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Brighter days ahead (a sekalus story) 0.2

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Brighter days ahead
A sekalus story


Quote -
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."

It was time. Two years in planning two years since the shadow of darkness stopped clinging to her shoulder and died out. Three years in training her people's most talented force users of her world others that we're not her padawan. There was seventeen now only four. She was harsh in the training and her demands high for what was about to begin. Although the others didn't make it as far they still receive training to continue to help the people of sekalus. As for the other four and soon outsiders who heeded Sanya's call to make a change for the good of her people. No one so far knew of the plan that part kept as secret. She knew there was some on the world who would try to prevent what was about to happen. They were the ones who believed in the ways of the dark side who beloved in the ways of the black rose.

Still the plan couldn't stay secret anymore. Her people knew it was happening just not when. At the time everything was still hypothetical. It was still in the stages of how it would go down. But as queen, a leader and inspiration to her people she didn't have the right to make this choice for them. A public vote for the citizens had been cast. When polls came in it was sixty eight in favor of the dark nexus been no more and twenty two against. Sure a lot of the croa population was always on the side of Sanya there were still those angry at her for their transition into the beings they are. It wasn't her fault. She was a victim to it just like they were. She didn't create the croa virus but she didn't regret it's existence. She liked what she became.

Sanya watched over the illuminated city from the spire. So full of life and many of those still been twisted by the dark side that tainted the planet. Even though to some level she was able to resist its call they couldn't. She turned away from the window over looking the city as Asuna walked into her office. “Malady. Your students have gathered at the location and the others will be here shortly.” “Thank you Asuna. I would like a moment alone. Could you get my speeder ready. I'll not be long.” She said almost distant. Asuna soon left the room to the speeder pad that was connected to the room. She walked over to the white marble desk putting her sabers inside. She doesn't know why she held into them. Another thing tainted in the dark side. Her armor was already in the speeder and so was her sword. Even if something did happen she wouldn't be defenceless.
After this mission on some icy planet, and rescuing some wounded bounty hunter on Ryloth, from which she used Instinctive Astrogation Control to fly to Sekalus for plotting the trajectory, Cathul would not be deterred: she was to cleanse a dark-sided nexus on Sekalus. As was the case for these months after Kaeshana, Therapy Command was reduced to doing patrols along the First Order border for signs of suspicious activity. The enemy made no real move, content with simply fortifying its position, but no more than that. Word of mouth has it that the dark-sided nexus is a public health and security hazard precisely because it is a dark-sided nexus: making the nexus neutral. Now, according to the research notes left by Jessica, Cathul would simply need to make the expectation value of the Force-alignment operator, defined as (a2 - c2)/(a2+b2+c2)1/2, rise above -1/3, knowing that, if one raised the value of a by some value d, as would be the case if someone used Electric Judgment or simple meditation, the new spinor would be (a+d, b, c)/((a+d)2+b2+c2)1/2 and the new expectation value would therefore be ((a+d)2 - c2)/((a+d)2+b2+c2)1/2, while assuming that the original alignment spinor is (a, b, c) where a, b and c are nonnegative real numbers, called the light, neutrality and darkness coefficients, such as a2+b2+c2 = 1, with its eigenvectors being (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1) and (0, 0, 1) associated with the eigenvalues 1, 0 and -1 respectively. But, given her massive mental spellbook, she knew that, if she was to instead draw the darkness out, and hence decrease the darkness coefficient by a factor d, with d < c, the new spinor would then be (a, b, c-d)/(a2+b2+(c-d)2)1/2 and the new expectation value would therefore be (a2 - (c-d)2)/(a2+b2+(c-d)2)1/2.

"I don't understand anything about Jessica's plan: how are we to implement her idea?" one of the Jedi aces in training asked the white Twi'lek.

"If you know Force-healing or Detoxify Poison, this is what we will be using. I know Force-light would also be able to do such a thing but I do not think you can do it just yet. If you can't use Force-healing, just meditate"

But she didn't expect [member="Sanya Val Swift"] or [member="Tricia"] to actually understand quantum mechanics, so neither person would have an idea of what using Force-healing would actually mean in terms of the Force-wavefunction of the nexus. In Cathul's mind, using Force-healing, Force-light or Detoxify Poison would simultaneously increase a by a factor d and decrease c by a factor e, so the final normalized Force-wavefunction would be: (a+d, b, c-e)/((a+d)2+b2+(c-e)2)1/2 and the new expectation value would therefore be ((a+d)2 - (c-d)2)/((a+d)2+b2+(c-e)2)1/2.

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
"AHHHHHH" Standing there as she let out a yawn and stratched her chest with a small look. The old sephi was starring out upon well all of them. she was uncertain what the plan was or who the people was but something of a chance for a jedi master to help and she was old so as she grabbed her pudding and sat down there she looked at the others. "So ah oh pudding." she mumbled a little finding a small seat in the air as she sat there crossed legged for a moment. Her hair floating behind her as well as the silk of her outfit clinging to her for a moment. She looked at some fo the things that were there with them. "Everyone gets pudding... from them this is mine and I counted them."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Cathul Thuku"] Ξ [member="Tricia"]

Sanya let out a small sigh straightening her clothes before she began to walk to the small landing pad where the speeder was. She climbed in and unlocked her screen of her datapad to go over the notes. Asuna piloted them to the location whilst staying above the traffic below them. Her armor moved side to side and rattled at every turn. Although soon they would clear the larger buildings. "Asuna. I hope this works. If not it will be a while before we try again." She said almost doubting the plan. The dark side had lingered on this world for a long long time. Really she tried not to think of the worse scenario. Asuna looked to Sanya with a small hopeful smile. "Have faith. You have worked hard and so have your students. I'm sure the outsiders will make a big difference too. Failure is only a learning curve anyway. So don't give up." It was an inspirational little speach she said. Enough to put a faint smile on Sanya's lips. "I'll never give up. The moment I do I will have given up on my people, I'd never forgive myself if I did." She said in reply. "Did you get confirmation on the voi's been at the city temple and the secure com's." "Yes it's all there. Got confirmation this morning." "Good."

The speeder soon began to drop down towards a domed building. It was small but it was a makeshift temple for training rather than housing the force useres of the world. As the speeder entered the hanger her four students had been waiting. Two of them where croa and twins the other two was a human and twi'lek. Non of them dressed in robes just casual clothes that didn't restrict movement. Although all of them had a hooded cape like her own. Like Jedi and robes that was the symbol for sekallien force users. Sanya got out from the speeder with the four bowing. "Hello master swift." They all said. "Hello students. Please make your way to the holo room. I will wait for our guests to arrive." Non of them said a word as they left the hanger. As for sanya she went back to the speeder to pull her armor out and putting it on. After she put the chest piece on it would all lock together.
With Cathul putting her notes away, having understood how the Force-alignment was nothing more than a spin-1 quantum operator, the Neimoidian Yacht piloted by one of the Jedi Aces in training arrives as close as she can to the coordinates contained in the preface of Jessica's field notes and she prepares a broomstick to get to the domed building where the preliminary work would take place. Not only did she prepare the broomstick, that she last used on Aleen, but she also wears her beskar'gam and puts her lightsaber on her belt. I was often called the "brains" on many different occasions, this one is not an exception either. The main issue will be about the allocation of work, knowing that, of course, I can't do this alone, she thought. [member="Sanya Val Swift"] asked for her help, not suspecting that [member="Tricia"] might have a different approach to the Force, one that is not so heavily mathematical. Then again, Cathul needed to put her mind to rest and keep her computational power expenditures at a minimum for now; understanding the whole "Force-alignment-as-a-quantum-operator" deal took up a sizeable chunk of her computational power.

"I have arrived, ladies and gentlebeings..."

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
Tricia was there while she looked at some of the people. Hovering herself in the air when she got to listen to the others that were there and she had more interest in something for a moment as she waited there in the air with a pudding cup. The ancient sephi looking out at the others around her. One of the small attendants was there near her as she stopped them. "Padawan... someone has stolen my pants." The padawan was looking at her. "Master Tricia you weren't wearing pants, your dress robe are a solid bodysuit. Perhaps you would like to take a nap and rest before we begin whatever stressful situation might require your skills here." She got a small look from them and finished the pudding cup with a nod. Yes a nap will help."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Sanya smiled as they had all arrived. "To start off I'd like to thank you all for responding. It means a lot to me and my people. Would you like to follow me then we can go over the plans." She turned around the metal soles of her armor thudded against the stone floor. The building wasn't big from side to side. Rather it was longer reaching below the surface of the city. The room was only a few hallways away and they reached it soon.

"Bux, Hirani, Lily, Lilith. Please welcome [member="Tricia"] and [member="Cathul Thuku"]." Sanya said introducing her students to the outsiders. In return they bowed to then as a sign of respect and a greeting. "Asuna bring up the globe on display please." A large bule image of the world displayed that was in real time. Images provided directly from the Inquisition space ring. "As you may already be begging to feel it and been noted this world has a strong dark side presence all over. I've spent a long time finding where it's strongest in each region." Several locations the highlighted in red that was all over the world. "All these places are where the core of the nexus draws it's focus. It's also where it's most dangerous for us. If we stay in these places to long it will effect your abilitys and just like a disease will slowly consume you. My students will split off in pairs us three will be going to the locations alone."

As she was speaking sanya was also trying to get a read on the two. Both were clearly powerful enough for the job, with everyone pulling together at Tue locations they could do this, although power was one thing but it depended where they focused it. "If you all may. Can you state at what level you are and how long you have been training from? Also any medical problems you may suffer? Don't worry this information won't leave this room." These details needed to be known.

The first part was for sanya to know who would be best sent where. The second part was any dire need for medical attention at any point. Letting her know this know meant the right action could be taken in such events. "Twins? You both will stay in the city since you both are familiar with the layout below the surface. Asuna will tell you your location over the secure com. Please make sure to collect them on your way out." "Yes master swift." The both said at the exact same time. They had a habit for that. For a while it was amusing after it became normal. "Bux, Hirani you will take the grass lands. Same as the twins Asuna will give you the exact location over the com." "Yes master." "Okay master." They said after one another. Only Sanya and Asuna here knew where every location was.
"For about seventeen years I have used the Force to various ends. And I have no known health issues. Much like Jessica, from whom I got some briefing notes before I came here, I tend to see the Force in mathematical terms. I believe that Sanya is familiar with the concept of light, neutrality and darkness coefficients as applied to the Force-alignment operator and that Jessica told you about how it's about shifting the vector representation towards larger values of the light and neutrality coefficients from a high value of the darkness coefficient"

She, too, would need to mind her own value of the darkness coefficient, but with more power to do it, it would be much, much easier to absorb the sheer amounts of dark side energy that it would have been for Jessica, but it would still be a costly operation in terms of computational power. She prayed that [member="Sanya Val Swift"] would send her up to the frozen wastelands because then she can use more of her computational power for longer periods than in the desert, and yet both regions were shown on the screen. Usually what people call the Force-alignment came in three mathematical bands defined by the expectation values, bounded by ±1/3 respectively. She estimated that her own Force-alignment quantum expectation value was roughly in the 0.4-0.5 range, perhaps a little higher, in which case she knows that her own value of the light coefficient is higher than 1 over square root of 2. But she notices that [member="Tricia"] requires more sleep, and that's not good. And yet Sanya would realize that, on the topic of intellectual composition (if she is somehow familiar with the concept of intellectual composition), Cathul was much like another Jessica; the Croa may as well think of Cathul as another, more powerful version of Jessica.

"If you know Force-light, that's the best tool for the job, otherwise Electric Judgment, Force-healing or Detoxify Poison would do the trick as to increase the light coefficient of the locations. Meditating is to be used as a last resort"

Tricia Kalamack

Sleeps all day.... yawns all night
Tricia was looking at the one as she spoke and had no idea what she was saying as she hovered there just finding a comfortable position to avoid the floor. "Whatever she just said... I have no idea but I am twenty seven thousand six hundred and ninety five years old and been training since my parents brought to to Tython on a large floating ship. They said we were going to create the first force order and we did. If that helps.... as for medical conditions ah well I have this witch of an itch on my butt that I can seem to scratch and don't really process dairy items that well." She was looking at some of the others while she stayed there wondering about it with a nod.... "And that should be it ah won't be as fancy as her but I am your elder I can be cryptic and mysterious."

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