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Approved NPC BT-17

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: // Cryptographer

B T - 1 7


  • Intent: I am making this to formally recognise BT-17 as Livia's constant droid companion
  • Image Credit: Viko Menezes [x]
  • Role: Companion
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Age: Unknown. Production Serial Number suggests Old Republic Era.
  • Model: Protocol Droid [x]
  • Appearance: Rusted and battered, BT-17 shows a lifetime of damage from long forgotten adventures and a millennia of exposure to the elements. His repairs have been fraught with difficulties and makeshift solutions, leaving him with only a single working photoreceptor and joints that squeak when they move. His design is outdated and bears the hallmarks of Old Republic droid architecture.
  • Name: BT-17 "Bee Tee"
  • Loyalties: Dr. Livia Steele
  • Notable Equipment: MW-20 Bryar Pistol [x]
  • Skills: BT is programmed as a social studies protocol droid, an expert in foreign cultures and traditions.
  • Languages: As a protocol droid BT is programmed to understand most galactic languages, but does not know any languages that appeared post-Old Republic Era.
  • Personality: BT is by nature inquisitive, perhaps too much for his own good. His queries of strangers if left unabated are endless as he seeks to further understand alien traditions and add depth to his vast understanding of cultures. Despite his inquisitive nature he can exhibit false sense of shyness as he is sensitive to cultural norms and seeks to offend no one, playing into his diplomatic role as a protocol droid. Those who have met BT remark the droid as polite, patient and attentive.
  • Weapon of Choice: MW-20 Bryar Pistol [x]
  • Combat Function: BT has not been programmed for combat, although he is capable of firing a blaster. While there is slim chance he will hit anything he can provide limited distraction or suppression.
  • Translator - BT is programmed to understand tens of thousands of archived languages, although his long dormancy has left his archives empty of any new languages post Old-Republic era.

  • Archaeologist - BT is an expert archaeologist, utilizing his understanding of a vast array of cultures and languages to help piece patterns together, and predict the nature of long forgotten civilizations.
  • Limited Functionality - BT is limited by his programming and has no detailed understanding of combat, proving a potential liability and a hazard when words can no longer solve a dispute.

  • Broken - BT's design is significantly outdated and Livia is unable to find records on his architecture, resulting in subpar repairs that have limited his flexibility and sight. His aged processing unit at times may glitch resulting in long instances of silence or being unable to answer queries.

Livia Steele spent her youth roaming the vast arid deserts of Florrum, seeking solace and adventure away from her family's moisture farm. In the heart of the desert she followed the faintest whispers of a long-abandoned trade route. Upon the simmering horizon she spotted a decrepit half-buried structure jutting from the sands. Livia reached the ruins as the sun set over the west, folding into a kneel as she ran her hands through the sand and began to dig. Stars twinkled into the night and the moons glow provided ample light as she slowly revealed what had once been a rest station for desert travellers, and among the detritus of a bygone era she spied the remains of a droid.

Livia had unearthed BT-17 from his sandy grave and come morn she dragged his pieces back to her family's farm. Her natural knack for puzzles had assisted her and her father in reassembling BT in the best way they could, and much to their surprise his processing unit survived the passage of time. His memory core was not so lucky, suffering critical damage from whatever misadventures he may have had in his former life.

When BT was reactivated he was unable to recall where he was, who he was, or how he got there, but his access to his innate programming was uninterrupted. He took to Livia instantly and the pair spent countless nights discussing the galaxy, Livia sharing her limited understanding of current events and what has since changed. BT shared his knowledge of cultures now since long vanished from the galaxy, and grand tales of distant battles and ancient Jedi heroes.

Livia Steele, the frontier woman of Florrum, had embarked on yet another adventure, but this time, her discovery would transcend her own personal journey. Through the remains of a long-forgotten droid, she became a custodian of the past, preserving the memory of a time when heroes and legends roamed the galaxy.
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