Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bufu Kompyuta


NAME: Bufu Kompyuta
RANK: Slave
SPECIES: Binadaman
AGE: 15
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 3
WEIGHT: 155 lbs
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian


(+) Extremely smart
(+) Strong eyesight
(+) Has the potential to be extremely strong in the force, but unaware he is even Force sensitive

(-) Knows nothing of galactic society
(-) Can't speak, or understand, galactic standard
(-) Can't operate modern technologies
(-) Has no knowledge of anything to dow with the greater galaxy, or how to survive in it
(-) Has no idea what an 'animal' is
(-) Has no idea what the force is
(-) Weak muscle structure
(-) Weak bone structure
(-) Prone to heart problems
(-) Weak joints
(-) Weak immune system

Bufu grew up on the moon of Mwezi, far away fromt he greater galaxy, with no knowledge that sentient life exsisted off Mwezi. With no knowledge that Binadamans weren't the only sapient life in the universe. Much like the majority of his species, Bufu thought that the Binadamans were alone in the universe. his father knew better. his father worked for one of the many goverment facilities that contained, trapped, and studied, aliens and alien technologies that landed on Mwezi inn one way or another. At some point, he was assigned to study and ,if possible, reverse engineer a very small Bith shuttle. he was very near iguring out how the ship worked- alreayd having figured out how to work the basic mechnisms- when the Situian goverment decided he was no longer needed. He was removed from his position. Not happy to be fired from his work, the scientist arranged for the shuttle to be smuggled to his large house in the m iddle of the Situian jungles. He was found. When goverment agents arrived to arrest the scientist, however, they were met with a suprise. Bufu and his father had escaped using the vfery shuttle the Situian goverment had assigned him to study. The scientist did not have much trouble learning how to fly it into orbit... that's when Bufu made the mistake of pressing buttons. And activating hyperspace.

The ship jumped out of hyperspace near a shadowport, a den of pirates. They stood no chance against the pirates' high tech wepaonry, blasters and vibroswords. They were overwhelmed, unable to fight back, with no weapons or hopes of escaping alive. Luckily, the pirates did not plan to kill them. They planned to sell them. And so they did. So, Bufu was sold away as a slave, tossed in to the greater galaxy which he never knew existed.


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