Well-Known Member
Aaran made his way down the largely deserted hallway from the landing pad. He found himself in a very precarious position. Sure living the life of a Pirate often left you in less than desirable positions. However in the last month things seemed to have hit rock bottom. First he wakes up in a Bacta tank and then ends up in a jail cell. Nothing worse than getting pinched with no idea how of why he got there. Then to find out his father was dead, his ship destroyed, and he was on his way to Nar Shadaa. Apparently the wrong pilot had pissed off a Hutt and now any Pirate captured was worth a Hutt's belly worth of credits. It had taken awhile but Aaran managed to look broken enough for his captors to let their guards down. It proved to be a costly mistake on their part.
Aaran shook his head chasing away his thoughts as he stepped into a lighted street. Looking left and right he spotted a Cantina two blocks down.
He smiled mumbling to himself
"Man I could use a drink right about now." "Besides dead men have no use for credits."
He pulled his hood up over his head and turned walking towards a stiff drink and with any luck new opportunities. He needed much more credits than what he got off of the corpses of his captors which means he needed to find work. Luckily the closest planet had been the Smuggler's Moon.
Sliding up to the bar he ordered whiskey and lots of it not really paying attention to anything or any one around him. All he cared about was the drink in his hand and the next one.
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Aaran shook his head chasing away his thoughts as he stepped into a lighted street. Looking left and right he spotted a Cantina two blocks down.
He smiled mumbling to himself
"Man I could use a drink right about now." "Besides dead men have no use for credits."
He pulled his hood up over his head and turned walking towards a stiff drink and with any luck new opportunities. He needed much more credits than what he got off of the corpses of his captors which means he needed to find work. Luckily the closest planet had been the Smuggler's Moon.
Sliding up to the bar he ordered whiskey and lots of it not really paying attention to anything or any one around him. All he cared about was the drink in his hand and the next one.
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]