Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Buff Diplomacy Rules

This one was inspired by the Galactic Alliance:

Buff Diplomacy Threads.

Back in the day, faction mergers were a lot easier than they are now. If two majors, let's say OPA and CIS, wanted to merge, we'd just need to do two votes and our clouds became one. Bam. Now, that was previously abused as you can imagine - dead factions would just hop clouds onto active ones and the map swelled. I'm not looking to go back to that - but what I am looking for is a little bit of mercy in terms of the Diplomacy thread requirements.

Simply put, dominioning a planet and then having to re-dominion it with your neighbor doesn't exactly scream "dynamic map" to me. And with that being the temperature of the room, here's my suggestion:

Major factions may give or exchange up to four hexes per diplomacy thread. Typical length for a diplomacy thread is at least 50 posts of collaborative effort.

Now, why does this work?

For one, Collaborative Effort means that if Faction A did 40 posts and Faction B did 10, it's a no go. And, thanks to major faction check-ins, dead or horrendously inactive factions are not a persistent factor on the map.

This would, in my mind, make treaties a viable option IC as well. Whilst also making mergers between equally active factions not so strenuous. My God I felt for the GA so hard during that Diplo-spree.

I'd also be open to a tier system for Diplomacy threads, where 50 posts gets you 1-2 to give/exchange and 100 posts gets you 3-4 to give/exchange. What do y'all think?
A tiered system would be interesting to see, and if the impossible happens where a suggestion of mine gets implemented - there's a chance that it could be buffed even more in a similar fashion to how contagious assault works for invasions.

No matter what changes come to pass in the end, the present diplomacy system is harder to work with than pulling teeth. So, at this point, I'd be happy with anything other than what we have now. lol

Kairi Leidias

All for this. The game was really fun when the GR had the Senate. It was a reaaaaaaal hoot.

EDIT: I felt back then, that Senators and Representatives of planetary bodies were just as powerful (In terms of meaningfulness) as Jedi, Sith, etc.

Darth Metus Darth Metus
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Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris Sir I think you're onto something, and I couldn't agree more:

A major faction can engage in diplomacy with another under the following conditions:

- A maximum of five hexes per thread can be given or exchanged.

- The thread would need to demonstrate collaborative effort between the two parties. A standard effort is 30 posts per hex given or exchanged.

I'm no guru with font colors and rules making, but if this is how it was entered into the book I'd be one happy muffin.

How do y'all feel about this? Good? Bad? Ugly?

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