An Honest Man

Image Source: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/152/0/c/kiara_rifle_by_peterku-d3hssor.jpg
Intent: To make a high powered blaster rifle with incredible stopping power and armor piercing ability.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Browncoat Arms | Cade Lee Designer
Model: BTI-HPBR "The Harbinger"
Affiliation: Browncoat Arms
Modularity: Yes:light, scope, grenade launcher, bayonet
Production: Minor-Produced
Material: Durasteel, the usual suspects
Description: The BTI-HPBR was designed to be the premier weapon for closed in spaces, and the front lines of battle. Powered by two Plug N Fire power cells, it simply blows through most armor and doors with ease. This was designed to be a heavy hitting rifle to quickly drop opposition in hostile situations where collateral damage wasn't an issue to worry about. Possessed with a lower ammunition capacity and range than the BTI-CC13, this is more than made up with the fact that it only requires one shot to take down a target. Only capable of firing each time the trigger is pulled, it is impossible to just paint a target with it's bolts.
With it's hefty weight, it's not suited for quick skirmishes or soldiers on the run. If the weapon overheats it will not be able to fire for a period of a minute as it needs to cool down due to the high power draw. With it needing two power cells to power it, it can not be fired with only one power cell. This makes ammunition an issue if a soldier runs low, but the sheer stopping power and modularity of this heavy hitting weapon balance it's weaknesses.
Classification: Blaster Rifle
Size: Hand-held
Status: Anyone who purchases, preferable for Military.
Length: .8M
Weight: 6kg
Ammunition Type: Gas Canister, Plug N Fire Power Cell
Ammunition Capacity: 50 per Plug N Fire power cell [Requires 2 to fire]
Effective Range: 350M | 150M Grenade launcher attachment (2M effective radius)
Price Individual Rifle: 3,500 Credits. Crate(50 Rifles per crate.): 200,000 credits. Discounts available for bulk orders.