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Approved Tech BTI-DP "The Heretic"

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An Honest Man
Intent: To bring the Disruptor Pistol up to spec with Blas-Tech's weapons and balance it.

Development Thread: N/A

Manufacturer: Browncoat Arms | Cade Lee Designer

Model: BTI-DP "The Heretic"

Affiliation: Browncoat Arms

Modularity: None.

Production: Minor-Production

Material: Durasteel, usual suspects

Description: The spiritual successor to the Model MSD-32 Disruptor Pistol made by Merr-Son, "The Heretic" attempts to copy that technology. While no true records exist of the weapon, traces of it were found and from what was gathered, combined with present technology the BTI-DP was created. Fully intended to be an upgraded copy of the Disruptor, the tech wasn't a perfect copy. It functions much the same manner as the MSD-32 in that if it hits a target fully on a soft area(area without armor) it will vaporize them completely. A grazing blow will only burn it's target, and against anything that's not organic it does nothing.

Possessing a charge up time of 3 seconds, it can't be pulled for a quick shot. Possessing a range of only 8M it has to be used fairly close or the bolt is harmless. It also possesses a low ammunition capacity that doesn't allow for it to be used in a fire fight. It's specific purpose is to destroy a soft, organic target from very close range after the gun has charged up. Not able to be used by any military(with their governments knowledge.) This blaster was designed for personal, mercenary types, or those in the military who don't care for rules and have the money for one of these. While Blas-Tech as a galactic company can make these, many local governments consider these weapons illegal and you will be arrested for possessing this. Same goes for military as well due to laws against vaporizing prisoners of war and what not.

(OOC Note: Can not be used to kill a player character without their permission. At most a severe burn from a grazing blow would be what could be allowed in a PVP situation if you somehow hold your target down for three seconds.)

Classification: Blaster Pistol

Size: Hand-Held

Status: Illegal to possess, can only be used by those who purchased from Blas-Tech Industries

Length: .5M

Weight: 3.1kg

Ammunition Type: Plug N Fire Power Cell

Ammunition Capacity: 10 shots

Effective Range: 8M

Price for one Pistol: 10,000 credits.
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