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Faction Bumps In The Basement (Sith Order - Jutrand Academy)


The basement wasn't the typical basement one might expect from dark and brooding. It wasn't a dungeon of dust and cobwebs. It was a laboratory. There were cells, of course, but it was a lab first and foremost. Those cells were for test subjects. Willing or otherwise. And of all the places within the Academy, it was Firrerreo's second favorite place to be. The first was the mess hall. No hesitation there for the street rat that he was.

But here, in this alchemy infused basement, where the dark lingered like a miasma in the halls and as actual liquid in the alchemical basins that dotted around. It was free to use, provided the students brought their own supply, as it was. Or at least that's what he was under the assumption of. Good thing his Familiar could carry that for him. A wide grin spread on the boys face as he stood before one of those such basins, idly pulling free parts and pieces. The foot of a rat, the wing of a bird. Claw of a scorpion. Whatever he'd collected so he could attempt to make.. Something. He wasn't sure what, but he needed to create life.

After seeing none other than Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf at that party, how could he not want to try his hand at creating something worthy of the Mother of Monsters herself?

He gripped the basin, grinning into the red liquid before he set a hand above. And, he focused. The owl like familiar on his shoulder peered into the now roiling waters as the parts melted into the same colored liquid. Shifted and formed as he tried to manipulate shape and substance to what he wanted. Ultimately, though, nothing would come of all the boiling but a disgusting sludge of flesh. It rolled up and bubbled over before plopping onto the ground before him.

Firrerreo let out a sigh as he crouched beside it, watched it as it delated and pulsed only for a moment before it dissipated.

"Mm. Need more substance. Shall we try again Vorthruz?"

He glanced to the owl with a wide, almost innocent smile. The owl just stared expressionless, the mask that was it's face dipping in a simple nod. Round two it was.
Tʜᴇ Sᴄɪᴇɴᴛɪsᴛ


In the laboratory, the air was soon filled with the sound of rhythmic tapping. The sound of a cane against the hard floor of the lab. An older Ithorian, clad in black robes and armor. Darth Locus, a master of Sith alchemy and dark sciences...and mentor at the Academy

“Ahhhh. I thought I heard someone down here.” A smooth voice came from his vocoder, "Always inspiring to see an acolyte with a thirst for the arcane."

His helm's visor gazed at the melted homounculus at the side. A failed experiment. Yet, failure was usually the best teacher. The Ithorian gave a little bow to the younger Sith.

“I am Darth Locus, master of alchemy.” He introduced himself, “Perhaps I could be of assistance to such budding mind. ”

He did so love the exploration of the dark forces. He was fascinated by the sheer artistry of it all. And he would be bereft to not pass on his knowledge to the next generation.



The Familiar on Firrerreo's shoulder was the first to look, and the boy was quick to look after with a faint smile. Dipped his head slightly in greeting. "Lord Locus. I didn't- am I interrupting a lesson?" There were few he didn't want to insult as much as the instructors. At least for the moment, at least for the time he was going to spend learning. One of those who taught alchemy?

"I would appreciate whatever lessons you have to offer, Lord Locus. This is.. Annoying, to get a hang of. It just turns to goop, rather than keeping it's original properties."

Darth Locus Darth Locus


The Nightmother, is known for her dedication to see the youth learn. While much magick was conjured and mastered among the Sith to benefit their existence, so much more she and Carnifex reared in private; afterall he shackled the Fanged God of the Nightsisters and made himself the very Darkness behind her power.

Today, she wore her Talisman of Transformation, a delicate gemstone pendant worn on a short golden chain about her neck, and donned the appearance of a little dark haired girl and student of eleven, so that her true presence would not disrupt the lesson and she could see where further study among the youth is needed.

The dungeon stone long ago cracked under weight of Dark energy uncorked over the ages, that any could slip into a room and not unexpectedly slap others in the face with their force presence. As she slipped into the back of the room, her eyes immediately fell upon the many jars of preserved ingredients, body parts and essences galore. She looked them over with great intrigue and thought.

The girl reached into her purse, where her own stash was concealed, and she withdrew a coin, placing it upon the shelf as payment, where she withdrew a jar she intended to use for her experiment.

'How exciting,' the Matriarch thought to herself, regarding the possibilities.

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