Scali Farm; Anobis
It was many hours after breakfast that Breya found herself mucking the stalls of her family's nerf herd.
Yes, they were nerf herders. Deal with it.
Her brother Ruki - born Runcari - was hauling water buckets to refill the water trough while their father watched over the nerfs themselves. Breya blew out a breath as she finished clearing the soiled bedding away. The next step was to spread new bedding around. Naturally, the straw was on the loft, in large bales. Scaling the wall - there was no ladder, because that would be too easy - Breya climbed up to the loft and shoved one of the bales down with great effort before jumping down after it. The loft, thankfully, was not that high.
Breya had just finished spreading the new bedding out over the nerf's pens and was hanging up the rake when Ruki poured the last bucket of water into the trough. The hottest part of the day was fast approaching, and their father, Diabyt, would soon send the nerfs home in a fantastic but dangerous stampede, and both Ruki and Breya needed to clear out the old bedding to the compost - sorting through it for "recylables" was a chore for later.
The two siblings loaded the wheelbarrow with pitchforks. Since a full wheelbarrow was about half the pile, they'd need to make two trips, and be quick about it. Both of them took off a little faster then normal, but Ruki keep the spilling to a minimum, so they were back at the barn for the second load in enough time to clear out before the nerfs came home. Halfway through the second trip to the compost pile, however, the wheelbarrow tipped and spilled a good deal of it. Ruki, aware of the giant spill, stopped to wait for his sister, who hurried along behind him and threw spills back into the wheelbarrow. He instantly knew he'd made a mistake when he was greeted with a handful of flying bedding to the face and a laugh from his younger sister. Wiping his face clean, he gave her his best I'll get you later stare and crossed his arms as he waited for her to clean the spill.
He did, in fact, get her back. After they'd dumped the second load, Breya felt a similar smack in the back of her head when her brother hurled a bedding-ball at her. Yelping, she raced off, with Ruki in close pursuit, to the house.
It was lunchtime when the arrived, and they were quickly joined at the table by their very dusty father. Laughter and talk was abundant as they family was oblivious to the impending disaster building in their kitchen - an open flame drifting scarily close to the cooking stove.
With a roar, the fire spread in an instant, pinning their mother under a burning timber. Their father roared at them to go, telling Ruki to "Take care of your sister!" before turning to help his wife. Terrified, both kits scrambled frantically for the exit, burning the soles of their bare feet on the hot floor. Spilling out into the noonday sun, covered in soot and ash but with no burns to speak of, save for their feet, Breya and Ruki were a few meters away when Ruki turned. "Breya, stay here!" He told her, but she pulled him back. "Ruki, no!" She cried. He tugged himself out of her grip. "I have to! I have to help -"
He didn't get any farther, because at that moment, the fire had burned away enough of the supports for their little home and flattened it into a pancake. Horrified, Breya watched, eyes wide and tears flowing. Ruki wrapped an arm around his sister as he also stared at the house, face like stone.
@[member="Azrael"] @[member="Kad Kando"]
It was many hours after breakfast that Breya found herself mucking the stalls of her family's nerf herd.
Yes, they were nerf herders. Deal with it.
Her brother Ruki - born Runcari - was hauling water buckets to refill the water trough while their father watched over the nerfs themselves. Breya blew out a breath as she finished clearing the soiled bedding away. The next step was to spread new bedding around. Naturally, the straw was on the loft, in large bales. Scaling the wall - there was no ladder, because that would be too easy - Breya climbed up to the loft and shoved one of the bales down with great effort before jumping down after it. The loft, thankfully, was not that high.
Breya had just finished spreading the new bedding out over the nerf's pens and was hanging up the rake when Ruki poured the last bucket of water into the trough. The hottest part of the day was fast approaching, and their father, Diabyt, would soon send the nerfs home in a fantastic but dangerous stampede, and both Ruki and Breya needed to clear out the old bedding to the compost - sorting through it for "recylables" was a chore for later.
The two siblings loaded the wheelbarrow with pitchforks. Since a full wheelbarrow was about half the pile, they'd need to make two trips, and be quick about it. Both of them took off a little faster then normal, but Ruki keep the spilling to a minimum, so they were back at the barn for the second load in enough time to clear out before the nerfs came home. Halfway through the second trip to the compost pile, however, the wheelbarrow tipped and spilled a good deal of it. Ruki, aware of the giant spill, stopped to wait for his sister, who hurried along behind him and threw spills back into the wheelbarrow. He instantly knew he'd made a mistake when he was greeted with a handful of flying bedding to the face and a laugh from his younger sister. Wiping his face clean, he gave her his best I'll get you later stare and crossed his arms as he waited for her to clean the spill.
He did, in fact, get her back. After they'd dumped the second load, Breya felt a similar smack in the back of her head when her brother hurled a bedding-ball at her. Yelping, she raced off, with Ruki in close pursuit, to the house.
It was lunchtime when the arrived, and they were quickly joined at the table by their very dusty father. Laughter and talk was abundant as they family was oblivious to the impending disaster building in their kitchen - an open flame drifting scarily close to the cooking stove.
With a roar, the fire spread in an instant, pinning their mother under a burning timber. Their father roared at them to go, telling Ruki to "Take care of your sister!" before turning to help his wife. Terrified, both kits scrambled frantically for the exit, burning the soles of their bare feet on the hot floor. Spilling out into the noonday sun, covered in soot and ash but with no burns to speak of, save for their feet, Breya and Ruki were a few meters away when Ruki turned. "Breya, stay here!" He told her, but she pulled him back. "Ruki, no!" She cried. He tugged himself out of her grip. "I have to! I have to help -"
He didn't get any farther, because at that moment, the fire had burned away enough of the supports for their little home and flattened it into a pancake. Horrified, Breya watched, eyes wide and tears flowing. Ruki wrapped an arm around his sister as he also stared at the house, face like stone.
@[member="Azrael"] @[member="Kad Kando"]