Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
NAME: Bsssk
FACTION: Hutt Cartel
RANK: Associate
SPECIES: Trandoshan.
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6ft 10
WEIGHT: 205 Pounds
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: Sandy Brown


+Tough and Resilient hide, like all Trandoshans his Limbs Regrow
+Crack Shot
+Strong like all his race
-Large Target
-Spends all his money on guns, and equipment saving very little for the rainy day.
+Professional very good at what he does, always sticks to business.
-No Force Ability, ever
-Has a weakness for keeping score, being extremely religious in his beliefs.

Sandy Brown Skin, scales as usual, slightly tall for his race but nothing special, Bsssk has a big jaw and impressive teeth, with an unnervingly sharp smile, like most of his race he has razor sharp natural claws, and limbs that regrow over time if critical injured. Bsssk nearly always carries several hidden guns, as well as his main weapons, armor and shields, making finding them all take forever. He has unusually large shoulders, with thick upper arms but regular sized hands for a man of his size. All in all he’s quite stocky and barrel chested, even given his height.

Born to a family that were high religiously, like many of his culture Bsssk keeps score, with a name and a card for all those he has killed, so that he can keep track of his Jagannath points for the tally in the afterlife, this is perfectly normal in Trandoshan religious belief, and he's done this since he was five and got his first kill.

As a teenager he worked the door at red fifteen for a long time, as long as he could remember. He grew up on Nar Shaddaa and knows it inside out, who to talk to, where to go and how to get things done. He’s an intimidating individual, like most of his race and people realised this early, the hutts hiring him from an early age after watching him handle himself in a fight outside Red Fifteen, he’s been working there since he was about thirteen years old in some form. Goros specifically tasking him however with spying on [member="Tadietti Tann"], making sure she was paying him the full amount owed, and not skimming any money for herself.

After the results of Kei and Elara breaking out of Red Fifteen Bsssk was instructed to hire more manpower, specifically as enforcement for Cartel operations, expanding his role in the cartel in more of an offensive role, after several successful jobs taking out local competitors, now he’s a button man for cartel muscle, or if you are lacking in street slang, he’s one of their top shooters, they go to him when they want someone taken out. With the growing Red Raven threat on Cartel Turf, Bsssk is looking forward to a lucrative career in taking people out, by the barrel of a gun, and hoping to get rich in the process.

The first stop in Bsssk’s hunt for manpower came when he visited the Pyke Syndicate on Kessel, finding them agreeable to restart some of the old cartel connections with their organisation, so much so that when he arrived with 50 trandoshan cartel mercs and killed everyone in charge, they seemed very agreeable to doing business… his way.





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