The laugh paused the fight. Transported into this strange
realm he stood centered with Rosa before him, his true prey to the left. Was this some sort of trick? It mattered not to him. His murderous gaze locked on the woman, and while more than anything he wanted answers, something had clicked in his mind when Rosa attempted to walk through that storm. Even now as the Dark Side warped his mind and heart he could not hear, nor think clearly.
Your hound?
In this fantasy world where emotion was only surpassed by sheer force of will something snapped within the young man. His emotions hit a fever pitch, and with no where to go but out his emotions manifested itself in the form of thick waves of shadows. Engulfed by his own inexperience with Waves of Darkness, he cried out, his
voice twisted and warped by the Dark Side. He was suffering, and the more he suffered the strong his waves became, fueled by the negative emotions he was putting on himself. His cries continued until the waves formed a thick egg-like shell. It cracked, fractured and he emerged, burned and warped by his own thoughts and self doubts. His skin a sickly white, he took the form of a beast below, horns adorned his brow and hair blessed by the goddess Vahl. His black eyes locked on those of Darth Isolda, a white miasma seeping from the corners of his skelton-like maw.
The goddess was saying something to the priestess, if she could interpret its true meaning would be up to her. The beast did not kneel, its stoic presence in this world challenging her authority. Its maw snapped open, letting lose a
roar that would have, in the world of the living shattered bones, and caused the souls of Hell to cheer.
In this world created by her priestess, Vahl had immense power in the sway of battle. In this world, Turin was no more.
There was only the Chosen of Vahl. Her beast of burden.
All that you do is in my name
[member="Rosa Gunn"] [member="Darth Isolda"]