Kairi was new to all of this, new in terms of how things operated and worked. She had a half-dozen advisors on standby and even more if she considered the constituents she served. But it didn’t make the job any easier. Naboo lacked the infrastructure of more modern worlds – sure, there were initiatives and projects which were implemented but it was not enough for the people. They needed more, simply put. She sat motionless on the throne as the Governor and several advisers of the court passed ideas across the aisle at one and another. Discussions would be had, arguments and points made – but nothing seemed to take root in her mind as she idly listened. Was she bored with it? Of course not, it was just she felt with each passing idea was about agenda and bureaucracy as opposed to identifying where they could improve the quality of life for the people of Naboo. There was a snippet of a conversation she caught at the end of the row of chairs, a brief whisper almost from one representative to another – transit was in dire need on the outskirts of Theed, where perhaps the less fortunate resided.
“What was that?” She spoke up, eyes coming to life as the breath of words caught full attention. There was an exchange of glances before they looked back to the Queen. She gestured towards the back of the row of chairs, to a younger man and woman. “Please, speak up..”
A younger man rose, placing his hand across his chest and bowing his head out of respect. “Your majesty, we were discussing transit options for the people of Keren and the industrial districts….” He gestured to his counterpart. “We discussed an environmentally safe transit system between the Ranchlands up to Keren and possibly to places like Oxon and Lake Paonga.” The holoprojector in the middle of the room would come to life, with an image of Naboo and the cities he spoke of. A red line would connect each city, with Theed being colored blue which she understood to be a hub as he continued to explain his idea.
She raised an eyebrow at such an ambitious endeavor, gently asking a follow up to his idea. “And how would such a thing be achieved without disturbing the Gungan people or the environment?”
The young representative and the Governor exchanged glances before looking back to the Queen.
“We know a man…” The governor spoke up, clearing his throat as he did. “His name is
John Locke
. We can get a holo out to his facilities here on Naboo…”

“Please do so Governor, invite him to the palace for lunch – tomorrow.” She rose from the throne, others in the room standing swiftly from their seats. “I have other matters I must attend to, good day.” The members of her court would bow before departing the throne room – leaving her with her handmaiden Raché at her side. Kairi sighed softly as the doors closing echoed through the chamber. She quietly turned to Raché and then back to the empty court before her. “Our people need this…”
Raché could only nod. “I don’t disagree m’lady…”
Kairi would allow a smirk as she moved towards the side entrance. “Then why did you have that look on your face…”
A look of almost horror overcame Raché as they moved out into corridors surrounding the throne room. “M’lady…I would never do such..”
Kairi chuckled softly and motioned gently with a free hand. “Calm yourself, I am only kidding.” The young Queen as they moved towards the royal chambers. “I just needed to hear you tell me I wasn’t making a mistake by indulging such an idea.” The other woman would shake her head beneath her hood, as they passed by a few delegates who bowed and guards who stood at attention as the Queen passed. Raché would glance back at them and then ahead as they made their way into the royal chamber. Both Raché and Kairi would share a soft, private chuckle as the doors closed behind them, not as Queen and Handmaiden but as friends.
A message would be sent, requesting, not demanding the presence of Mr. Locke himself – to discuss the betterment of Naboo.