Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Broken Chains

On the heels of her Apprentice's great fall, Darth Venefica took the girl to the one place that the Dark Side was pure and untapped; Dagobah. The Sith Knight was born and raised on the swamp world until she was whisked away by the one that had set her own her path, the one she had betrayed and killed. He had taught her that weakness was a disease, death the only remedy. And in the end, he had been infected and the Sith Knight cured him. Now she had returned once more, more powerful than her once saviour could ever hope for.

The two Sith, Master and Apprentice, stood on a muddy bank looking into the swamplands. "This is where it all began for me...and this is where it shall begin for you." Darth Venefica waved her arms around in a circle to encompass the landscape. The essence of the Dark Side could be sensed everywhere. Yes, she had chosen the proper place to train her Apprentice.

"There is more to being a Sith than casting spells...powers...or handling a lightsaber, the chosen killing tool for most Sith." She pointed to a somewhat clean spot adding, "Sit my Apprentice. Before we begin training you to command the Force and to properly use that tool dangling at your side, you will first listen to the Code of the Sith."

[member="Shuduc Macar"]
She sat as ordered listening, she'd look to her master silently as she put her hands on her lap and awaited what she had to teach. She had heard the code before but perhaps she had failed to understand it in some aspect it was possible.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
The Code of the Sith had changed a couple of times since it's birth, mandating all Sith to know it and live by it. For Darth Venefica, there was only one true Sith Code despite she was a follower of Darth Kryat's teachings, as all Sith were in the One Sith. She had learned it, studied it, and dissected it one stanza at a time. And she vowed all her Apprentices would know every detail of the Code. This was not up for debate.

"Peace is a lie...there is only passion," she stated with her eyes closed, "There is no peace without conflict...peace is stagnation in its purest form. Without conflict, we have nothing to test ourselves against. It is the nature of all beings, including the galaxy itself, to embrace conflict. It is by that measure how civilizations evolve or fall to ruins. War is conflict, but it is controlled conflict. Inner conflict is conflict that can destroy you, never allow inner conflict to rule you."

After moments of silence, she continued, "Through Passion...I gain Strength. As Sith, we crave and seek challenges before us, great and small alike. Unlike the Jedi, we believe in the laws of nature and the galaxy...the strong shall endure and the weak shall be culled." Most saw the Sith as monsters for their desire to hunt down and the kill the weak, but in fact they were trying to ensure a more powerful, yet challenging, galaxy. "Through Strength...I gain Power. Only absolute power through superiority is true victory. Any thing else is a lie or trick of the mind."

The Sith Knight opened her eyes, feeling more attuned to the Dark Side. "Through Chains are Broken. The chains in question is the restrictions or limitations one puts on themselves. If you believe you can not achieve something...then you will fail. The Jedi put chains on their brethren to control them, for they fear what they can become. Others that seek to do the same to you my Apprentice...should be met with absolute destruction. Only when you are free and unshackled, could you reach your full potential. Do you understand what I have taught you?"

[member="Shuduc Macar"]
She slowly nodded. "Yes Mistress I believe I do. It is the nature of us to grow to embrace the force in it's truest form. Our fights have purpose beyond battle itself through them we grow and remove our weakness. But internal conflict can do more than weaken us it can kill us. We become slow to decide wracked by our own internal indecision from it we become vulnerable. So instead of peace to stagnate ourselves or conflict for it's own sake we seek controlled conflict to cut down on our weaker parts and build the strong. We keep the galactic natural order in doing this creating a true peace by fighting where it is natural to fight. We do not seek peace just for it's own sake as the jedi do. I;ve seen the peace they love so much be shattered without much effort." She said breathing deeply. "Last in there though you described the chains that bind us, prevent us from doing what we can but only because we allow them to continue to bind us through the force we gain the power to break those chains. We become free, we become better."

[member="Darth Venefica"]
"This was why I warned you against your anger and need for revenge against all the Jedi," she said with a grin, "Those were chains you placed upon yourself that were holding you down. Not every restriction can be 'seen' or 'felt'." Now that her Apprentice was aware of the tragedies she had placed upon herself, she could now freely embrace and understand the nature of both the Dark Side and her full potential. However, despite her survival on Kashyyyk, she had placed herself in positions that could have led to her untimely death. And now she would be chided for that.

"We do not hold to the values that Jedi do. We do not sacrifice our lives for the greater good and we do not throw them away. Our focus...your focus should always be on your immediate survival, at all costs!" She recalled how her Apprentice, infused with rage, had decided to strike down every enemy; to become a hero. "Heroes are tales weaved and encased with lies. As Sith, we do not seek to be heroes! Back on Kashyyyk, you tried to do just that and why? For acceptance? For acknowledgement of your skills?"

She tossed her head back and laughed. The mere thought of anyone thinking that Darth Venefica could be someone's hero was more than amusing to her. "You need not concern yourself with impressing other Sith. If you continue to do that...they will not see you as a champion but a threat. And for is time to teach you real lightsaber combat. Draw your weapon....and attack me."

Darth Venefica removes her lightsaber from her waist and ignites it.

[member="Shuduc Macar"]
As she saw her master lift her blade, she stood up and took out her own sabers igniting them she stood ready. Once she was sure of her footing she moved forward with a single strike followed up by a second swing with the other saber. “No master heroes are not my goal I wanted victory!” She spoke moving to circle her master trying to find a better angle if those strikes were parried. Her movements for now had a makashi style precision to them. The blades were moving in controlled precise swings not wide swaths. She then backed up briefly as if to asses how her master reacted and responded.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
Darth Venefica fell into her Makashi form the moment her Apprentice attacked. With a quick parry, she batted away the first strike and as the second one was swinging she parried it as well. Then her Apprentice halted the attack and chose to walk around her. Darth Venefica was pleased the girl was taking time to observe her Master's movements while planning a strategy. But the Sith Knight would not give her the chance to attack.

Using the Force as a weapon, she mentally grabbed a medium size boulder and hurled it toward the left side of her Apprentice. As the boulder was in flight, she unleashed three quick slashes toward the girl's right leg. Her apprentice was facing an attack on two fronts, and the Sith Knight wondered how she would react to it. She was holding back of course, she didn't want her Apprentice to die or become seriously wounded. Darth Venefica wanted her to learn about the various situations that could occur in a battle.

[member="Shuduc Macar"]
She parried the blows but the boulder nearly got her clipping her and sending her toppling several feet before she could recover. Standing up she decided to switch it up connecting her sabers into a saber staff and moving forward running at her master before swinging widely with the blade as it did not allow the same level of precision. it did however give her much more power as she twirled up into the air and came down with a hard swing. If her mistress evaded or blocked she would try sending a small shock wave of force energy to off balance her. This was hard to do amid her augments so it couldn't topple her but it could maybe give her the edge.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
She observed the footwork and the hips of her Apprentice before the boulder toppled her over. To the credit of her Apprentice, she would not allow that to prevent her from pressing an attack. She smirked when she witnessed her Apprentice combine the two sabers into a staff, and ran toward her. The Sith Knight shook her head at the running Apprentice. Before her Apprentice could even begin to attack, she used the Force gripping the front leg of her Apprentice, attempting to throw her off balance.

The Knight would not press an attack herself, instead decided to play the role of defender. The girl had potential but she fought unbalanced and to quickly. She needed to learn patience and always be aware of her surroundings. Two important aspects of surviving a fight against another Force user and lightsaber wielder.

[member="Shuduc Macar"]
Feeling her leg get pulled out from her she threw a force push back Trying to knock her masters legs from under her before standing up to renew her own attack. As she stood she moved forward with a simple twirl of the saber staff before moving to strike quickly once with each blade to try and create an opening. But she was beginning to wear out from the blows her master had struck on her using the force she wasint finished yet but she was close to needing the augments of the force to keep up.She'd normally have lasted longer but the boulder had already done plenty followed up by having her feet swept from under her was taking a toll.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
Footwork and foot placement was everything in lightsaber combat and prepping your defenses against a basic Force Push. So when the Sith Knight, already possessing great agility without the aid of the Force, felt the incoming energy to throw her off balance, she weathered the storm by going with the flow of the energy. She spun through the energy keeping her feet moving in the direction she was being pushed, keeping her balance. If one tried to counter a push from the Force going in the opposite direction, one's balance was lost.

Then came the saber attacks from her Apprentice. Being a practitioner of Makashi, she didn't need to resort to offensive maneuvers like the other forms. Makashi could be transformed into a defensive form easy, and that is what she did. She parried the first attack and took a step back, then she parried the other attack and took another step back. She was saving her energy while her Apprentice was spending hers.

"Enough," she said to her Apprentice, "There are two things you need to understand about lightsaber combat. The first, do not over exert yourself. The more energy you spend trying to win the more you are allowing yourself to lose. If you can't best your opponent that way, then distract them. That is second thing you must remember. Distract them. Everything from a small pebble to a large crate can be used as a weapon. Always be aware of your surroundings and use that to your advantage. Rest assured your enemy will."

Another reason she chose Dagobah to train her opponent was it was never short of predators. All manners of nasties hunted in the swamps. "Rest...and when you feel you are ready to continue, go into the swamps and hunt. Use both your weapon and the Force...defeat at least three creatures. Be warned Apprentice, Dragonsnakes and Swamp Slugs are some of the fiercest predators on Dagobah. They do not fight fair."

[member="Shuduc Macar"]
She stopped after her mistress did, putting her weapon down she sighed and relaxed breathing deeply. “Mistress, before I go I have a question. If only the makashi style or preserving ones energy is proper why do we have the other forms?” She asked mind calming as she brought herself back down from the adrenaline high. Her teacher was most assuredly better at dueling than she was. Her attempts to mix up and change the battle had failed to even disrupt her form at all. She’d managed to maintain her tight controlled blade work easily without even breaking a sweat.

[member="Darth Venefica"]
[member="Shuduc Macar"]

"A very good question Apprentice. Different forms have different advantages. Shii-Cho focuses on disarming one's opponent with causing them harm. The drawback, you have to get close to your opponent. Soresu for example relies on redirecting blaster fire from opponents armed with blasters. Ataru utilizes an acrobatic style to keep your opponent guessing...however the attacks are eradict and exhausting on your body."

In her earlier training she had sought to learn Ataru as her style but found it was to taxing on her body physically. Since she was not going to be a master swordsmen, she decided to pursue other forms finally settling on Makashi.

"Shien/Djem so is a good balanced form. It allows you to repel blaster attacks and allows you to use your opponent's momentum against them. However, the drawback is that you can only do one or the other. So in a situation where you find yourself overwhelmed by are powerless. Niman is a combination of all the forms but it takes away from the single strength or advantage granted by one form. And finally, there is Juyo or Vaapad. This is a dangerous form to use. It relies heavily on your emotions such as hate and anger to grant you more powerful strikes but it will drain you emotionally and rob you using the Force with powers related to emotions."
[member="Darth Venefica"]

As she stood up she bowed. "I shall return." With that she went out and began to journey off into the swamps of Degoba. It would be possibly 20 or 30 minutes before she even reached a point where she was far away enough not to send her master. Though she remembered the way she came. She found herself constantly having to ensure she double checked herself so she did not get lost. This world flowed with the force strongly and many creatures here did too. Another few minutes passed and she felt something rumble. But then it vanished. She lifted one saber up and looked around something was in the water swimming slowly almost not disturbing the water. But as she looked at it something flew up from behind her from under the water apparently a looser piece of the soil was there and the creature knew it! A massive Dragonsnake came up and swooped in trying to bite her. She swung her saber after igniting it burning it slightly but it snapped back and sunk back down moving around. She waited now as she watched for it's presence. A splash and she turned but it was a ruse this thing could think! It came up again behind her and she pushed at it with the force barely holding it back as she turned and swung at it slicing into it's body making it roar loudly but it was not dead yet!
[member="Shuduc Macar"]

With her Apprentice sent out on a task, she took the time to scrounge around her old haunting grounds. Much didn't change here on Dagobah minus a few more trees laying half submerged in swamp water. The Darkside was still strong here. It was both pure and refreshing at the same time. She missed her home but she had come so far in her life now, how would she truly fare in this world now? She would always be that swamp girl from Dagobah but recent events have somewhat civilized her, but still the prospect of returning here one day to live her life to the end of its days was appealing.

She placed her right hand on a crooked and leafless tree feeling the life force flow through it into her. Yes, she would return here one day.
As she continued her battle with the thing she moved and darted about trying to stay mobile each time the creature tried new ways to trick or confuse her she had to adapt. Every minute felt long and grueling as she swung at it’d strike or pushed back with the force. Finally she saw an opening it’s tail swung at her and she leap up using the force she could easily get atop of it’s back. As she did she ran over and with one final swing lopped it’s head off with no sound from the creature as it was slain. As she jumped back onto the ground it sank into the marshy depths it’s head flopping on the ground before her. She breathed deeply and looked around two more things to hunt.

[member="Darth Venefica"]

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