An Honest Man

Intent: To design a new sniper rifle based off energy weaponry for Blas-Tech Industries that is more inclined for a stealth role.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Browncoat Arms | Cade Lee Designer
Model: BTI-WWSR "The Harpy"
Affiliation: Browncoat Arms
Modularity: Yes, scope.
Production: Minor-Produced
Material: Plasteel, production materials.
Description: The BTI-WWSR is a sniper rifle in line with the BTI-LRBR designed earlier. Several things were noted by the more shady clientele that the company provides to on a regular basis. Taking notes from their suggestions, the company moved forward to make a rifle easier to use on "wet-works" style missions. Made of durable Plasteel to help lower the weight of the rifle, as well as make the stock extendable and able to fold up. With these features in mind, the rifle is easier to hide, lighter, and better able to pass a check by scanners looking for weapons materials. This makes it less durable than a weapon made of durasteel, but it's not a major disadvantage as it's not designed for frontal assaults.
"The Harpy" benefits from a greater range due to the elongated barrel that serves a dual purpose. To better hide the location of the shooter, the rifle hides the initial flash of the blast. While nothing can mask a blaster bolt, without the flash off the muzzle it's much harder to trace. The rifle also comes equipped with sound dampeners to mask the sounds of the shots. With this in mind, it's the ability to mask the bolt's flash as well as extending the range has weakened the shot slightly. Thus it's best used on soft targets, and will take a few shots to at least pierce armor.
Classification: Blaster/Sniper Rifle
Size: Handheld
Status: Military/Civilian, Restricted to only customers of Blas-tech Industries
Length: 130cm
Weight: 4kg
Ammunition Type: Gas Canister built in, Plug N Fire power cells for reloads.
Ammunition Capacity: 200 in Gas Canister, 15 shots per power cell.
Effective Range: 1000M
Individual price: 3,000 credits, Price for crate(20): 50,000 credits. Discounts for bulk orders.