Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bruce Foster

Bruce Foster


NAME: Bruce Foster
FACTION: Formerly Omega Protectorate - Now holds warrant for his arrest.
AGE: Thirty-One
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.84m (6ft)
WEIGHT: 72kg (160lb)
EYES: Naturally blue but may wear contacts to change colour to remain unidentified.
HAIR: Naturally bleached blonde. Regularly changes in an attempt to remain unidentified.
SKIN: Fair



[+] Quick Reflexes - Bruce was trained in self-defence from a young age. Fighting has become instinct, before your punch can even land, he'll be batting it away with the back of his hand and delivering a forehead-splitting headbutt.
[+] Speed - Bruce is fast in close-combat. His speed and strength have proven to shatter an opponents defence before they could even muster one.
[+] Strength - Bruce has been training since the age of four by his father. His father insisted a strict diet and constant training. He's grown into a strong and competent man.

[-] Poor Hearing - Bruce suffers from moderate hearing loss after working as a laboratory technician. He was constantly surrounded by loud noises. His suit currently combats this weakness with increased audio output, but without it he can easily be snuck up upon.
[-] Poor Accuracy - Bruce was trained in a vicious form self-defence, but his skills with guns was never honed. For this reason, he prefers automatic weapons. He'll eventually hit something, right?
[-] Poor Stealth - Bruce wears heavy armour whenever on a mission, and due to the weight of the armour and it's construction, he is quite loud.
[-] Can't Swim - Bruce was never taught how to swim. His desperate flailing of his arms and legs will only serve to drown him faster.


[+] Determined - Bruce holds a strong determination to get what he wants, and he'll do whatever means necessary to achieve his end goals.
[+] Disciplined - Bruce is a disciplined soldier. If ordered to perform a task, he'll perform it to the T.

[-] Stubborn - Bruce doesn't know when to give up, placing him in jeopardising situations.
[-] Fanatical - Bruce can be considered insane on his insatiable desire to destroy the Republic.

Born and raised on Fondor by his father, Peter Foster. From the young age of four, his father, a military man, expected a lot of Bruce. He began to set him on a path of extremes. He set him on a tightly strict diet, refused him to attend a public schooling and rather did home schooling. His father belonged to a fanatical movement that was against the Republic and hid within various sectors across the galaxy. From the first signs of the sun in the morning, Bruce began exercising until the sun was setting. He performed vigorous tasks for his father that involved others in the cult attacking him to prevent him from accomplishing the mission. These adult men would punch and kick the seven year old Bruce. At night Bruce would sleep on a hard mattress without nothing but his bed in the room. He was indoctrinated into the cult. They bent the truth for their own favour, convincing Bruce of outrageous horrors the Republic had committed, to which, Bruce wouldn't know they actually hadn't. The leaders of the cult considered it a necessary evil to tell Bruce these things.

He never knew love and would grow up surrounded by hard, cruel men that tortured him. The men of the fanatical movement noticed Bruce showed routinely mild sociopathic tendencies and difficulty with socialisation. They would dismiss these concerns with Bruce's efficiency to complete tasks. The ageing boy was now capable of taking on groups of fully grown adult, military trained men in hand-to-hand combat. Some less-radicals in the cult considered Bruce a monstrosity and mentally broken. They believed he was unreliable for what they wanted to accomplish. At the age of twenty-six he was sent to on his first mission with a group of cultists. Together they broke into an Omega Protectorate Military Compound. The boy wasn't given a weapon and was there to see how the others handled the process. Together the group stole a suit of II/H Battle Armour. By the age of twenty-eight his father had been arrested for suspicion to commit terrorist acts. Government agencies found out about Bruce and when they came to arrest him, he lost it. He roared through a door with his shoulder, adorned in the Battle Armour they had stolen years prior. Bruce killed four of the five officers before escaping in a speedster. He has since been a wanted criminal with a warrant for his arrest, for the crimes of four acts of man slaughter, one act of assault on a federal Omega Protectorate officer and suspicion to commit terrorist acts.






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