Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Brynja Draki


NAME: Brynja Draki


RANK: None


AGE: 18

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5' 4"


EYES: Ice Blue

HAIR: Jet black

SKIN: Pale



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


1. Force sensitive. She's taught herself mostly and uses it to help her steal or get what she wants to get whatever job she's, on done.

Confident. She isn't afraid to say what she wants. She's fairly outgoing and enjoys talking to others especially if she can slip information out of them.


1. Untrusting. She doesn't trust easily. It takes a lot of work to gain her trust but once you have it you have a friend for life.

2. Sarcastic. If she sees a chance to be sarcastic she will be

A small woman Brynja has pale skin beautiful ice blue eyes and jet black hair which only makes her skin seem paler. Her dark hair is long and hangs down to her waist. She tends to keep herself well kept at all times not liking to be dirty.

Born on an ice planet (Which I will add the name of as soon as the planet gets approved.) full of criminals, Brynja grew up pretty much alone. Her mother left her when she was six and to survive, Brynja learned to survive on her own. She began with picking pockets and as she grew turned to bigger and better things. She joined up with a crew of three when she turned sixteen. They taught her the basics of doing what they did such as stealing, raiding, and smuggling until they wanted her to kill a man who didn't need to die.

She left them after that and went into business for herself. She fought in a ring for a few years saving up her money to buy a ship and a home of her own. Now she's got a bit of a bounty on her head but she will not kill anyone who she doesn't need to. She now is known thief as one of the best things in the galaxy. If you need to get your hands on something she can get it.

A small ship which has a common area with two bedrooms for passengers. Fake floor panels to hide certain thing she may not want anyone else to see in. The ship as two guns which she modified herself on either side of the cockpit.




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