Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Brush With the Past


While [member="Curtis Learchin"] was off on his own on a mission that he claimed was too dangerous for her to tag along, Lori went off on a mission of her own. Or rather it was just a quick job. Curtis was more than just a bodyguard or crew member to her now. The two shared a bond and although they hadn't even gone out on a date yet, both had admitted their feelings towards one another. And so she figured that the best thing to do so that he wouldn't worry, would be to do a simple shipping job.

The contents were simple. Crates of exotic foods from various points of the Galaxy for one of the marketplaces in Heimskringla, the planet's capital city. Lori's ship the Jaster's Sparrow was able to carry a sizeable amount, given that at the present time only Arla and herself were on board.

Reading up on the planet, Lori was pleased to see that Beskar was one of their exports. Oh she could really use that! She had no armour for herself. Her time away from her Mando family had changed her priorities. And she had stayed away from war as she was instructed by her Dad. But now she could use it.

Touching down on one of the landing pads, Lori was sure to bundle up for the cold weather. "Stay here Arla and keep her safe. I'll be back soon."

"You better be. Keep your commlink on so that I can track you."

Lori smirked. "Yes MOM." Right away she regretted saying that and just quickened her pace. It had been months since she had even spoken about her Mom. And she wasn't about to bring it up!

Now to look for her contact.

[member="Thom Naudir"]

Thom Naudir

Thom did not usually come to the markets. The subtle science of economics were not his area of expertise, and in truth thinking about it for long periods of time gave him migraines. However, on this day he had decided to make an exception. The contact that Thom had been informed about was a Mandalorian, of sorts. Coming to Krieg for the first time, and apparently inquiries had been made into the planets Beskar supply. When Mandalorians and Beskar entered the equation, economics suddenly became an interesting point to Thom.

Thom now stood waiting on one of the landing platforms near the capital city, his armor gleaming in the light of the rising sun as he stood their patiently. He had dismissed the guards he usually traveled with, not having many concerns in the highly guarded starport to begin with. He wanted the first meeting between himself and whoever this woman was to be a natural thing, not a militarized affair, though in Mandalorian society military usually was the natural.

As the ship he had been waiting for began to slowly descend towards the designated landing pad, Thom folded his arms across his chest. Time to see what was about to happen.

[member="Loreena Arenais"]
Once Lori began walking down the ramp, she spotted [member="Thom Naudir"] straight away. Did he stand out in the area? No. But the fact that his arms were folded across his chest while he appeared to be looking at her gave her every indication that he was her contact.

"Su'cuy!" It had felt like forever since she had uttered such a phrase, but in reality it had been less than two standard years. "I take it that you're my contact? I'm Lori of Clan Raxis." However she was only in the Clan due to the mere fact that her Mom was. Yet other than the two of them there were no others left.

"I have the crates in the cargobay. Would you care to inspect?" Not everyone was as trusting as Lori would be, so she preferred to give people options, this way it gave them more of a sense of being in control. That in and of itself often put people more at ease.

Inside were the many exotics foods as promised. There were meats, fruits, vegetables and grains, as well as a variety of spices.

Thom Naudir

Thom inclined his head to [member="Loreena Arenais"] as she approached, unfolding his arms and shifting his weight slightly. "Su cuy'gar, evaar'la vod, bic cuyir jate at urcir gar." Nodding his head at her words, Thom glanced up at the ship behind her before looking back down at her. 'If you say your cargo is good, then I shall take your word for it." Thom was inclined to believe her, partly because she was a fellow Mandalorian, but mostly because he did not feel like inspecting some cargo containers himself. What she had brought would be inspected for the coming event to be held on Krieg later.

For now there were other matters to attend to.

"If I can ask, why is it that you do not have armor, young one?" As Thom spoke he turned and began to walk away from the starport, gesturing for her to follow him as they began to make their way towards the inner city. As they walked, they passed several other armored figures at various points around the starport, but the closer they got to the city itself their numbers began to decrease. Instead, they were met with the wide array of different species that called Krieg home. No one group had any clear majority among them, and they mingled together easily on the streets of the capital city. It was a difficult task to achieve, but the Naudir had done it. Blood had been shed, and lives were lost, but peace had been achieved.

As was the way of their kind.
Lori offered a small smile and nod of her head as [member="Thom Naudir"] decided to take her for her word. Some people were hesitant to trust her because she was young and they'd presume her to be inexperienced too. Yet they were always half right.

And then Thom just HAD to do it. He asked her about her lack of armour. Lori chewed the inside of her cheek a little and then walked along with him, albeit slightly behind. "It's a long story....But I guess the short answer would be that I don't think that I've earned it yet. I've fought in tournaments and war, sure, but...armour is special. It has meaning, moreso than just a cultural identity." She sighed a little. The only thing that she didn't have confidence in was in which direction her life would go. Her life was complicated and she was the goofball that had to make her own place to fit in, which was why she had her own ship and crew. "I'm sorry if that's wrong, it's just how I feel. I had a privledged upbringing and as a result, I don't really want everything just handed to me or bought. I want to earn it."

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