The contents of the Maerd-Ka are divided into a variety of categories based on what training is applicable to which military groups, such as these examples;
- Basic Maerd-Ka:
The foundations of Maerd-Ka are split-between a proficiency in hand-to-hand and the use of martial weaponry. This primarily favours more blunt or large weaponry typically as Maerd-Ka specialises in the use of reach advantage. The fundamentals of Maerd-Ka teach Baedurin, Aeravalin and Sraelvun alike how to properly equip themselves, analyse fights and make educated decisions in combat.
- Advanced Maerd-Ka:
Advanced Maerd-Ka is only offered to those of a higher caste than the horde, offering specialisations in specific weaponry and more in depth training, Maerd-Ka focuses on efficiency and applicability; teaching Draelvasier how to survive and defend themselves as well as kill with efficiency, controlling the momentum of a fight by keeping your opponent off-balance and using superior strength to mitigate damage and reduce the difficulty of breaking an opponents guard.
- Brute Maerd-Ka:
The Brute martial variant is a vicious onslaught, a more lethal variant of Advanced Maerd-Ka that focuses on maintaining durability in the field, teamwork and quickly dispatching opponents. Brutes typically work in large groups and in warzones, and are thusly specialised in dealing with multiple opponents and fighting for longer periods of time.
- Zealot Maerd-Ka:
Zealots training is intended to produce, high-intensity and quick kills. Zealots typically operate independent of larger forces and this is mirrored by their fighting style. Essentially to win, no matter the personal cost. Zealots are trained to simply forgo personal safety for killing blows or to achieve objectives; heralding true ownership of the name 'Zealot'.
In the earliest years of the Bryn'adûl, Tathra devised a simplistic basis for martial training for the newly spawned Draelvasier. Due to having the opportunity to input some basic training into the memories of the fresh clones; Tathra drew on a near centuries worth of combat experience to create the Maerd-Ka.
From this, the Maerd-Ka developed into an incredibly complex but easily defined martial art that enforced a mastery of the physical advantages presented to the Draelvasier. The Maerd-Ka had a focus on momentum, inflicting disabling injury and keeping opponents off-balance. The Maerd-Ka also dedicated time to dealing with technology, enforcing adaptability and versatility in regards to response to adversity.
The Maerd-Ka has seen many editions over its time in use of the Bryn'adûl, and is an incredibly deadly martial art; gifting those of prowess within its teachings tremendous lethality.
- Intent: To create a basis for martial combat for Bryn'adûl units, and all varieties of Draelvasier.
- Image Credit: Gears of War 4 Multiplayer
- Canon: N/A
- Links:
- Media Name: Maerd-Ka
- Format: Draelvasier Memory Storage / Literature
- Distribution: Unique [Only available to those within the Bryn'adûl and by extension members of the Draelvasier species.
- Length: This martial art would take decades to fully be divulged by a student wishing to even become proficient in every variant of Maerd-Ka.
- Description: Maerd-Ka is a comprehensive martial art that covers Draelvasier close-quarters combat of a large vartiety. The Maerd-Ka exists as the foundations of every member of the Bryn'adûl's training as a close quarters combatant.
- Author: The Bryn'adûl | Tathra Khaeus
- Publisher: The Bryn'adûl
- Reception: The doctrines & teachings of the Maerd-Ka martial art is followed entirely throughout the Bryn'adûl military. It the crux of their fighting capacity.
- Event Name: Additionals of the Shaman Order
- Links: N/A
- Participants: The Bryn'adûl | High Shaman Drek'ma | [member="Hrajlmak'Natok"] | [member="Bralor Azkaroth"] |
- Overview: When the Shamans were first introduced to the Bryn'adûl military structure, they were primarily used as Commanders and off-field beast masters. However, in recent years a rise in more combative force adepts has created an off-shoot variant of Maerd-Ka that has various elements that involve more combative use of force abilities in cohesion with physical abilities to achieve a variety of results.
The contents of the Maerd-Ka are divided into a variety of categories based on what training is applicable to which military groups, such as these examples;
- Basic Maerd-Ka:
The foundations of Maerd-Ka are split-between a proficiency in hand-to-hand and the use of martial weaponry. This primarily favours more blunt or large weaponry typically as Maerd-Ka specialises in the use of reach advantage. The fundamentals of Maerd-Ka teach Baedurin, Aeravalin and Sraelvun alike how to properly equip themselves, analyse fights and make educated decisions in combat.
- Advanced Maerd-Ka:
Advanced Maerd-Ka is only offered to those of a higher caste than the horde, offering specialisations in specific weaponry and more in depth training, Maerd-Ka focuses on efficiency and applicability; teaching Draelvasier how to survive and defend themselves as well as kill with efficiency, controlling the momentum of a fight by keeping your opponent off-balance and using superior strength to mitigate damage and reduce the difficulty of breaking an opponents guard.
- Brute Maerd-Ka:
The Brute martial variant is a vicious onslaught, a more lethal variant of Advanced Maerd-Ka that focuses on maintaining durability in the field, teamwork and quickly dispatching opponents. Brutes typically work in large groups and in warzones, and are thusly specialised in dealing with multiple opponents and fighting for longer periods of time.
- Zealot Maerd-Ka:
Zealots training is intended to produce, high-intensity and quick kills. Zealots typically operate independent of larger forces and this is mirrored by their fighting style. Essentially to win, no matter the personal cost. Zealots are trained to simply forgo personal safety for killing blows or to achieve objectives; heralding true ownership of the name 'Zealot'.
In the earliest years of the Bryn'adûl, Tathra devised a simplistic basis for martial training for the newly spawned Draelvasier. Due to having the opportunity to input some basic training into the memories of the fresh clones; Tathra drew on a near centuries worth of combat experience to create the Maerd-Ka.
From this, the Maerd-Ka developed into an incredibly complex but easily defined martial art that enforced a mastery of the physical advantages presented to the Draelvasier. The Maerd-Ka had a focus on momentum, inflicting disabling injury and keeping opponents off-balance. The Maerd-Ka also dedicated time to dealing with technology, enforcing adaptability and versatility in regards to response to adversity.
The Maerd-Ka has seen many editions over its time in use of the Bryn'adûl, and is an incredibly deadly martial art; gifting those of prowess within its teachings tremendous lethality.