Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Bubbles of Friendship


Room of a Thousand Fountains
Tags: Rahla Tis Rahla Tis

A steady hum echoed as water cascaded down fountains, flowed through makeshift bridges, fed plant beds, and rushed into small bubbling pools. Nilah's head-tendrils danced to the soothing soundscape. The magenta appendages floated above her, swaying lazily in the warm, humid air. Being Mikkian, she felt the ambient sensations differently than others. She was proud of that.

It reminded her of Mikkia — the place she considered home despite not having stepped foot there for the better part of a decade. In lieu of memories, she had images and stories from holobooks in the library. The gardens sported fauna from all corners of the galaxy, but curiously none from Mikkia (that she knew of, anyway). She vowed to change that.

Nilah sat comfortably near one of the bubbling pools. She played with the water, moving it around with an easy push and pull of the Force. Water molecules collected in the air above the pool, forming vivid beads that reflected off sunlight.

Nilah was glad for a reprieve from training. She had been so singularly focused on it, she had thus far neglected to make friends or have relationships with her fellow students. She vowed to change that, too, as her mind swirled with the tiny water currents.


The Thousand Fountains.

Rahla hadn't expected it to literally have so many. It probably didn't but every room she went to seemed to never end. They were all beautiful. Different planet ecosystems all represented and preserved. There was even Kashyyyk, which had her all kinds of excited. There wasn't the massive trees of course, but it still reminded her enough of home for her to keep visiting. And exploring. There were other rooms, other planets. It was all just so fascinating!

A bubbling room of water wasn't something she expected in the slightest.

The Torgruta stepped in, blinking in surprise. Wonderment. She hadn't expected there to be a planet like this! Or maybe it wasn't a planet? She wasn't sure, but she couldn't stop herself from reaching out. The spirits were dancing here. Joy and excitement. Her touch froze over one of the bubbles, turning it to a clear pearl for her to hold and gaze into. It was beautiful. All of this was beautiful.



Tags: Rahla Tis Rahla Tis

Nilah's eyes practically bulged out of her head. Exaggeration. But it probably wouldn't look that weird given the magenta tendrils protruding from her head already.

Anyway, that kriffin' Togruta just did... what? The luminescient pearl was hardened. Still water, but it changed states. The girl held it in her hands, gazing at the shining beauty that was formerly liquid.

Nilah was off, quicker than the water spilling from the fountains. The water she had been manipulating splashed on her robes. She didn't even notice.

"Holy chit. How did you do that?" Nilah asked incredulously when she reached the Togruta. Not all greetings began with hi, hello, whats your name? how are you? Pleasantries were for diplomats and she would never be one of those.


Rahla was too startled to even move. A magenta face suddenly appeared in her frozen bubble. The only change was the slight widening of her eyes before her nervous glare took over. Someone else was here. Someone she didn't know. Why were they here? How long had they been here? Did they follow her? No, they didn't. No way.

"Um.. The spirits uh, helped. .. Who are you..?"



Tag: Rahla Tis Rahla Tis

The one holding the pearl looked shocked and nervous. Why? She was just asking a question. Was it her head-tendrils? The Togruta was one to talk about weird biological head accesories.

"Uh... the spirits? What? No, the thing in your hands," Nilah poked the hardened pearl. "I'm Nilah, but that doesn't matter. How did you do that? Tell me!"


Spirits? Oh, right. Rahla grimaced for a moment before clearing her throat. She wasn't too sure what the Jedi here might make of such a term. They wouldn't care, would they? Did they? The bit of panic in the back of her mind only made her glaring expression worse.

"Nothing. Just, the Force. I used the Force. Froze a bubble. I.. That's it." Then, she blinked. Frowned, let out a sigh. She was letting her nerves overwhelm her again. She shouldn't. The Jedi here were all nice so far. So..

".. It's what my Master called the Force. Spirits. They helped me freeze the bubble. Rahla. My name."



Tags: Rahla Tis Rahla Tis

The Togruta, or Rahla since they were on a first name basis now, was glaring a lot. Lost in her own thoughts, probably. Her apprehension was about as thick as the fountain room's humid air. "The Force, huh?" Well, duh. Specifics would have been nice, but given the girl's nerves, Nilah thought it best not to push it.

Force... spirits... weird, but it made sense. Sort of. "Your master? so you're a padawan, too?"

Nilah listened for her response, but amber eyes narrowed on the frozen orb in Rahla's hands. "I can do that," she whispered without a trace of doubt.

Magenta hands conjured a mass of water from the bubbling pool. Nilah began condenscing it into a sphere. Instead of the molecule energy slowing and cooling, the opposite happened — pressure built and the mass of water became unstable. Nilah's shakey hands tried to control it, but the orb suddenly burst, drenching both alien girls in lukewarm water.



"Yeah, I'm a Padawan. I- Wait what are you- that's not- Hold o-" Rahla blinked rapidly as the other Padawan just decided to try and replicate what she was doing, and in a vastly different way at that. Condensing and forcing the water to try and make a sphere wasn't at all what she did! And it would just- Yeah. That. The Torgruta frowned immediately as she was utterly drenched with water, her gaze shifting from where the sphere had been to the other girl.

"That's not.. How you do that.."



Tag: Rahla Tis Rahla Tis

"No chit," Nilah said with a frown. She followed up with a muttered, "Sorry," and an innocent smile.

Nilah shook the water from her head-tendrils, then shrugged off her cloak. She didn't care that she was drenched, other than the fact it restricted her movement. Luckily her tunic was mostly dry.

"How did a girl like you, with nerves of Andorian jelly, do that?" Nilah asked matter-of-factly. She wasn't judging, and it wasn't meant as an insult, it was just what seemed like the truth. "Can you teach me?"


Oh dear she sounded angry. Rahla frowned and looked off, crossing her arms over her chest and just trying not to let it get to her. She wasn't trying to be ru- Oh wait she wasn't angry? The whiplash of seemingly being insulted and then asked to teach just left the Torgruta confused. Whatever glare or frown she had was instead a black, confused stare.

"I, um, probably..?"


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