An Honest Man

Intent: Seeing a need for a fully automatic blaster pistol using it's new Plug N Fire power cell technology, along with market and galactic advances. Blas-Tech Industries once more is pushing energy weapon technology forward with it's BT-CR, AKA "The Ripper."
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Browncoat Arms | Cade Lee Designer
Model: BTI-CR
Affiliation: Browncoat Arms
Modularity: Yes
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel and other production materials.
Description: With the brand new line of products being introduced by Blas-Tech industries, and a vision to provide advanced weaponry with enough credits, the BTI-CR was born. Being a compact repeater in nature, it posses a fully automatic rate of fire. Made from durasteel it is durable and not too hefty While not the most accurate weapon around, it is good for laying down a high number of powerful shots at a relatively short range. Advances in technology have seen the ammo capacity and range bump up slightly, and the inclusion of the new BTI-EOU power cell technology has helped lower the cost of this weapon and make it easier to use.
Is slightly modular with the ability to put a bayonet on the end, along with a flashlight for mission specific situations. Designed for close quarters combat, is good for squad based fighting and urban combat. Also excels in ship-to-ship boarding combat as well, and can easily be used by the less than reputable mercs in the galaxy should they have the requisite credits. Comes with a pistol grip and a forward mounted grip for increased stability and accuracy. Laser sights can be attached as well, but the high rate of fire doesn't lend itself to stability for incredibly accurate shots. Like all new Blas-Tech weaponry, has a gas canister inside, and all reloads are handled by the new power cells that are interchangeable between the new line of Blas-Tech weaponry. While this eases ammo concerns, if there are no Plug N Fire power cells around then the user is out of luck.
Classification: Blaster, SMG
Size: Hand-held
Status: Military/Civilian(Anyone who uses this must purchase from Blas-Tech Industries along with the power cells)
Length: .55M
Weight: 3.5KG
Ammunition Type: Gas Canister, Plug N Fire Energy Cell
Ammunition Capacity: 450 shots in the Gas Canister, 150 Per Plug N Fire Energy Cell
Effective Range: 35M for effective accuracy. (Full-Auto)
Price for single BTI-CR: 1,350 Credits Price for crate: 75 BTI-CR's: 75,000 credits. Discounts available for bulk orders.