Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Building The Death Gods (Ask)

Romeo was surrounded by his engineers of command, all were pointing out designs they had made, and wanted his approval. His eyes, however, were focused on something else, it looked past the build board, and more on something he dreamed of. "Silence!" He spoke up. They all went quiet. He stood up from his seat, and looked at each one of the people. "What if..." He looked at the build board next. "..we build a new Star so will be one of a kind, and limited..." He was talking, and removing the designs from the board at the same time. "They will be called Shinigamis...yes..."
One of his engineers looked at the king, "I like the idea, but how do we go about it?" He asked. It was a good question. Romeo tapped his chin, and then rubbed the back of his head. "Two we have been doing with the Akumas, and the Hanzai..but make like this." He started to drawing on the board with his finger, it was all electronic. Two circles appeared a few hundred meters away form each other. "So we will build them from the sides of the ship like before?" The same engineer asked. Romeo shook his head. "No , no. We will build them to go through from the top, to bottom." He pointed out.
"So lets give each member of the squadrons we'll place in each Destroyer their own personal hangar...yeah.." He started drawing out the design further, drawing in depth for the circles, then giving the ship itself more shape. The engineers watched in amazement. "That looks beautiful!" One said. "What about the weapons?" Another said. Romeo nodded in response. "Yes, yes..what do we do about the batteries?" He thumbed his chin in thought. "What if we did this?"
He began to draw out squares on the back of the ship, "Put the bridge back here too, and then have a smaller, secondary bridge here?" He placed one that hovered a little over the first circle closest to the back of the ship. "Then we do place the weapons here." He be placed Xs on the outer sides of the ship, and a few on the front, and the back.
"We could do that..the second bridge would be helpful in commanding the starfighters, while you could command the battle from the main bridge...this is amazing." His chief engineer said. "Though this would mean losing either would hinder the ship greatly." He continued. "As this would cut command from the fighters, and leave the to have to figure out whats going on.." Romeo nodded. "Its a risk, but its unique, its a good design, all ships have flaws." His chief agreed with him.
The engineers began to apply some of their own ideas, “Lets give Durinium, and then throw Durasteel under that. Give it a total of one hundred, and twenty weapons in all?” Romeo nodded, and clapped once. “I like this, what does Durinium do?” He cocked his head. “It negates scanners from picking it up on the radar, com scans, and visually looking for it would still find them, but keeping the coms quiet would help that out anyways.” The engineer stood up, and walked over to the screen. “See? Put about a few feet of it as a outer hull..yeah, that would be enough.”
Romeo then would start pointing out the weapons needed to make it special. “So Im thinking we keep using the Sparkers, but then use them only when we get up on the enemy.” Romeo pointed at a few random spots on the ship. “We could do this, then have a few normal Ion cannons to use till we are right on the enemy.” Romeo placed a few more points on the ship. “We will need a decent shield system too...this hull is pretty standard.”
“So a Ion shield? Maybe something extra?” Romeo listened to his engineer, then lifted a finger. “Put in two normal shield emitters, one thats pretty heavy, another that can be shot up as soon as those go down..Ion shields can be there for just cause.” Romeo leaned back, and looked at the ship was it was becoming a thing. “I think it’s going to have a lot of points that are thin, like the hangars...those are the weak points.”
Romeo watched his people make notes, and start contacting companies here, and there. “Sir, we have Durinium on Eclipstica, and we have plenty of it. Estimated time for this to be finished is around three months, then after the first is made, the rest will be simple to make. We can start building in one month.” Romeo nodded in response to the engineer speaking. “This is good. I shall be there when it starts.” He leaned back. “Alright people, get what you need, and get started, the faster we can start this the better.”
One Month Later...

Romeo stood upright, watching the mechanics, and other various engineers working on a frame of the first Shinigami Star Destroyer. “Its beautiful.” He said to himself as he watched the soundless work go on. Sparks flew here, and there. Some people drifted close the window in their vacuum sealed pressure suits. Bars of Durasteel were pushed closer to the frame for more welding to be done. It was beautiful indeed. While he watched, he checked the first blue print of the Shinigami. It was just bars that made the outline for the hull, and looked more like a skeleton then it did a ship. The two circles were made by Durasteel that had been worked into perfect circles, and then there was individual hangars for each star fighter. The bridge looked like a spine that jutted upwards from the frame, while the secondary bridge looked like a tail bone almost. More sparks flew about as the frame was welded to a completeness.
The frame complete, and ready for the walls, and foundation to be placed, Romeo had at this time, taken up residence at the chow hall for a coffee. On his datapad, he watched the construction more. Hours passed as they began to weld these pieces together, making it look more whole. By the end of the day, it still had more welding needing done. Romeo had decided to sleep on the shipyard that night with the rest of the crew on this project.
Two weeks later, and the whole frame was done, the foundation layed out, and welded together, it was time for the next phase to begin.
The next month rolled in, and the Durinium was layed upon the first hull, and was welded on the ship as a whole. Again Romeo observed this from a large viewpoint. The Durinium didmt take long to weld onto the hull, and mext they began to vacuum seal the ship, and begin placing the two engines on the ship, including the large power reactor that would charge the weapons. "Chief Engineer Deluyiom?" Romeo called on his com.
"Yes sir?" The other man replied.
"Do we have a smaller power reactor, just lying about?" Romeo asked.
"We dont have them just lying about, but yes we do have them." The man again replied.
"Good, do we have room to place it anywhere on the ship?" Romeo smirked after he finished the sentence.
They indeed had room, near the nose of the ship. Romeo read the diameters of the ship, what was supposed to be just one thousand, two hundred meter long ship, was now an extra three hundred meters long.
Then came the next day, hundreds came in to work on the interior, and the the weapons systems. Others came to work on hooking the power reactors up, and making sure the engines were all set to go. This required the cables to all be lined up, connected, and then placed so that a actual floor could go over them.
The walls were given light fixtures, and some color. Then the power reactors were given separate rooms from the rest of the ship, the first, and more important one was massive compared to the smaller one.
Still, the ship looked bare, and soulless, like a shell of only what it could become. That's when he was interrupted for the list of weapons to go on it, and to sign off that it was correct. "Yeah, this looks about right, three hundred guns in all?" He returned the list to the person. Toligon came up behind him suddenly. "Sir, is that..the Shinigami?" She asked. "It is indeed. See we're putting Long Guns on the back for a real artillery effect. Then we're adding many different kinds of batteries to give it a cutting edge balance." He turned to look at her. "We have maybe another month till its probably completed." He looked back at the ship. Now they were beginning to add the batteries, placing them carefully, and mathematically apart from one another. This would go on for hours as they would need to do all kinds of wiring, and hooking up for these.
Near the end of the week, they were able to go on board, and take a look around. "This looks amazing, so far it looks like I imagined it would." Romeo said. Toligon followed behind him, watching all the ruckus go about. They were implanting the computers, and com systems. Powering up the engines, and then powering them down to tweak them a bit. The noise of welding was still going outside as they still had more batteries to place.
"Sir, this will be exquisite, I can wait to see it finished." She complemented.
"Yes, though this will be a very slow ship, but greatly shielded. By the way, how many shields did we put up?" Romeo called out. Someone yelled back, "A standard shield, then a back up Ion shield." He smiled to himself as he heard this. "That is good news."
The day after, Romeo watched as the final weapons were placed down, and completed. The power reactors, and shields were now fully installed. Toligon stood next to Romeo as they stepped inside, and waited for the final power couplings to be connected. WHOOSH! The lights all came on at once, the sounds of computers, and other systems came on. The soft hum of life support vibrated Romeo's ear drums. "We have done it!" The engines roared to life, and gave a slight push. "Go ahead pilot, if we are space worthy, give her a test drive!" He called out from his position on the bridge. It would be a few hours working out the kinks from the actual drive, somethings needed a bit of a tweak for better handling, or to get a little extra push from the two Ion engines.
They didnt stray to far from the shipyard though, for just in case it broke down, or something bad happened. When they got back, and got off the ship, his engineers wanted to text the scanners on it. "The metal Durinium should make any scans on it come back negative." Romeo cocked his head. "What do you mean by negative?" He asked. "See, most scanners show the ship coming, or going, a radar. The Durinium negates that, and shows up invisible on the radar. You would have to visually look for the ship, or scan for coms, or heat signatures."
Romeo smiled, "So its perpetually invisible?" The engineer made a scrunched up face. "To a degree, yes."
The next day was scanning day. The ship was powered up, and idle as the engineers began to run the scans, and so far nothing came up on the radars on the shipyard. Hours of making sure this was clear, the engineers declared it was a success. The scans for coms, and heat signatures all showed up with positives.
"See, you have maybe a few seconds of a open window of surprise."
Romeo nodded as he watched the tests. "This is good, this is the perfect balanced Star Destroyer. How many ships can we fit in the hangars?" He looked at the engineers. "A total of six squadrons, each variant, and the last bottom hangars can carry walkers." Romeo turned to look at the ship. "This is good, so what about the systems in it, what do we have?" He walked up to the viewpoint. "It is standard everything, com systems, three tractor beams, navigation systems. You name it, its not there." The engineer said.
Aedan Miles was flying along nothing on his radar as he piloted the lethal Devastator-class heavy fighter pulling of a series of maneuvers Aedan slowed cursing as he opened his comlink contacting the shipyard. After requesting permisson to land and getting it Aedan flew in his eyes trained on the new ship in the process of being made. "huh that is an interesting design." Slipping into the hangar and chasing away mechanics who wanted to look at his ship Aedan made his way to an area where he could get a better look at the ship looking it over he muttered a few things and then turned. Walking into the area where Romeo was looking at the ship he gestured. "Hey why wasn't I called in on this?" [member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Aedan Miles"]

Romeo looked over at Aedan as he walked up from his ship, asking about the ship design. "It was a secret..only Toligon, the engineers, and I knew about it." He nodded at the ship he was finishing up. "Watcha think? It's the latest design in Star Destroyers." He handed a datapad to Aedan, it would show him all the specified equipment, and designs made for the ship. "Two bridges, two engines, two hangars, and a crap loud of guns." He shrugged. Toligon finally came up with something to say. "It has two power reactors, and two shield generators as well. Lots of twos."

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