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Approved NPC Bryn'adûl | Ungullian Engineers

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Ungullian Engineers



  • Intent: To fulfil the position of Engineers, preserving and repairing technology within the Bryn'adûl's use.
  • Image Credit: X
  • Role: To create engineers to deal with technological issues and repairs.
  • Links:
​- Ungulloi
- The Bryn'adûl

  • Unit Name: Ungullian Engineers
  • Affiliation: The Bryn'adûl
  • Classification: Artillery | Engineers
  • Equipment: Repairs equipment, methane gas masks, electrical components
  • Description:
​The Ungulloi that make up the composition of the Engineer's tend to be more smaller Ungulloi, able to fit into various small areas, however wear tougher and heavier orange armour. They typically don't carry weaponry, however are capable of using vehicles and turrets efficiently.

  • Unit Size: Medium
  • Unit Availability: Uncommon
  • Unit Experience: Veteran
  • Combat Function: The Ungullian Engineers don't necessarily serve a strictly combative function, however utilize technology such as defence platforms. They are typically without weaponry, their equipment comprising of repair tools.
  • Numbers: The Ungulloi, typically rove in large groups of sixteen or seventeen. They are dangerous in numbers, relying on their ability to overwhelm.
  • Engineers/Industrialists: The Ungulloi while mischievous and not very brave nor bright - have a certain knack for the construction of weaponry. Particularly explosives and protective shields.
  • Weak: Ungulloi are, as a singular entity particularly pathetic. They are on average weaker than humans, half as strong as a standard human.
  • Cowards: When isolated or without leadership the Ungulloi tend to quickly lose their sense of tactical comprehension and scatter across the battlefield.
​The Ungulloi Engineer's were commissioned following the conscription of the Ungulloi into the Bryn'adûl's service, their numbers and proficiency with tech soon surpassed the need for Draelvasier technicians and engineer's to be spread so thinly throughout their forces, been heavily replaced in more menial tasks by the Ungulloi. Once more acting as the perfect supplementary labour force.
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