Guardian of the Weak

*Basic Information*
Name: Bry'irna
Faction: Jedi Order
Rank: Padawan
Species: Twi'lek
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Stripped Lekku
Skin: Green
Homeworld: Ryloth
Alignment: Good
Force Sensitive: Yes
+ She is very acrobatic and agile making her a hard target to hit.
+ She is a quick learner and study. She can soak up knowledge quickly and is able to comprehend what she is taught or has read.
+ She is strong in the Force. As she grows as does her powers, in time she will become a powerful Jedi.
+ She has a mental link, called Sibling Telepathy, that she shares with her twin sister; Ane'irna.
-She tends to put trust in those that are not worthy of it. She gives others the benefit of the doubt even when she believes they are being untruthful to her.
-She tends to be headstrong in certain situations such as battle or diplomacy. She seeks the quick answer rather than the leg work of investigating.
-She is highly opinionated. She will speak her mind without regard to the consequences.
*Force Powers*
Telekinesis, Telepathy, Art of Movement, Force Sense
*Lightsaber Form(s)*
She wears the traditional brown robes of the Jedi Order with brown boots with and white laces and a white utility belt around her waist. She wears leather brown headgear on her head (see image) and brown fingerless arm covering that extend to her elbow. Finally, she wears a brown, hooded cloak around her.

Bry'irna was born first, coming out kicking and fighting from her mother's womb. Only a few seconds after Bry'irna's birth, her twin sister Ane'irna exited their mother's womb too, following her twin sister. Thier blood was tested for Force sensitivity, a common paractice in the galaxy, and both tests came out positive. Seeing the oppurtunity to give both girls proper educationand a better future than they'd have had if they decided not to walk the path presented to them, their parents gladly handed the twins over to a Jedi who visited the planet, searching for those gifted with the Force. The twins travelled to the same Jedi Temple and became inseperatable. They grew up together in the same clan of younglings, they studied together, and they performed given tasks together. This obviously raised some concern among their teachers, as attachments were dangerous, but the Twi'lek duo seemed to grasp the Jedi beliefs well and they made an effective team, so no action was taken.
The two girls continued in their studies and training, learning the few basic Force powers all Padawans learn; Art of Movement, Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Force Sense. Bry'irna learned to use the more exotic double-bladed lightsaber while her sister was drawn to the curved handled lightsaber. During their lessons of lightsaber combat and forms, Bry'irna learned and enjoyed the Soresu form while her sister took on the Makashi form.
To help the Republic's effort to defeat the corrupt Sith Empire, both Ane'irna and Bry'irna were relocated to another Jedi Temple, closer to the borders with the enemy. Before joining the fight, the two had to obtain real lightsabers, so the twins travelled to Illum in order to get lightsaber crystals and construct the ancient symbol of the Jedi Order. The ice world gave the twins what they wanted, and after a few weeks of constructing their weapons together, Bry'irna finally ignited her new weapon; a true lightsaber. The crystal inside the hilt turned her blade to purple, while her sister's blade emitted a yellow plasma beam. Happy with their success, though not mindful to be proud, the two Jedi Padawans contiuned their studies, attending lessons, and practicing lightsaber combat together.
The First Steps: In Creation Stage
Sparring Among Friends: In Creation Stage
'Tis Only A Forest: In Creation Stage