Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*~Bronwyn Tyr~*

Bronwyn Tyr


NAME: Bronwyn Tyr
FACTION: Witches of Dathomir
RANK: Initiate
SPECIES: Dathomirian
AGE: 19
GENDER: female
HEIGHT: with or without heels :) 5"2'
WEIGHT: every girl has her secrets ... oh I don't know ... 115 lbs.
EYES: hazel; glows violet when casting a spell
HAIR: naturally a dark brunette, tho it changes from time to time
SKIN: white
SPELLS LEARNED: Telekinesis I, Arrows of Fire, Song of Healing, Ward Spell - Deflection, Spell of Focus (for the following spells), Spell of Deception, Call Mist

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES : Bronwyn's strengths lie in her ability to sell herself as a weak desperate girl, however, she is anything but. She flaunts her beauty to get what she wants. However this being said, her weakness lies in the small fact that she is a disaster. Physically, she is not nearly as strong as others, a physical combat would surely do her in. Her cunning and deceit work best to her advantage. But even as smart as she is, she is vastly inexperienced with the galaxy around her. She is young and easily impressionable still, even through her strong desire to grow into a more well rounded individual.

SHIP: a small fueless unidentified double occupant ship

BIOGRAPHY: Growing up on her homeworld of Dathomir during the after effects of the plague was a hard time. Food, supplies, and shelter was all scarce. To say Bronwyn's life was hard was an understatement. As a young witch in the Dreaming River clan, she was raised to mirror the perfect image of Allya. She was taught to mirror her perfect attitude, her perfect composure, her perfect talents, and her perfect little smile. However, what her lightsided clan didn't know was that the more they pushed her to become their bright white witch, the more she rebeled and the more she wanted to make her own path and own decisions. Typically, a Dathmorian's tattoos were given to them during rituals, however, she began collecting her own on different planets after she stumbled upon a working space craft. Deciding to take it for a joy ride at the age of sixteen, Bronwyn traveled to a few nearby planets, as many as her fuel tank would allow. She tested her unique skillset against many warriors on the few planets that were underestimated her because of her size and sweet face. The witch realized she was beginning to grow in understanding and power and took things to a whole new level as she killed her first opponent. The feeling was so liberating and made her feel powerful, she only wanted more. And with each kill taught her a new lesson. Each new lesson she gained another tattoo to remind herself of the feelings she had and the lessons she learned while away from home. Another thing she learned while away, she was pretty. This was never a thought to cross her mind as the male population was so beneath them on Dathomir. However, on other planets, the males seemed to flock to her, each one vying for her attention a little more than the last. Using this to her advantage, her beauty was honed to use males and females alike to further the young witches goals. Finally, it was time to return home. Upon her exit in the middle of her village, she was met by another lightside witch who demanded to know what had become of her. Feigning innocense, Bronwyn denied any accusation the other witch threw her way. Instead, she used her new found flirtatious demeanor to call to her aid the assistence of the males of the clan to back her up. The other witch did not like this, and tried to get to Bronwyn, defeating every male Dathomirian in her her way, not killing them, just disabling them. Upon reaching Bronwyn, she informed the gathered crowd that she smelled the stench of corruption and death upon their fellow sister. Eventually, the situation heated up and resulted in the clan's first murder in over a hundred years. During that evening, the elders and the clan mother met to decide Bronwyn's fate, only she wouldn't let her own life be determined by a meeting of the crones. No, instead, she packed up what little she had there and left her clan to find a new home, wondering, hoping that there were others out there who understood power as she had.



Thunder in our Hearts
A Wrong Day's Journey Into Right
On the Plains of Dathomir
Double Double, Toil and....
Sky People Have Come

Jorn Mair

looks nice (im talking about the bio.) and you could maybe get rid of the bracelts lol

theyz in the wayz

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