Somewhere in the Outer Rim, abandoned Asteroid Field
Small Refueling Space Station
"Dis plant chow will get you whe' you want, aruetii."
"How much?"
"Two-'undred peggat."
The Sith rolled his eyes beneath the mask, though nothing betrayed his emotion outwards.
"A high price for a plant you claim can accomplish what far more powerful beings couldn't."
"T'ek it or leav' it, no matter to me, I find otha buyer, aruetii."
His fingers brushed over the few golden coins within the pouch hidden underneath the white fabric of his robes. The metal's cold sensation remained foreign to Atlas, the white fibre of his gloves obstructing any genuine contact.
"A hundred and fifty."
"No can do, price is fixed."
The hand shot out of from beneath its robes, fixed securely around the Cathar's throat, holding him in place against a wall a couple centimetres from where his feet had touched the ground. The clawed, furred hands shot back a few moments afterwards, clawing at their executioner, tearing white cloth over brazen armour, but to no avail. The Cathar managed to draw a few more breaths, but soon his struggle ended and his limbs dangled at his sides. Hand still firmly crushing the exposed neck of the felinid, the Sith reached out with the other to pluck a small orange pouch from the dead man's belt. In the near darkness of the alley he could barely see when the life left the Cathar's eyes, a small measure of disappointment came with that realisation.
A few moments later the Cathar's frame dropped to the ground, motionless and still, the Sith taking a few steps away from it to examine the orange pouch. Several small white orbs rolled inside it, barely moving from their spots as he opened it. The prize he gained for being the one still alive. Taking his gaze away from the contents he examined his surroundings. It was quiet on the streets behind him, only a few brave souls wandered the station at night. Before him, there was also nothing, a metal wall separating this section from the next. He was alone here. The tension in his body eased as he let out a quiet breath of relief. He reached into the pouch with one hand, taking two of the orbs into his hand. They were small, somewhat malleable. Not perfect spheres, though shaped to be more appealing to the eye, unlike their natural, more deformed equivalent. Holding the two orbs delicately he closed the pouch again, pulling at the string around its opening, concealing it below his robes once it was sealed.
Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes. The now-idle hand moved to his mask, lingering over it for a few moments before the thick fabric made contact with smooth metal. He exhaled again, motionless. He remained that way for a few more moments, for a few more breaths. Courage did not come quickly in this matter. Yet finally it did come and with it, the mask left. He had expected a cold breeze, but the air circulation in this part of the station was in a state of some disrepair, creating no artificial wind. He opened his eyes again, the new sensation of a dark alley not tinted in deep blue seeming not entirely foreign to him, the lack of light, paired with the moderately warm air made him feel more as though he was nestled in bed on Telos IV than on some forgotten station in the middle of space. The feeling of familiarity, the lack of a profound divergence of what he already knew made the moment feel shallow, trivial, and empty, despite its imagined significance. It felt no different than removing the mask in the safety of his home, almost like a routine.
He pushed the thoughts aside to put his focus back into the here and now. The softness and fragility of the orbs surprised him somewhat, they felt as though they would burst if he applied even the smallest amount of pressure to them. It was a strange sensation, one the Sith rarely felt. He held the orbs a little higher, allowing a stray beam of yellow light to illuminate them for a more clear picture. It danced on their thin, clear skin and painted the spectacle below in a more clear colour. They weren't solid white orbs, but rather a brilliant star with many crooked vertices reaching outward, though kept inside their translucent prison. He admired their beauty for a few moments, he'd never seen anything like it before. Perhaps some sort of stasis would preserve their likeness for as long as he needed? Perhaps a holographic replica would capture the same elegance? He'd have to experiment later, for now he needed to experience their effects, make sure they were suitable replacements.
He consumed both in quick succession, research suggested an individual dose's effect was mild, he wanted to be sure he'd feel the sensation, or rather the absence of one. They left a sweet, herbal taste, one he'd have to describe as pleasant. For a few moments, he could do nothing but stand and wait in the dark, expectation high. Seconds went by, though no change came. As they did, expectation slowly trickled out in favour of frustration. More seconds came and left, soon a minute had gone by, still nothing. His hand moved towards his robes, towards the orange pouch, but a loud noise and subsequent painful sensation coursed through his other arm, a metal clang followed the loud disturbance as the mask hit the ground. Immediately his hand clutched the arm, the echoing noise and stinging pain finally registered as a blaster bolt that had impacted right above his left wrist. His fingers wrapped around the area just above the impact zone tightly, gripping like a vice as he turned around to see the marksman. It seemed the plant had a different effect than he'd heard about.
At the entrance to the alley were two men, a Gank and a Rodian. The former brandished a long knife, illuminated by a faint glow running along its spine, the latter held a blaster, muzzle trained on Atlas' centre. Instinct kicked in, with a quick surge in the Force the blaster was ripped from the Rodian's grasp, skidding along the ground in the direction the Cathar's body. The instant it impacted the metal floor, the Gank shot forwards, closing the few metres between him and Atlas at an alarming speed, knife shooting forwards in a straight line the moment he was close enough to reach the Sith. Atlas was not unprepared, however, abandoning his grip on the arm his hand shot upwards the same moment his step shifted his body to the side, out of harm's way. Safe from the knife's reach he found his target, his hand gripping the Gank's arm. He pulled the Gank forward slightly, bringing him between Atlas and the wall. Another surge in the Force followed, this time to enhance his own strength and speed, as he threw his shoulder against the armoured frame with enough might to make a slight indentation in the durasteel wall. The Gank, now pinned against the wall, quickly attempted to angle his knife to cut the Sith's hand, but his attempt failed when his arm's hydraulics were nearly crushed, resulting in a loud and mechanical cry of pain from the cyborg. A moment later Atlas quickly pulled away, relocating his hand to the Gank's face he called on his emotion again to produce weak lightning, enough to render the assailant unconscious.
Another sharp pain shot through Atlas' leg, bending as his knee was forced downward. The Rodian was now attempting his luck against the Sith. He grabbed the Epicanthix' limp arm, still pressing down on his leg, and brought its elbow against his side, holding the extended arm firmly in place. Yet before he could apply more pressure to accomplish his goal of breaking Atlas' arm, lighting met his frame as well, coursing through his body and brushing against the Sith's, whose robes and skin were burned where they touched the Rodian. He endured the pain for a brief moment before concluding his barrage with a quick punch aimed at the Rodian's neck. The Rodian went limp as well, falling away from Atlas. His presence in the Force was faint, but it was still present.
[member="Gideon Blackford"], [member="Srina Talon"].