Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bruised but not broken.

Aaran made his way down the largely deserted hallway from the landing pad. He found himself in a very precarious position. Sure living the life of a Pirate often left you in less than desirable positions. However in the last month things seemed to have hit rock bottom. First he wakes up in a Bacta tank and then ends up in a jail cell. Nothing worse than getting pinched with no idea how of why he got there. Then to find out his father was dead, his ship destroyed, and he was on his way to Nar Shadaa. Apparently the wrong pilot had pissed off a Hutt and now any Pirate captured was worth a Hutt's belly worth of credits. It had taken awhile but Aaran managed to look broken enough for his captors to let their guards down. It proved to be a costly mistake on their part.

Aaran shook his head chasing away his thoughts as he stepped into a lighted street. Looking left and right he spotted a Cantina two blocks down.

He smiled mumbling to himself

"Man I could use a drink right about now." "Besides dead men have no use for credits."

He pulled his hood up over his head and turned walking towards a stiff drink and with any luck new opportunities. He needed much more credits than what he got off of the corpses of his captors which means he needed to find work. Luckily the closest planet had been the Smuggler's Moon.

Sliding up to the bar he ordered whiskey and lots of it not really paying attention to anything or any one around him. All he cared about was the drink in his hand and the next one.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
In the corner of the establishment sat a man at the corner table who was quite used to this establishment at this point. Despite the hostility of Nar Shadda, the Jedi Master, who by the way had his Force Presence hidden so as not to attract attention, sat cloaked in robes, along with a hood over his head to cover his head and face as he would gently sip a drink.

While it was hostile, this was still one of his favorite places to unwind. People came here to get away from the stressful life of Nar Shadda. This was a place of peace... For the most part. Most people didn't try and mess with him anymore. They usually got more then they were bargaining for. None knew his name. Just that messing with the cloaked man was... Most unwise.

[member="Aaran Calfan"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Aaran downed his drink like a man dying of thirst ordering another one. All he wanted to do was drink and forget the last conscious memories he had before waking up in a Bacta tank and then tossed into stun cuffs. Or maybe he was trying to remember how he got into the tank to start with. His mind was still a little clouded like a man with amnesia trying to figure out who he is supposed to be. The more he drank the jitterier he got, the jitterier he got the more he drank. After all it was somebody else's credits what did he care if he spent them all.

A man beside him turned looking at him saying something Aaran couldn't make out. He told the man to piss off which was probably the last thing one wanted to do in a place like this. Aaran didn't care he was in no mood to deal with people. Out of the corner of his eyes he watched the guy nudge the man beside him and mutter something to the effect of can you believe this guy.

Aaran watched as the buddy slid off the stool moving around behind him. Tensing up Aaran spoke to the man behind him as his right foot slid down to the floor the left angling against the middle cross bar of the stool.

"I told your to piss off you two must want to die." "I am in no mood so do yourself a favor and piss off."

Aaran finished the second glass of whiskey planting both hands firming gripping the edge of the bar for support.
"This guy isn't worth our time, let's just get back to our drinks"

The words would be repeated, aloud, by one of the men. At the very moment that one of the hands of the cloaked man sitting at the corner table would raise and move through the air gently, just a bit. As if trying to block glaring light from his eyes that was obstructing his vision. Hopefully, this would stop any sort of fight from breaking out. This was a nice cantina, after all. And while this was indeed Nar Shadda, fights breaking out in a nice establishment like this wasn't something the young man liked seeing on a quiet afternoon.

The Jedi Mind Trick. He hadn't gotten to use it as much as he had liked. But in the cases he used it, he was effective. Neutralizing a situation before it got violent was just one of the man's specialties, after all.

[member="Aaran Calfan"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Aaran looked at the man confused as he said Aaran was not worth their time. Even a little offended by it. had his star really fallen so far in his absence that even a little bar fight was not an option. This was not the Smuggler's Moon he remembered. Something was different about this place. Part of him though was happy that for some strange reason things didn't escalate into a brawl. Settling back down onto his seat Aaran kept drinking.

Besides he needed to lay low for a bit and besides he needed work. Being that it was stolen and full of bodies the ship he arrived in was not an option. He looked over at the bartender.

"Hey you know anybody looking for crew?"

Aaran tossed a stack of credits as he said it mostly to keep form getting tossed out. Sure he had enough to pay for his drinks but not enough to last more than a week or two. Besides even on a planet like this he only had a day or two before somebody found the ship he stole.
The young man was satisfied by his handiwork, but he couldn't help but look over at the man who had started all of this chaos. The bartender would shrug in response to his requests for someone looking for a crew, obviously not knowing of any at the moment. Finally, the cloaked man would speak.

"Hey. You"

He had spoken aloud toward Aaron, and everyone stopped dead. It was rare that the cloaked regular said anything besides to the bartender, and the last time he had, glasses had been broken. Considering he had just nearly started a fight, most of the patrons were sure that the guy was in deep trouble.

The man would motion him over toward the chair across from him.

[member="Aaran Calfan"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Aaran stopped mid sip of his drink as he heard the voice yell. It was almost as if time had stopped. It was at least a full minute before Aaran sighed finishing the action and setting the glass down on the bar in front of him. Aaran turned towards the direction the voice had come from scanning the crowd until his gaze rested on a cloaked figure in a corner table. He studied him for a moment almost as if trying to decide if it was worth it. With a visible shrugged Aaran walked up to the figure.

"You need something Chief?"

Aaran stopped short of sitting down waiting to see what was going to go down and how it was going to play out. Based on the reaction of the other people in the bar Aaran doubted the figure was getting ready to offer to buy the next round
The figure looked up at the man as he would walk over, tilting his head as he studied him curiously from under his hood. He had saved the guy's skin this time, but he wanted to make sure that it didn't happen again. So of course, he would ask his question.

"Why do you try to start fights like that?"

It was a simple question. An innocent one, at that. But from beneath the cloak, Aaron might see serious eyes boreing right into him, almost staring into his soul. It was obvious that he wasn't happy about him disturbing the peace in here. Of course, he didn't say that he had been the one who had stopped the fight before it started.

[member="Aaran Calfan"]
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Aaran looked at the figure with a cocked head at the sheer stupidity of his question.

"Start what fight?"

Aaran looked over his shoulder towards the bar before looking back.

"You mean that?"

Aaran sighed.

"I supposed you think I should have just let that nerf herder interrupt my very peaceful attempt to drink myself to death." "For what purpose to listen to some crap story about wild adventures, to cry over spilled Bantha milk." "I supposed that just because I am where I am I suddenly gave up the right to tell somebody I don't want bothering me to piss off."

Aaran crossed his arms.

"Why cause I may hurt somebodies feelings?" "Your kidding me right?"

Aaran snorted.

"The galaxy is a dangerous place feelings get hurt, fights happen." "You win some you lose some and everybody has to die some time." "Now unless you are offering to buy the next round I am bored with this conversation and I am on borrowed time already."

Aaran looked at the figure waiting for his answer before deciding whether or not to walk away.

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