Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Brother War: Chapter 1A: A Meeting with The Council (The Red Dragon only)

Mike was shocked with what had been transpired. His wife died by the hands of Fireson V'Trechen. On top of that, Fireson killed Mike's parents. Now, The Red Dragons are now at war with The Corporate Protecctorate. Mike is having a really hard time. He had requested The Council to come to a meeting. The meeting will determine what they should do with The Corporate Protectorate.

The Corporate Protectorate is a major faction. An Unholy association of PMC, Galactic Bankers and politicians has turned out. Pointed on joining together of riches, domain and the wealth of their kin, this Protectorate holds a more profound darker mystery at its center. On the outward front human helping works veil a plan and every one of the pieces that move is just the bits of the chessboard, building up each play.

The Red Dragon was just a newly made faction. They are new, but all of there members was from every different part of the galaxy.
Salis was a member of the council now. She had duties to attend to. Things she had to follow through with. She couldn't just go wherever the heck she wanted. She did hope that this didn't result in boredom. Oh well, bit late. Actually no it wasn't, but she was going to give it a chance. See where it took her. The woman appeared, armed to the teeth as ever. Wearing her rebreather on her face as usual, and walking in with Zepher not far behind her.

The droid had proven himself sufficient to her for awhile now. Having bought him not long after becoming a mercenary. The droid was intelligent, creative even, and was certainly loyal. He made for a good second in command and of course there was the advantage he didn't have the option of disobeying her. He would however disobey other people if the need arose, leaving the only way to turn him on her required him to be forcefully altered. Something, naturally, he would resist. But even humans could have that done to them.

The woman walked into the base swiftly, removing her mask only temporarily as she sat down casually, laying sideways on her chair and awaiting for the meeting to start while she casually draped herself like some kind of strange cat. A cat who carried a lightsaber and a dozen other lethal weapons and powers.

[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
Mike was happy to see [member="Salis"] . He was not having a good time. About half of the Faction has splintered. Mike start the meeting with the Anthem. (

"Hello, Salis," said Mike after the Anthem played. "We have some bad news. Apparently Frieson killed my parents, and recently Maria V'Trechen-Fel I. This is a sad time for The Red Dragons and for me. This means war!"

[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
Salis smiled as he said hello then explained there was bad news. Fireson killed his parents, she raised an eyebrow. Thought he said a jedi did that? And also...apparently, his wife. She frowned and looked at him thoughtfully as he said war was now upon them. A slightly villainous chuckle emerged from the woman was she looked at him with eyes that slowly glinted yellow, "Very well then Mike. Are you willing to embrace the dark side, embrace revenge?" She asked adjusting her position and walking around the table to stand behind him, "Can you reject peace? Can you reject that which you last told me you wanted? To cease killing?"

Her yellow eyes approached next to his face as she continued to speak, "Will you let the dark side give you strength, and in return, commit atrocities? Or are you still going to hold back?"
Mike knew that he did not want to do this. He was angry. Mike wants his revenge against the galazy. He wants to control the world. It was time for him to go back and train more in the Sith ways.

"It is time," said Mike. "The galaxy must pay for its atrocities. Salis, I am ready. It is time for me to rule. It is time for me to distroy the world. I am gladly putting you as my Sith Master, once again."

[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
Salis heard his affirmation. And heard his repetition to have her made to be his Sith Master again. He had something to be angry for now, something to infuriate and strengthen him. Salis was not an avid user of rage to fuel ones abilities. She was a dark sider sure, even stressed to the point her body began to suffer for it. But she did not believe it to be the only, nor best, means to what you wanted.

"Good," She said sitting on the table facing him, "You have to listen to me this time. Listen to me and I'll teach you tactics, powers, and how to harness your emotions. You know me, I'm not an angry person. But I still know how to use force rage. That is what you must know. Control and master your emotions, discipline your body, strengthen your mind, and you'll be a greater threat then this fireson."
Mike shook his head and nodded. He, then, looked at Salis with his own two eyes.Mike got up and stretched. He looked at a datapad and figured to ask Salis about the situation.

"[member="Salis"] ," said Mike. "I am being told that Fireson is trying to take control of TCP. What is your opinions on this situation? I am trying to make sure that everyothing will be ok."
[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
He tossed her a databad which she looked at, considering his statement about Fireson trying to take control of the Corporate Protectorate. Based on where he was, he wasn't very far along. He was a member and was potentially able to find a way to make himself valuable. But far from actual control, "There's time before he's there. Should be quite a bit from what I see. You should have plenty of time to prepare."

She set the datapad down and laid down on the table carelessly, "Planing on killing him before that? That's the easier thing in my opinion. Anonymous bounty. Send some assassins who can't be traced back. That type of thing."
Mike looked at Salis straight in the eyes. He did not want to do that. Mike wanted to kill Fireson himself. He turned around and grabbed his lightsaber.

"He is not going to survive the year," said Mike. "He is going to be dead on my hands."

[member="Mike V'Trechen"]
She groaned as he said he wanted to do it himself while grabbing his lightsaber. Fair she supposed. This was his goal. He could have his limitations. "Then, how would you like to manage that? Send bounty hunters to catch him and bring him to you. Torture and then kill him? Maybe just dual him? Or perhaps you'd rather do this the simple way and challenge him?" she inquired looking at his lightsaber, and running a hand over the pouch that held her own.

The woman cocked her head at him awaiting an answer.

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