the woman as she was ripped from her corporal body.

The Dark Side of the Force was raw, unhinged power. As it flowed from the Sith Lord into the body of the woman before him he poured the Dark Side into her, feeding her, corrupting her. Every negative emotion she had ever felt was amplified into a drug of power. He could sense it within her, like a singular candle in the night.

The Force was with her. His grip on her tightened instinctively from hearing the wave of the Force echo back to him. He focused on the nexus between the two and deepened it, intertwining those threads that were slowly weaving together until....He could not stop. His body froze and inside his mind there was an uncertainty. The Dark Side was no longer flowing from him freely, it was being siphoned. His amethyst eyes shut in response to it. He felt her drinking from him so deeply that she had reached the very center of his being.

Then she would experience it.

Visions. She would see so much. Betrayal, a number of soldiers slaughtered by their brothers as they stood guard. Sacrifice, a dear friend whose head was separated from his shoulders in a single unflinching strike. Hatred, watching the world that birthed you set to flames as those sworn to protect it stood idly by. Pain, having a family torn from your arms, murdered before your very eyes. Evil, watching as a Jedi Master was cut down before his own son without mercy or hesitation.

These visions transferred to Saraya's mind absent the Sith Lords attempt to break the connection. When finally his eyes opened again, he felt the Force flowing from Saraya in a thick wave that caused his eyes to turn to her curiously. "What did you see?" He demanded, his grip on the back of her neck unfaltering.

She had seen so much. Too much?

Would he have to destroy her? He wondered.

Saraya Arenais Saraya Arenais
W E A R I N G | [X] - [X]
T A G | Adron Malvern Adron Malvern

Each time his fingers grazed her skin, Saraya let out soft gasps of surprise.

In months to come, if someone were to ask Saraya if she would have accepted his proposal to truly see, especially knowing what she knew now, then the answer would have been an aggressive yes. A far firmer, more confident yes than the one she had just provided Adron.

She pressed her lips together at the sound of his voice in her ears, though she could do little else before the dark side took hold of them both. Saraya had never felt anything like it before. Such a raw, violent power that she was almost overwhelmed by it. The only thing that kept her standing was the sensation of his fingers against her neck. The steadying pressure that kept her tethered to the corporeal world. By that, and that alone, Saraya did not lose herself.

The dark side drew her in, and she was all too happy to consume it. Every inch he offered; she took two more. The dark and light tendrils that swirled together doing so until there was not an atom of space left between them. And that was when she saw him. The real him. Every choice, every step and every breath that had led to him becoming the beast she had danced with. She drank it all in. Hungrily.

Suddenly, the sultry foreign tones were floating into her ears once more. And they asked of her a question.

“Everything.” The word came out in a thin whisper. It was only at the sound of her own quiet voice that Saraya realised she was back in the ballroom. Her ebony painted nails had sunken into the skin beneath his sleeve, puckering the skin where they threatened to pierce right through. There was a distinct sensation in the tips of her fingers that made them tingle numbly, but she hardly noticed it. All she could think of were the scenes running through her mind.

They played like an old holofilm. A tragedy and a horror bundled into one single calamitous display. It left her as breathless as she had been when they had finished their dance. Saraya was keenly aware that he was waiting for an answer, and she was eager to give him one. Her emerald gaze trailed slowly up from his lap to look directly into his eyes. The way she craned her neck forced his fingertips to press so firmly against her skin it made her hair stand on end. She knew what he wanted to know.

Would she betray him? Did the knowledge of what he truly was frighten her into shying away? There was only one simple answer and saying it was easier than anything Saraya had done in her entire life.

“I saw something I know by rights I ought to be frightened of.” She began, surprised at the note of confidence in her tone. “You’ve lived a tragic life, Adron.” There was still the lingering sensation of every betrayal and pain he had felt sitting heavily in her stomach. If she had been unaware of the fact that comfort would not console him, she would have offered it, but he needed no comforting. Adron had taken all the disaster he had faced and used it to his benefit. To better himself. He did not need her pity, and she far from pitted him. Quite the opposite.

She lusted after his power.

“Everything you are is everything by rights any sane person should abhor. I should run, far and fast, and I should never look back. But where other women would run and hide from you…” She swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump that formed in her throat as she spoke. “…I find myself wanting only one thing.” Her body shuffled openly in the barstool, being guided only by the fingers he pressed into her neck. They drew her impossibly close until she could not only feel his heart beating against his wrist but hear it too. Some may have called it a sickness or a disease of the mind, but Saraya found both words to be far from the truth.

It was a hunger. A deeply ingrained instinct to feed on the darkness he had offered once more. She could still taste it on her lips as her tongue poked out to lick them. They had been wound together by something intangible, something that could not be recreated unless by his behest. Saraya knew from that moment on. She would do anything, give anything, be anything to return to that state.

Her body slipped from the chair until she stood on her heeled shoes once more. Positioned perfectly between his legs, she was able to draw herself as close as their bodies would allow. It was not cold in the ballroom, but she shuddered all the same as she whispered three words into his ear. They were riddled with a quiet desperation that spoke of her feelings in deafening volumes. “Show me more.”
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There was nothing more distressing than to hear those words fall from Saraya's lips. The Sith Lord had not worked to hide his control over the Dark Side of the Force, however for this woman who he'd barely known for an hour to now see the intricacies of his history, that was unsettling. His hand did not release her as she spoke, nor did he respond to her. Instead he gazed at her with a stone wall as an expression. Yet as she spoke of his past, he wanted to turn his eyes from the beautiful green pearls but he could not manage to.

Soon she spoke of her desires and his eyes softened. He now understood what she was. She had drank in his darkness so effortlessly because within her was the need for it. She wanted power and strength just as he did. As she closed the distance between them and revealed her heart the man could not help but let slip a momentary expression of surprise. He turned to the woman before her. Flawless. Her expression, her eyes, she was essentially perfect. Sweet and beautiful, no one could argue but as he searched her with the Force he could feel the emotion as a flowing torrent beneath the surface.

No matter what she released to the surface it was not what lied beneath. No one could see the truth. No one but the Sith Lord who stood before her. He rose from his barstool, holding the woman's chin in his fingers as he leaned down, there lips only a breath from one another. "No." The words were sultry and low as his finger caressed her cheek lovingly. "Not now." He told her, whispering softly to her.

His hands came down to take hers, holding them and looking to them carefully. He could feel the Force as it fell from her in even droves, ignited by the Darkness he had filled her with. He lifted her hands and pressed his lips to the back of her knuckles, those amethyst eyes fastened firmly on the woman before her.

"Accept the darkness in your heart Saraya." He said, slowly pulling back from the woman's knuckles.

"...and I will use it to set you free."

The words were spoken in a hushed tone...yet with them was a mysterious moment of haze for Saraya. When she looked back up to find the King of Illyria, he was gone.

His presence lingered in her hands, where laid a tiny amethyst crystal with a core of black.

Saraya Arenais Saraya Arenais
W E A R I N G | [X] - [X]
T A G | Adron Malvern Adron Malvern

The King was as courteous as Saraya had first assumed him to be. He did not leave her lingering as long as she had left him. When his gaze set itself on hers, her heart skipped a beat. When he crept closer, just a hairsbreadth away from her lips, he stole the very air from her lungs. His fingers wrapped around her chin in the first form of physical domination he had displayed over her all night. She dared not move. Not to blink, not to sigh, not even to breathe.


A cursed word that brought Saraya’s world crashing down around her. It made the hunger yearn to be sated all the harder. Yet, somehow, his voice was still beautiful. Somehow the word no had never sounded so pleasing. Her grip tightened around his arms, her emerald gaze finally faltering at the touch of his hand on her cheek. When she threw it up again at the words he spoke, she could not help the look that had glazed over them. They had become large, pleading jewels that caught every ray of light dancing through the ballroom.

When his hands took up her own, Saraya followed his gaze down to them. She could still picture the dark smoke, littered with specks of gold, curling and twisting tightly around their grasp. As though the force itself were refusing to allow them to part. With bated breath, she watched as he raised them up to his lips. For the first time since their meeting, Saraya could barely bring herself to look at him, though she was keenly aware of his gaze on her. She knew what the tender kisses upon her hands meant.

Adron was turning the final pages of their fairy tale.

If Saraya was at all the type of woman to beg, she would have done so, but she was not. She merely wallowed in the silence until he whispered his final words against her skin. If accepting the darkness was what it took to stay with him, she would have readily done so there and then. She would have freely, desperately, abandoned her soul for him corrupt and blacken. For eternity and longer. In the brief instant it took for her to finally look at him, the world was once more thrown into chaos. As though they were still spinning in mad circles across the marble dancefloor.

When the spinning stopped, Adron had gone. Leaving Saraya feeling hollow. Despite the room being filled to the brim with people, she had never felt so lonely. Despite the lavish and vibrant decor decking the ballroom from top to bottom, life had never been so lacklustre. She lent backwards heavily, only vaguely hoping that the bar was still there to catch her fall. The dull thud her chest made against the polish wood stole her breath away. Disappointment was written heavily all over her face until she became aware of the warmth and weight of something heavy in her palm.

Saraya glanced down and brought her open palm up toward her face, once again drowning out the din of the masquerade. Flickering orange candlelight lashed out at the gem sat in the centre of her silk glove. The edges reflected it back boldly, casting squares of dim colour onto Saraya’s face. But nothing seemed to reach the middle, where the purples faded into an ebony core. It was mesmerising to watch it drink the light greedily. Almost as mesmerising as he had been.

The sound of a voice snapped her back to reality.

“SARA.” It was too high and far too sugary, but it only served as a reminder. Saraya pulled her face up into the best smile she could manage, curling her gloved fist around the jewel and tucking it behind her back. “Cilla.” She responded to her friend in an ethereal tone. What followed was an exceedingly lengthy rant that carried on for longer than the entire evening put together. Saraya, after distracting Cilla with the leftover wine, chose to ignore the questions she plied her with.

This evening was hers.

He was hers.

She would share him with no one. Not even the memory of him.

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