Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Bringing it all together!

Taji Nelson

The Thieves Guild was a group of moralistic Thief - Vigilantes that Taji had attempted to put together in order to clean up the mess that was the galaxy at large. It was something the Galaxy genuinely needed with how chaotic it was on the best of days. Too many threats to count emerged on a regular basis that needed to be stopped. If it was not alien races attempting to genocide everyone, it was other threats such as Force Users that were out of control. Diseases were also a problem that needed corrected, as were Slavers. Taji simply knew that if he was to do anything he had planned, he would need allies for himself that he didn't have. The state of the galaxy at large simply couldn't be allowed to stand. It was time he brought it all together, and made the guild take their first action. After all there was a slaver he had found out about on the world of Tatooine who was downright abusive to the ones under his care. Taji wasn't going to allow that to stand. Sure he could engage the individual himself, but he believed the Thieves Guild could use that as a way to make themselves known to the galaxy at large.

This was why he was currently at a place he had rented, a swanky hotel on Tatooine. He was waiting for the members of the Thieves Guild to show up so he could begin the briefing and the operation.

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