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Approved Tech BurnerPad

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To create a cheap affordable datapad for Trix’s Holo Shop.
Image Source: ME2 Datapad for XPS by Just-Jasper
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Permissions: N/A
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Shaye Ares
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Model: BurnerPad
Modularity: A skilled slicer could make modifications, otherwise no.
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Plastoid, plexiglass, electronics, self destruct mechanism

  • Super affordable
  • Self destruct
  • Burn after reading: self destruct can be activated to prevent others from accessing the datapad. This will destroy any datacards plugged in and render the datapad useless.
  • Bells and whistles: HoloNet connection, data storage, send/receive data, encryption.
  • User error/Slicing: self destruct may be inadvertently activated, resulting in data loss (and you’ll need a new datapad). If someone else with slicing skills is using a BurnerPad as well, they may be able to access your device to remotely trigger the self-destruct.
  • Fire hazard: while the device does not explode, it may cause damage if self destruct is activated near flammable material.
  • Made to break: compared to most datapads, it is not durable. This, of course, is by design — but may be an inconvenience if dropped, spilled on, or other damage.
"Use it and burn it."

In her line of work, Shaye needed a datapad that could serve her needs and then be destroyed. Of course, there were ways to break a datapad, but she felt a self-destruct feature was needed to ensure that the device and any datacards inserted were properly destroyed. As luck would have it, she acquired several crates of cheap datapads that were easily altered to add a simple self-destruct mechanism. She has a rather large inventory, so she decided to offer this item in her holo-shop as well.

The BurnerPad is a functional datapad and can perform any functions that a normal device can: data storage, HoloNet connectivity, sending and receiving information, and even some light gaming. And when you're done with it, simply activate the self-destruct -- it will cause the battery to overheat. While there are no fancy explosions, there is generally plenty of smoke and a strong scent of burnt plastoid. Care is needed as it can be a fire hazard if activated near flammable materials (just sayin'...).

This option can be activated with a timer, after documents are viewed and, with the help of a second BurnerPad, can be activated remotely. This only applies if both users have BurnerPads and -- unless that person has permissions to access the BurnerPad-- would need slicing skills to trigger the self-destruct remotely on a device they don't own.
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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
Shaye Ares Shaye Ares

Self destruct

User error: self destruct may be inadvertently activated, resulting in data loss (and you’ll need a new datapad).

Can this function be triggered remotely? In general having a way to destroy something someone else is using (IE they bought it from you) lets them control the ddamage. Can you claim to have destroyed it with the flip of a switch?
Krass Wyms Krass Wyms

"This option can be activated with a timer, after documents are viewed and, with the help of a second BurnerPad, can be activated remotely. "

This only applies if both users have BurnerPads, and unless that person has permissions to access the BurnerPad, would need slicing skills to trigger the self-destruct remotely on a device they don't own. I'll add this.
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