Tyran Vizsla
A silent hum fought against the sound of the aggressive rainfall pouring from the dark skies above. The source of the muffled humming came from the hovering speeder bike perched over a small rounded hill which sat overlooking the stalks of corn from the field below. The engine cut, a slight whine from the bike filled the eardrums of it's rider as he dismounted.
The lone rider grunted, struggling to light his cigarra. Click, Click. "Aghh." The face of the rider rose upward in contempt of the sky, his face revealed as he gazed at it's black clouds.
Tyran took a long hit from his cigarra before exhaling a cloud of smoke, he sat opposite from two clients who wished to remain 'anonymous', Mandalorian Patriots who long abandoned the gun in favor of teaching the next generation to pick up where they left off. He didn't know much about them other than their pockets were deep. He liked his clients that way.
"Your organization is young, yet we've heard many great things about it. This is a private operation, a private army is what's needed here. You can deal with this here and now before it becomes a credible threat, and it gives Mandalore more time to lick her wounds... you aren't the only PMC in the region. There are more... established choices we can make.."
Click Click
The lone rider grunted, struggling to light his cigarra. Click, Click. "Aghh." The face of the rider rose upward in contempt of the sky, his face revealed as he gazed at it's black clouds.
Tyran Vizsla, the Silent Wolf.
- Pellilian Fields, Concord Dawn -
- 1 Galactic Standard Month Before the Attack on Mandalore -
"So do we have a deal?"
A flame flickered in the dark, a single bolt of lightning temporarily illuminated the room revealing two figures standing across from a single seated man. "Let me get this straight, for the record. You want US to infiltrate B6-39 and eliminate all it's personnel." "Affirmative." "Yavin IV is smack dab in the heart of Rekali territory, operating in a SIEGE operation would be seen as an act of war." "Taken care of, the operation is sanctioned. B6-39 is a front for the Death Watch, although not officially aligned with them, reports have identified multiple vessels belonging to known Kyr'tsad sympathizers. We believe that members of the splinter group are delivering weapons here, setting up a staging area for hit and run guerilla attacks on traffic throughout the region."Tyran took a long hit from his cigarra before exhaling a cloud of smoke, he sat opposite from two clients who wished to remain 'anonymous', Mandalorian Patriots who long abandoned the gun in favor of teaching the next generation to pick up where they left off. He didn't know much about them other than their pockets were deep. He liked his clients that way.
"Your organization is young, yet we've heard many great things about it. This is a private operation, a private army is what's needed here. You can deal with this here and now before it becomes a credible threat, and it gives Mandalore more time to lick her wounds... you aren't the only PMC in the region. There are more... established choices we can make.."
"Fine. You have a deal."