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Approved Tech Bup'e da'yr be Bu'nas'r

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  • Intent: To Create a standard issue weapon for the Protectors
  • Image Source: Boom
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Yes
    • External Apperance
    • Underbarrel Attatchment
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
    • Durasteel
    • Reinforced Duraplast
    • Beskar
    • Cortosis Weave
    • Blaster Components
  • Classification: Assault Railgun
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Magnetically Propelled Slugs
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average
    • 40 round magazine
  • Effective Range: Long Range
    • 1000 Yards
  • Rate of Fire: High
    • 700 rounds a minute
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: High
  • Classification: Underbarrel Grenade Launcher
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: 40mm grenades
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large
    • 3 round internal magazine
  • Effective Range: Long Range
    • 500 Yards
  • Rate of Fire: High
    • Side-Break Action Loading - 30 Rounds a Minute for a skilled user.
  • Damage Output: Extreme - Dependent on Ammo
  • Recoil: High
  • Classification: Underbarrel Chainsaw
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Mythosaur Teeth: The Undersize of the rifle grip features a cortosis weave lined-beskar toothed chainsaw, that is designed to rip through enemy armor, lightsabers, and flesh.
  • Under The Hand: The rifle has an underslug, removable grenade launcher that slots in above the chainsaw, that can be swapped out with other weapons of similar underslung variety.
  • Rain of Fire: The standard issue underslung grenade launcher is designed to accept any form of 40mm Grenade that can fit. Whatever goofy nonsense you wanna bloop in the direction of your enemy, go for it. The side-break action allows a quick hand to fit three shots into an internal tube magazine, and reload very quickly.
  • Fires of Manda'yiam: The heavy slugs of the weapon are designed to throw massive amounts of damage downrange with an accuracy that allows the Protectors standard infantry to fend off enemy hordes.
  • Rev Up: The Chainsaw is not something that works immediately. It takes a moment, and while the teeth are sharp, without revving it out, it isn't gonna cut through armor.
  • Low Ammo: Much like other slugthrowers, this weapon is reliant on magazines. Unlike a blaster, it can go through ammo very quickly.
Drego Ruus wanted a standard issue rifle for the Protectors.

So he made one. One with all the bells and whistles. One with an underbarrel grenade launcher, and a chainsaw.

Fear the Protectors. They have chainsaws.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

Nice weapon, I found one problem. There is no Heavy rating here, I would like to ask you to edit it with the correct one.
Ammunition Capacity: Heavy
Ammunition Capacity: (List the ammunition capacity. The more powerful and lighter the weapon, the lower the magazine capacity is likely to be. Please choose a size between Extremely Small, Very Small, Small, Average, Large, Very Large and Extremely Large. You may also include a number with the Rating)
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