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Faction Burying the Past (Resol'nare and All Mandalorians)


The Last Mandalorian Empire fell due to betrayal. Yet, it had started before that. It started with antagonization of too many powers, and a general sense of invulnerability. With the separation of our people. Exile, self Isolation, different bickering ideologies, had allowed enemies to spot weakness, and they swarmed on it. They took any excuse they could to nip and bite. When the weakness got big enough, their very allies turned on them, and attacked. In this attack, countless brave Mando’ade gave their lives. While it was impossible to bury them all, the clans gathered on Myrkr to give a proper sending to one brave soul, and honor the others. However, they also gathered for another purpose.

Kaine Australis, a brave and powerful warrior of the Manda had taken up the mantle of Mand’alor. However, half the clans hadn’t even known about this and many others didn’t take it seriously, or so it was claimed. But if any form of healing was to happen, the dead had to be put to rest, and the mantle of Mand’alor cleansed. Today, they would do both.

On the planet Myrkr, at the base of a mountain range, there laid a massive lake, and endless plains on the other side. It was a good deal away from the forests of the planet, as such a safe haven in a sea of uncertainty.

The crystal waters of the lake reflected the light of the Star overhead, as it sank slowly behind the mountain. The shadows elongated like fingers grasping for the souls of the dead. On a pyre near the edge of the lake laid the body of Tuulu Æthelred Cadera, in his gurlanin form, his beskar’gam beside his form, along with the warriors of various other clans. While it was only a handful of the dead, it was enough. Mando’ade were practical.

Further in from the waters, a massive bonfire had been lit. The sound of drums, the smell of food, and the voices of the gathered wafted through the air and rose to the sky. Servers from the clans moved through the throngs of gathered mando’ade, they brought food, and drinks to them all, as the gathered masses simply spoke to each other for the first time in what must have felt like forever.

All went silent as the funeral pyre was lit, and the bodies of the dead burned. The smell of smoke and the charred corpses intermixed with the other scents that gathered in that clearing.

As the bodies burned, the next item was brought up. Kaine Australis and his claim as Mand’alor. At the center, near the bonfire, many Alors, Kaine among them, gathered to hear an account. Around them, the other Mando’ade had gathered as well.

Tags: Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya | K Kaine Australis | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Mavrek Kordalas Mavrek Kordalas | Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera | Strider Garon Strider Garon | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Elafuh Thaal Elafuh Thaal | Veino Garn Veino Garn | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Valdus Bral Valdus Bral | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Isabeau Isabeau | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Zephyr Australis | Taru Cadera Taru Cadera | C cade Shysa | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd | @Mandalorians

Allya was dressed fully in her beskar’gam. While small, her clan helped to make the food, serve it all up, and prepare the various things needed for a gathering of this sort. It wasn’t a glamorous position, but a needed one all the same. As the body was laid to rest on the funeral pyre, she stopped and stared at it. In a way, the Mando’ade were free in a way they hadn’t been for some time. There was no other galactic power that held claim to them. The poison and lies of the Sith had worked its way out of them. Righteous fury took its place. When the others took the torch, Allya took one as well. She stared at the reflection of the flames in the water, as they threw the torches onto the pyre. The teenage head of a clan kicked a rock into the still lake, to create ripples. The image of the fire scattered for a moment, as the rings in the water broke it apart.

She knew what she had to do. It wouldn’t be easy, but she at least knew. Slowly the knowledge burned through her, it was a fire that burned away all doubt, all insecurity. There were some moments you were simply born for. Some things you had always been meant to do. Perhaps she would never be remembered for it, perhaps her name would not be placed on some high wall, or shouted from towers. But, if nothing else, this was one of those moments.

As she passed a server, her gloved hand reached out, she grabbed a bottle of tihaar. She unclipped the base of her helmet, and lifted it. The girl chugged the drink, and felt the fire burn in her stomach.When she finished off the bottle she tossed it to the side and marched towards the large bonfire.

She moved towards the other Alors and spoke loudly. “That is enough tears. Let the dead burn away. We will join them in the Manda one day. However, we have something still to discuss. Kaine Australis. In the aftermath of the invasion, when the clans were broken and scattered, you chose that time to declare yourself Mand’alor. Now, until recently, many of us hadn’t even KNOWN you had done so!”

The girl placed her hands on her hips, the t-visor stared right at the older Mandalorian. “You are an incredible warrior, second to very few in the galaxy. But as a leader? I do not respect your claim. If anyone else dissents to this, please, make your voices heard. Clan Vi’Dreya does not accept Kaine Australis as Mand’alor. Kaine, your outlandish behavior was the very reason the galaxy chose to attack us in the first place. True, they were LOOKING for excuses. But you gave it to them. You were one of the ones who sold us to the Sith, you helped create that damned alliance that sold our souls. You then sacrificed countless clones, as if they were not people as well, in your foolish attempt to retake Mandalore before we were ready to march on it. Now? They set it as an example, as we all knew they would! It should have been done tactfully, and with great planning. It should have been done with the combined might of us all! Your impatience, your lack of foresight, time and time and time again has led to the death of countless of our people. It has led us to countless defeats. You are an amazing warrior! You make an amazing verd! But a terrible Mand’alor."

After she accused Kaine of the various failures, she raised a hand, palm up and held it to him. “Forget this nonsense Kaine. Join me, stand at my side. Fight alongside me as an equal. Let us burn away and bury the past. Let us raise above the pettiness, and the infighting. Help me, help US to rebuild. We need to gather foundlings, supplies, resources and start again. We are not strangers to being nomads. This isn’t the first time this has happened. I understand your impatience. But Kaine….” She looked around at all who gather. “All. Stand side by side in this time. We will not be able to retake Mandalore with our current state of affairs. And nor should we make mass sacrifices to do so. We must keep our Way alive. We must rebuild. The Death of the Infernal is a terrible loss. But, it also brings with it renewal. No longer do the chains bind. No longer will we give into the whims of others. I can’t speak for you all, but I will not kneel, I will not bow to anyone.”

Allya took a ragged breath, and chewed on her lower lip for a moment. She once more turned her gaze to Kaine. “The way I see it, you have a couple of options. Come to our side, as vode an. Forget this nonsense, and let’s decide on the future of the Mando’ade together, as one, as equals. Or, you can continue to hold onto the claim, and fight me to try and make me kneel. What say those gathered here? And what do you say Kaine?”

Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya | K Kaine Australis | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Mavrek Kordalas Mavrek Kordalas | Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera | Strider Garon Strider Garon | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Elafuh Thaal Elafuh Thaal | Veino Garn Veino Garn | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Valdus Bral Valdus Bral | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Isabeau Isabeau | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Zephyr Australis | Taru Cadera Taru Cadera | cade Shysa | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd | Aito Vautah | @Mandalorians
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A single contingent walked through the gathering wearing Clan Cadera colours. By my side, Vano, Ensi, Tobia and Akyere trot with snouts raised and gurlanin lupine bodies gleaming in Myrkr’s sun.

I am in the beskar’kandar of the Yalilyr. The matte black beskar’gam forged during Death Watch, which was a constant in the Infernal’s rise. A rise I set her to. A rise I knew would break her. The crowd parts as it usually does for a host of snarling gurlanin, and Mandalorians in the grey cloaks of mourning past loved ones.

In my hands, the warped and decimated Wolf Helm worn by Mand’alor the Infernal. Behind me, Dr. Theodor Allard who wears no armour, the long-time physician of the Sundari Palace carries the scraps of armourweave and armour. Yasha’s armour.

For she is gone.

"My cubs... my rekr'ike." Before the pyre bearing my once-cub Tuulu is lit aflame, I step into the waters, those clear, harmless waters. Once more I lift the wolf helm to my own helmet, touch it with a last Keldabe Kiss and place the remnants of the Infernal’s Beskar’kandar beside Tuulu’s body. Maybe in Manda he would find that connection he sought so long. Our silence grates at my back with the noises of Mandalorians from across the expanse, and for the last time I search Tuulu’s jawline, the swell of his muscles and fur. The old is gone, and it belongs in a place of the dead.

Let the dead keep all which came before.

Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya speaks, a whelp from the look but a strong one. I hear strength in her words, sense and the potential to heal all which the Mandalorians carry as pain. Yes, even as young as she, it is she I would follow.

“Clan Cadera never recognized Kaine Australis as Mand’alor.” My voice snaps and growls out, as powerful as the rage holding my muscle and bones in their cage. Would that I were in my lupine form and could destroy all that man is and was. How he…

No. There is nothing gained from empty words with a past now washed clean.

That age is done, and new horizons dawn.

“Vi’Dreya has sense.” My words said, I bow my head to Allya Vi’Dreya, an act of faith none but Yasha and Kay Larr received in the four hundred eighty years of my life. Mission completed, I hear the wind pick at the corners of my own grey cloak, the Infernal’s sigil on its’ back. The HUD of my buy’ce shows the pyre burning, and with it, the last of what the Infernal was, the last of Tuulu and the hope that beyond these pains, a new labour will produce a better, stalwart generation to call blessed.

Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Noah Corek Noah Corek @mandos

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant

The jungle world of Myrkr provided ample cover for this meeting, though the large bonfire worked against them in that regard. A variety of beasts chirped, howled, and hopped about in the night; the world itself was primal and had served as one of the hunting and training grounds in years past. It felt like a different lifetime now.

The Bral clan, secretive in their whereabouts these days, had managed to gain information on this meeting. However, with so many high valued targets in one location they rain the risk of being attacked by the various enemies of the clans. Still, the Bral clan would attend, though the Alor of Bral would not show himself physically on the planet and instead opted to send an emissary.

A robed figure of average height and build pushed their way through the underbrush and into the flickering circle of light cast by the bonfire. A spear-like polearm used as a walking stick through the jungle. As the figure's legs moved forward the glint of ornate armor in the Mandalorian style was visible.

"I am Hemgo Bral, emissary of Alor Valdus Bral." Hemgo announced sternly as he continued forwards. After the Mandalorian entered an acceptable distance from the group he pulled out a holoprojector and with it established the encrypted transmission. A blue, flickering image exploded upwards from the holoprojector to show Valdus Bral sitting upon his beskar throne with Bral sigils in the background and due to the scale of objects behind him, his gargantuan size was very understated.

"An interesting location." Valdus spoke, though his voice was distorted by minute amounts of data lost during transmission, which could be inferred that he was perhaps not even in the same system as the rest of the group.

"This one-" Hemgo spoke, lowering his partisan's head towards Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya , "-has challenged Alor Australis. To either end his claim as Mand'alor or duel her, Alor. She does not recognize his claim."

"I see." Valdus rumbled out.

He had his own opinions on the matter, though he decided to watch the proceedings. He had ample reason to both support K Kaine Australis 's claim as well as to denounce him as Mand'alor. To those that knew him, Valdus had aspirations to become Mand'alor himself long ago, though he did not throw in his bid at this time. Times had changed, the galaxy had changed. He was no longer responsible for just a couple of hundred Mandalorians, but hundreds of thousands since the exodus from Mandalore. The title itself and the consolidation of clans could risk his people's relative safety that they had just carved out.

Tags: Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya | K Kaine Australis | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Mavrek Kordalas Mavrek Kordalas | Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera | Strider Garon Strider Garon | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Elafuh Thaal Elafuh Thaal | Veino Garn Veino Garn | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Isabeau Isabeau | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Zephyr Australis | Taru Cadera Taru Cadera | C cade Shysa | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd | Aito Vautah | @Mandalorians
Time had passed, her mind had barely begun to start piecing things together, one of which was the honor she had as a mandalorian which felt off given her motive for sticking around. She did feel however great sadness, each warrior that had laid before her, all had passed to the manda and as stardust has learned she to should've been in the manda a long time ago

She was just to stubborn to die

The armor she wore, the sigil of clan Solus that rested proudly next to the cadera sigil, her family she knew very well, next to it was a sigil that had been scratched up and ruined out of frustration. Eyes glanced around as she came out of her own mind and stood taller at the 7 feet tall with the armor on. Walking forward she offered her voice next

I speak for the alor of Solus, we as clan Solus do not recognize you, kaine Australis, as mand'alor. This comes directly for my alor...and it is my opinion as well

Zephyr Krayt


The nomadic people of Mandalore had been cast across the galaxy, lying in wait for the opportunity to liberate their planet from the grasp of the Sith Empire and avenge their fallen comrades but the solidarity between the warriors didn't extend to an unanimous agreement of who the Mand'alor should be as tensions had begun to arise as the issue faced its inevitable end but at a time so critical to their survival - it was a necessity.

The scattering of the Mandalorians left Zephyr largely in isolation from even his own clan at times but he had always had great respect for his own Alor and the clan that had raised him from being a child of their enemy to a warrior equal to those with birth-rights. However, he was not without his own reservations about Kaine's leadership and despite the admiration he felt for Australis' Alor, he couldn't help but wonder if there was someone more suited to the demanding role of Mand'alor.

The purple armoured Mandalorian looked upon his fallen comrades with a pensive gaze. They had died an honourable death through dishonourable circumstances but the time for mourning was over and their allies would be remembered and live on through those they left behind, who were determined not to let their brothers and sisters deaths be in vain. They would reclaim Mandalore but they needed to consolidate by agreeing on the Mand'alor.

Despite the solemn circumstances, the discord had been bubbling to the surface of a number of clans and it was clear what was about to arise before Allya addressed the group. The accusations against Kaine were harrowing to say the least but there was nothing to be said in defence of Australis' Alor so Zephyr remained silent, only exchanging a glance with Isabeau by his side.

Allya's proposal intrigued Zephyr as he wondered who she thought she was to be making such claims, if not to the Mand'alor but to a far more experienced warrior who had seniority over many present. The subsequent approval from another clan prompted Zephyr to chime in. "Are you suggesting yourself as Mand'alor?" He called out as her words seemed to suggest that she should play a role in the leadership.

Zephyr wanted to avoid explicitly supporting or opposing Kaine as it presented the issue of conflicting with his own Alor, who he owed a great deal to, or appearing as a blind follower to the other clans but some things had to be said so he tried to remain tactful when expressing his thoughts. The disapproval from the other clans spoke volumes and it was true that the claim was illegitimate so with little other choice he had to respectfully disagree with his Alor. "Kaine, I respect you immensely. You are an incredible warrior and a wonderful Alor for our clan but I think Mand'alor was out of your reach." He tried to reason with the more senior Mandalorian.

K Kaine Australis Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Mig Gred Mig Gred Mavrek Kordalas Mavrek Kordalas Isabeau Isabeau Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera Strider Garon Strider Garon Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus Elafuh Thaal Elafuh Thaal Veino Garn Veino Garn Noah Corek Noah Corek Valdus Bral Valdus Bral Shukalar Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Aselia Verd Aselia Verd Aito Vautah @ ect
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig had slowly walked to the pyre, followed by Mynock, the magnaguard turned Mandalorian, and his daughter, Leddie. He didn't like Myrkr. It had everything to do with the native, Force nulling wildlife; but this was important. The Mandalorian looked at another Gred that had followed along as he passed a torch to them. The other lightly armored Mando'ad would quickly throw the torch before the Alor handed them something else. It was a damaged Trayc'kad, but it was clear by the way it was taken that it was important. Mig then looked down to Leddie, speaking calmly.

"This a natural part of life, Ledd'ika. None of us can last forever. It's why many see Mando'ade (Mandalorians) as fearless. It's not that we don't fear kyr'am (death). That's not true. We just know that, in the end, we all go to the Manda eventually. Some day you'll get to see Ilik, your buir, again. What's important is that we don't forget those we care about when they pass from this life to the next." Leddie watched on, wearing her armored trench coat as opposed to gam. She gave Mig a nod, looking away from everything. He understood. The scars of Concord Dawn were still fresh in the young girls mind. She still needed Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan 's gummy bears to sleep a whole night. But then things got interesting.

Allya, and young Mandalorian he met on during the station raid, called on Kaine to yield the title of Mand'alor, but also to join in rebuilding the Mandalorians. She mentioned the need to find Foundlings and build up again. He nudged Leddie a little, a slight call to listen. Mig looked at Kaine, pulling out his own Trayc'kad, though he didn't raise it.

"Kaine, I went to Mandalore when you called. Mynock's told me what they did in the mines when our own people may have become free again. I heard rumors and reports about what happened on your end. I...." Mig shook his head a little. "Like Allya said, we went in way too soon, before any of use were ready. I've fought with this for a while Kaine. I supported you before, and while you're a great warrior... I can't support you as Mand'alor anymore."

Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya K Kaine Australis Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Zephyr Australis Valdus Bral Valdus Bral Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera

I looked up from the pyre and walk over to the group on chieftains. My clan may be small but we still have a voice. The thought runs through my head. Waking up to the group i could hear dissent regarding the new mandalore. Personally i didn't care who the Mandalore was, all i cared about was the mandalorian people.

As i walked up several voices were saying they did not recognize Kaine as Mandalore. When there was a lull in the voices i spoke up.

"You all dont know me. I am Thror Cal Vorn Alor of clan Vorn. We are small but we still have a voice. My father before he died shared these words with me. You can't exterminate us. We're not huddled in one place—we span the galaxy. We need no lords or leaders—so you can't destroy our command. We can live without technology—so we can fight with our bare hands. We have no species or bloodline—so we can rebuild our ranks with others who want to join us. We're more than just a people or an army. We're a culture. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas—but we certainly can kill you. There was a time when we didnt have a mandalore. we were nomadic, at this time i belive we shoukd return to those roots. We should spread out. Protect our way of life and grow stronger, then when we have regrouped and have the means to we all come back to gether and show the galaxy that the mandos will always rise again."

My voice was almost a yell buy the end of my little speech. I looked at the other Alors wondering what they would reply with.
For the first time in a very long time, has Clan Loc gathered along with other Mando'ad aliits. Standing in his heavy fully covered red and white Beskar'gam with folded arms, listening to the different clans speak, getting their two thoughts out about this whole ordeal. The fallen died as they fought like true Mando'ad and Clan Loc had come to show their respect. Though Clan Loc wasn't the biggest clan, far from it and many had turned to agriculture on a backwater planet, away from everything, away from any drama. Though they were still Mando'ad and they showed up, proudly wearing their Beskar'gam.

Kragr had kept himself quiet, listening to people talk, looking at all the other clans gathered, his eyes fell on two familiar faces, or helmets at least. The first one, Isabeau, feisty as fire and wild as a storm. He nodded in her direction. Beside her stood Zephyr, he was bit different fighter, compared to Kragr and Isabeau, but he was alright, proud Mando'ad, that's for sure. This... Kaine Australis has taken on the title as Mand'alor, yet he only tries to gather the clans now?

Listening to what Allya and the other said, it seemed there was both fore and against both candidates. Kragr spoke up, "The Sith, ha. Only a coward relies on some mythical power to win their battles" Started Kragr, Speaking loudly for everyone to hear. The large red and white armoured Mandalorian looked at Allya, "you speak of Kaine's dealing with the Sith and yes, I would agree, what he did is inexcusable. However, aren't you yourself using the so-call Force? A weapon the Sith themselves uses against us?" Asked Kragr.

"Now why would Clan Loc, no, why would any Clan, even consider standing equal with one who's blood is of Sith?" Asked Kragr quite forcefully looking at all the other Mandalorians gathered in the mist. Looking back at Allya, "Clan Loc will not stand beside those of Sith descent, nor see a Sith as our equal. And while Kaine, you stand as a great warrior, but for what you've done, Clan Loc will not stand with you either, but you have my respect" Said the red and white armour Mandalorian. "We need a ruthless and true Mando'ad to take the mantle of Mand'alor. And if not that, A council to be formed!" finished Kragr loudly and stepped back among his clan who nodded and agreed with what he said.

Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya K Kaine Australis Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Zephyr Australis Valdus Bral Valdus Bral Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera Mig Gred Mig Gred Thror Cal Vorn Thror Cal Vorn Isabeau Isabeau
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For a long time the Felacatian was silent, he was no Alor, and currently did not have a clan. He was one of the many who called themselves Mandalorian who had not been born on Mandalore. He stood, humanoid, with a straight posture. Wearing only thick pair of dull green shorts and simple sandals, around his neck was a circular pendant of beskar. His lengthy tail swayed behind him idly as Shukalar listened to the others speak and make their positions known. At the mention of going without a Mand'Alor he looked over to the more well established Alors. An interesting sentiment, one that had made its rounds before within the kindred clans.

After a brief pause Shukalar spoke "With respect, Alors, it seems there are two options. Find amongst yourselves the Mand'Alor in the old way or do without a chosen leader for now. I won't challenge the one who call himself the Mand'Alor, nor your decisions here today. Though it seems his position has been nothing but contended by his peers. I suggest we do away with further conversation of if the claimant is agreed upon or his claim justified and instead take action with the options presented." after making his appeal the Felacatian returned to silence. Perhaps he shouldn't have spoken but spoken he had.
It had been a long time since Strider been on Myrkr and even then it seemed he was putting the dead to rest. He watched with a cold eye as the flames devoured the fallen vode as he listened to the Alors discredit the self proclaimed Mand'alor, Kaine. The thought of him having the mantle unsettled the old man's stomach and boiled his blood. He knew the man had ambitions for the title, the way he weaseled into the young Yasha's life. Strider knew then that Kaine wanted what she had and he had grown since to dislike the man on that alone. Now that Yasha has passed on to the Manda, her soul barely settled on the eternal fields of battle and her so called suitor... husband had proclaimed himself sole leader of the mandalorians. A proclamation that he had no rights to. Mand'alor was a title earned by the worthy and bestowed upon by the mando'ade. Kaine was not worthy nor did the mando'ade majority bestowed the mantle upon him. So that left vanity that gave him entitlement. This brought Strider to chew on his unlit shento cigar is bit more vigorously, his helmet latched to his utility belt.

Other's would describe Kaine as a great warrior, but to Strider he was dangerously unpredictable. Rash in tactics, as much good as he had done in command he had also equally done in damage to the mandalorians with consequences of his actions. But, he was there and the old man had to acknowledge that Kaine for the most part performed with out nefarious agenda. Heart was mostly in the right place and was a continous pillar among the disasters that had fell the mandalorians over and over.

Strider heard voices hint towards the young Allya being Mand'alor and some say an old guard should take it. Mention of old guard made Strider's heart skip a beat, he was pretty much the only senior citizen among them. Then there was the idea the mandalorians should go with out. Choices will have to be made, some time in the near future. Today was about undoing a wrong and moving forward.

"Kaine! You are not mand'alor." His grizzled voice seemed as sharp as the hussar sabre he wore sheathed to his hip. He went back to chewing on his cigar, though relaxed in poise he was ready to deal death if the pretender did not relent. The fire was already lit and would be little hassle to add another body to the flames.
Arms crossed and head in a downwards tilt. Isabeau had just thrown her torch into the pyre, the same as so many others. A heavy cloak of a dark crimson colour hung from her shoulders, covering her armour underneath, almost enveloping her completely. For minutes, she just stood in front of the pyre, remembering those they had lost and allowing herself to loose herself in sorrow. Most of the time, this was not practical or needed, but this, this was precisely the time to let herself feel the losses they had made. Each and every one of them.

Slowly, she drew near the gathering around the large bonfire, joining up with Zephyr Australis and exchanging a glance and a nod with Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt whom she also knew from before. There were a number of familiar faces and helmets around - it brought her comfort knowing that at least they were still alive and together. So many of them here shared that one central bond forged through battle and strife. Still looking over at they pyre from a distance, Isabeau's lips formed a thin line as her face soured underneath the helmet. The thought of all the losses they had suffered infuriated her and fueled her lust for revenge - but both feelings were overshadowed by the sadness it caused. It was okay this one night.

A familiar voice could soon be heard, it was Mig Gred Mig Gred whom she had met in connection to the recent station raid. He spoke softly to his daughter - while he was explaining things in a relatively simple manner, it did bring a sense of peace to Isabeau, even though it wasn't directed to her and even though he actually only said what she already knew. Slowly, her features softened and she let out a heavy sigh.

Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya could be heard, speaking loudly among the Alors. Isabeau listened, initially hearing words of encouragement - it was time to move on, to honour the fallen through battle. It was something she could get behind - there would be a new day to be won tomorrow. Soon, however, the discourse among her fellows turned into politicking. It brought out the worst in people and was a far cry from what she had hoped for tonight. Stepping away from the crowd, still well within earshot and more than capable of hearing what they said, Isabeau climbed up onto a large rock. Seating herself, she looked onto the pyre in the distance as the others squabbled by the bonfire below.

Senar Ahn-Dross

What she was doing on Myrkr... was not unlike what her own mother had done, having spent many years in its forests, living off the land, cut off from the magics of her people, alone with the sorrowed pain that had driven her away from Dathomir for the first time in her life. If it wasn't for this time, the elder witch would never have met her buir, and Senar and her brothers and sisters would not have come to be. Her whole young life had been spent, thus far, by and large betwixt space and jungle, growing up on greened worlds and greased engines, and growing in her heritage - the Mandalorian Witch, in a manner of speaking. One of the few of either strain, these days, not under the thrall of the Sith.

What she was doing on Myrkr... was retracing steps, learning what it was like to be without the invisible extension of her will at her fingertips, at a younger age and with more clarity than Cennika had done. While many sixteen-year-olds of the Core Worlds were nigh-unburdened with the responsibility of being considered grown, Senar wasn't treated as a child for any longer than necessary, and this wasn't the first time she had went somewhere alone. The first handful of days in the ysalamiri-bubbled place were a shade disorienting, but she had always been taught to not depend so much on the intangible power that could be so easily taken from her, in one manner or another, so her wits never left her; she thus disappeared into the forests, armed only with knowledge and two daggers.

Nearing the end of the second month, she emerged from the forests and made her way into the mountains, where the touch of the ysalamir waned only somewhat at first, slipping away almost entirely the higher she trekked, and the thinner the air got. Two different biomes, each with their own challenges, and each given the respect they deserved, and she learned much in her time within each of them. If she returned to the fold dirtied, or some version of unrecognisable, it was taken as a sign that her time was well spent. After a month or so in the mountains, she came down upon a lake she had learned of years before when Cennika spoke of when she made this world her home. The system star was waning in the sky when Senar left the foot of the mountains and arrived at the body of water, seeing over it a-ways (and hearing) the gathering of a kind of people she recognised as similar to her own: Mando'ade.... but she knew a pyre when she saw one, even from this distance, and didn't see fit to invite herself.

Instead, with no reservations about divesting herself of her attire (both that which she brought with her, and that which she made along the way), Senar Ahn-Dross stripped to her skivvies and slipped as silently as possible into the lake to bathe as the sky blended shades of yellow, orange, purple, and deepening blue, and stars, whose constellations were now somewhat familiar to her eyes, began to appear.

And both knives. Of course she had knives. She did never not have knives. What if, by chance, you happened to get the chance to catch a fish while you bathed?

Mavrek Kordalas

Legacy of the Kordels
The newly renamed Clan Kordalas had come to pay it's respects to the fallen of Mandalore, many of the clans more elite had fought in the battle, where the previous Alor, Mavrek's father, had died, while his body was never recovered, his request to have his son take his place was met with approval by the other leaders of the clan. So it was only natural when Mavrek had learned of the meeting through Allya, he would go and pay his respects, and see what this insanity was about the Infernal having been replaced, while he had never known the woman himself, he respected her for who and what she was.

Taking a torch and adding it to the pyre of the honored dead, his gaze shifted to his right, to his al'verde, to his cyar'ika, Calixte Diantha, he made sure to have her and his most senior vode here, and judging by the conversations going on amongst the others, things could be going better, approaching but not saying anything right away, he glanced to each of those gathered, and smiled a little.

Clearing his throat to garner some attention he stepped forward, "It gladdens me to see so many of our people gathered together again, in honor of our fallen." he started, eyes moving slowly to every face around the gathering, "But these talks of a new Mand'alor who chose himself without the backing or approval of the clans is troubling. Do you Kaine, really believe being married to a Mand'alor gives you the right to the title?" he was curious, truly but wanted to make the point that this was in poor taste, "I know you by your reputation, you're a great warrior as many have said, but your tactics leave questions and the actions of self-appointment... I'm sorry to say, Clan Kordalas does not back your claim as Mand'alor, but we will stand by your side as vode an."

Taking one more glance at those assembled, the gunmetal and gold beskar'gam bearing Alor stepped back into the rank and file of the clans, though he did take note of Kragr's words towards Allya, smirking ever so slightly to himself at the man's barbs at the young Mando'a, he knew both to be great fighters, and would almost pay to see a fight between them.

Tags: Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya | K Kaine Australis | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera | Strider Garon Strider Garon | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Elafuh Thaal Elafuh Thaal | Veino Garn Veino Garn | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Valdus Bral Valdus Bral | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt | Isabeau Isabeau | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Zephyr Australis | Taru Cadera Taru Cadera | C cade C cade Shysa | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd | @Mandalorians​
Friends, family, vode an, they had fought together, as one. Yet they had still died, regardless of the planning, the weapons, or the armor. At least they'd fought and died well, as true Mandalorians should. Not only that, but they'd fought and died so that others could be free, many of which had become Mortui clansmen because of their freedom. As such, while Adenn did feel remorse for the death of his kinsmen, he also knew that they would want him to carry on in their honor. After all, Clan Mortui had already payed their due respect to their dead clansmen, having given a proper Mandalorian goodbye after Mandalore. Despite that, Adenn still threw his own torch onto the pyre, paying his respects to those of other clans who had fought and died in recent times, while reminding himself of the lost of Clan Mortui.
"Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum."(I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.) He said quietly to himself.

With that done, Adenn turned from the pyre, leaving the dead to their rest, while moving to join the living with their problems. He stood quietly off to the side, between where Kaine stood and where Allya spoke. At his side were Gunner and Theide, two individuals that held much sway within Clan Mortui, and both that Adenn considered his closest brothers and advisors. With his hands clasped behind his back, Adenn listened as Allya spoke, soon followed by others. As Allya spoke, Adenn kept a steady stance while calmly gazing towards the center of the group, and once she was finished, Adenn nodded, they did need to consolidate themselves fully, not a handful of clans.

Turning his head to observe the others that spoke, Adenn noted how Ambrose brought Yasha's armor to the fire. His face grew grim at that, because the galaxy at large believed the Infernal dead, and with what she'd gone through, who she was most certainly dead, even if she lived, after a fashion. Turning his gaze from the truthful lie, Adenn observed the Bral representative and saw Valdus Bral for the first time in who knows how long. Nodding to Valdus, Adenn silently wondered how Clan Bral was doing, but now wasn't the time to ask. Looking around once more as Star spoke, Adenn noted how most of the Alors and Mando'ade seemed against Kaine being Mand'alor.

Adenn shared a similar sentiment as Mig, he had, and to an extent still did, support Kaine as Mand'alor. But Kaine had jumped the gun just a bit, not that Adenn blamed him. Anyone who had followed Kaine had contributed to jumping the gun, because they'd followed, but they couldn't change the past, only the future. Turning his head once more, Adenn nodded to the words of Mand'alor the Destroyer(quote that Cal Vorn said), because it applied now more than ever. And because of what they were, they would indeed rise again, but before Adenn could say anything on the matter, Kragr spoke as well. Adenn couldn't help but frown at the words of Kragr, because while Adenn despised the Jetii and Dar'jetii(Jedi and Sith/Dark Jedi), he didn't hate the Force. As such, Adenn spoke then, voice low, but confident, and he spoke to address both at the same time.

"We will rise again, of that there is no doubt. As Mandalorians, we are the strongest warriors in this galaxy, and we have withstood the test of time where as all others have fallen and become something else. Mandalorians always have been and always will be Mandalorians, nothing will change that, nothing will break that." Turning to gaze directly at Kragr then, Adenn continued. "But to rise again, we will need to use all the tools at our disposal. The reason we have stood the test of time is because we can change, adapt, and overcome no matter the odds. We use the tools at our disposal, all the tools at our disposal. The Force is but another tool, it's how you use that tool that makes you a Mandalorian, or a jetii or dar'jetii. Yes it has been used against us, but so have countless other weapons, and we've used them right back. What is the difference between the Force that's been used against us and a blaster? Only what it can do when trained in its use properly."

His part said for the moment, Adenn fell silent once more, once more listening as others spoke their minds regarding Kaine. Soon enough the man in question came forward to speak himself. What he said honestly surprised Adenn, even if what was said was true. Kaine had tried to help Mandalore and her people, but he had failed despite his promises. Taking a breath once Kaine was finished, Adenn spoke up once more.
"Kaine, you've always had Mandalore and her people's best interest at heart, and everything you've done proves that. However, you did jump the gun with the invasion, we all did. Those of us who went at least. I won't hold that against you, we win some and we lose some, even if this loss was more noticeable. However, we saved many of our people, and in the end that's what matters." Turning his gaze over the gathered Mando'ade, Adenn's voice grew in determination.

"Despite our loss of Mandalore, we are still Mandalorians! Nothing can change that, because we are a people, a culture, and an ideal. Mandalore's loss may affect us, but we have been nomads before, and we are nomads now. The galaxy believes us broken from our losses, divided because of our leadership. Let them think that, let them believe they've won against us, even as we make our Ba'slan shev'la(strategic disappearance). We know our enemies, they are clumped together, while they don't know us, for we are dispersed. Let us rebuild and strike back from ten thousand different places when they least expect it. Not now, but in the future, when we are ready, and not before. Mando'ad draar digu, a Mandalorian never forgets. They will forget us for the threat we are, but we won't forget them. It doesn't matter how long passes, we never forgot when we've been wronged, and we will repay those who've wronged us. But for now, let us unite as Mando'ade, rebuild what we have and prepare for the future, as Mandalorians."

Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera | Strider Garon Strider Garon | Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus | Elafuh Thaal Elafuh Thaal | Veino Garn Veino Garn | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Valdus Bral Valdus Bral | Shukalar | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | @Kgra Loc | Isabeau Isabeau | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Zephyr Australis | Taru Cadera Taru Cadera | Aselia Verd Aselia Verd | Thror Cal Vorn Thror Cal Vorn | Senar Ahn-Dross | Mavrek Kordalas Mavrek Kordalas | Mando'ade Gehat'ik Mando'ade Gehat'ik

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
The Queen of Ancora stood there amongst the people, there to only pay respects to the lives that was needlessly lost. She stood out from the others around her, they where clad in their Beskar'gams while she was in robes. Yet it was not just her apparel, her defining features of her species is what made her stand out the most. Black feline ears protruded from out her long silver hair and a shiny black tail wrapped tight around her thigh. It did not bother her as like the others here she was mandalorian, in fact it was Mand'alor the infernal that accepted her part of clan Cadera. A woman who was to be admired, who inspired and gave all. In the end her life too. It was sad to confirm her death as she watched a man who was of the same clan place Yasha's helm. While nice to believe in the higher powers of godly beings like manda, she knew where life went once it was over. The force would claim them, their souls to somewhere better or the netherworld. Even thinking that name still frightened the woman. Sanya had been before not by death but not by choice either. It was the worst thing someone can think of and then twisted infinitely.

She had heard the rumours of how Mand'alor the infernals death came about and she believed them. There was six holes she could see clearly see. Around her Alors of different clans began to speak denying Kaine Australis the title of Mand'alor. "I'm no alor, but neither am I a stranger to leadership. I have had to make sacrifices and made mistakes in my time, no one is prefect and everything, everyone has flaws. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses. I am sure everyone here that has gathered here today can wholeheartedly agree we strive to be better by learning from our mistakes and the mistakes of others."

"How ever, the galaxy has watched you, Kaine Australis. It has watched you repeat the same mistakes time and time and time again. You are a man who cannot change and refuses to learn. A leader knows when to fight and when to back away, a leader does not throw their own people to senseless slaughter in seek for a grand prize. You clearly do not know this and if you was to rule, our people would become nothing but stories and echos. Many may call you a great warrior, but in my eyes I see nothing but a man so soaked by blood-lust that it is equal to the Enemy who now sacks Mandalore and genocides our people. You are so lost in that, that it does not matter who is in the way they die."
Her voice remained soft as she spoke, there was never a sign of aggression neither. She spoke a way a queen should and with. Her eyes looked to Ambrose once more, the pain and deep sadness radiated from him. There was not much she could do for him, she thought as she approached him. There was no need for words exchanged as Sanya got closer the emotions that was clear upon her face showed she was too, sad, and mourned a friend. Her arms raised up and embraced him in a hug.


The discussion, while sharp, had been mostly respectful with nods to K Kaine Australis prowess as a warrior, now Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium was challenging even that. Shukalar did not know Kaine personally but he found it impossible to stand by silently as a honorable warrior, as declared by many Alors, was being tarnished by this lambasting especially after the Alor had humbled himself before the gathered assembly "And who are you to claim such things about the Alor?" Shukalar snapped "Did you stand on Azure? Mandalore? Concord? Where have you taken your stand in defense of our way of life? Really stood shoulder to shoulder against innumerable odds without fear? Time and again over Alor Australis has honored his aliit and us all for many years. For all his faults and transgressions he has a reputation for cherishing our traditions and people. I have heard stories of Alor Australis from the Outer Rim to the Tingle Arm, but nothing of you." the Felacatian was bristling with anger and glared with vicious intensity at Sanya then looked at the assembled Alors "My apologies, Alors, but I will not stand silently here as this true Mandalorian is disgraced by malcontents." his attention to Clan Australis with a respectful nod.
"Enough!" The old man growled giving a stern glare at Shukalar as he stepped out towards the relinquished helmet and lightsaber. "Its done!" He concluded for Kaine denoucned the title of Mand'alor without a drop of blood needed. He leaned down, his knees popping and cracking with age, picking up the discarded items Kaine had symbolically used to prove he was falling in line with the will of the mando'ade. Strider then righted himself, his knees once again letting off a snap crackle and pop. Old age was a queen and he had forgotten to wear his knee braces this day nor was his built in exoskeletal system turn on. Without mechanical or medical help, the world and movement within was raw and all the abuses he had thrown his body through was haunting him.

Strider once righted, focused on K Kaine Australis who had stepped back into his retinue of kinsmen and Clan loyalists. He walked over to him, placing the lightsaber into the helmet and giving it back to the lost warrior. "Do what you are good at. Build or steal us a fleet!" The elder suggested firmly noting Kaine's capiblities in fleet, turning back to the rest of the mandalorians and began walking back to his place.

"Regroup, rebuild is now the order of the day" His words resonated loud enough for all to hear, he locked eyes with the young Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya acknowledging this sentiment was her agenda for the battered warrior faction.... " And i think you all would agree that what ever leadership and form it will take can be decided further down the road. We need to garnish some respect and trust among each other going forward. Old wounds need to be buried deep for our greatest enemy and threat is ourselves".

With that he stepped back into his place among the rest of the mandos.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig was somewhat surprised that he wasn't the only one who backed Kaine before who had had second thoughts, but his attention was soon caught by Kragr. He pretty bluntly said he wouldn't recognize the Force welders as equal, merely for the fact that the Sith used the Force. The Alor's fist tightened, but he remained calm, and was about to speak before Adenn of all vod spoke up. Thank Manda, cause Mig was surprised no one was on this guy yet. He then sighed, speaking up.

"Adenn is right vod. Also... would you call every Miraluka a dar'jetii? The Force is much more complicated than merely saying 'This makes you my enemy.' We can't afford to already start dividing ourselves like this." After this Mig eyed Kaine, listening to Strider and Adenn speak up to him. They noted many of the same things that Allya did, at least in spirit. He smiled under his helmet, nodding before speaking up as well.

"They're right. Now is the time to rebuild not only our strength, but honestly rebuilding our people once again. Put those old wounds where there belong, and return to what we should be. The clans should be helping each other right now, not fighting one another. It's time to rest and get back on our feet. Get ready to remind the galaxy that we're not gone yet."

While this happened, Leddie had walked a little ways off, clearly not enjoying some of the yelling. She was messing with a stick, using it like a sword before seeing she wasn't the only one who had taken a back seat. She looked over at Isabuau, walking over to the rock before waving at the older Mandalorian. Leddie looked at them, smiling before she spoke up.

"Do you not like loud noise either?"

Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya K Kaine Australis Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Zephyr Australis Valdus Bral Valdus Bral Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera Strider Garon Strider Garon Shukalar Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium Isabeau Isabeau Senar Ahn-Dross Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
Kragr was quiet listening to the other clans speak up, while he might be seen as brisk, direct. That didn't bother him and he wasn't affected when the other Mano'ad spoke up against his statements, would have been boring otherwise. Though they never took into consideration what potential danger they were to everyone else and unlike other tools, the force could be unpredictable, wild and uncontrollable.

"You keep talking about the force as some kind of tool to just be used as if it hadn't any repercussion. Have you all not seen what the force does to the Sith? Are you all really so blindly just seeing the force as another weapon? Have you not seen the type of corruption that the force place upon the Sith's souls? I have" asked Kragr, speaking up. It actually pissed him off quite a bit, that they looked at the force with such casualness.

Looking first to Adenn and then Mig with his eyes behind the faceless helmet of red and white. "The force is uncontrollable and those with the force can fall and turn on their brothers and sisters in a fit of rage. I myself know not much about the force and I'm sure it can be used as a tool, but one wrong move and it can be turned on us 10 times worse" added Kragr.

Looking to Mig again, tilting his head a bit, folding his arms, "you said it yourself vod, the force is much more complicated, we can't possibly be sure it would be a reliable weapon to use" agreed the red and white armoured Mandalorian, though not exactly on the same things as Mig insinuated. "I trust what I know and from my standpoint, has the force brought nothing but damage and suffering to our people," said Kragr, defending his views.

Thinking things over and took a step forward, looking first at Adenn, then Mig and lastly, an intent look at Allya. "You all speak so highly of the force, yet the force has brought nothing but suffering and pain upon our people. If you can prove the force as just a tool and not a fall of corruption just waiting to explode, then Clan Loc will proudly follow whoever leads the charge. But I trust those of action more than those of words." finished Kragr with a loud clear voice, before walking back to his clan.

Allya Vi'Dreya Allya Vi'Dreya K Kaine Australis Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Zephyr Australis Valdus Bral Valdus Bral Ambrose Cadera Ambrose Cadera Strider Garon Strider Garon Shukalar Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium Isabeau Isabeau Senar Ahn-Dross Mig Gred Mig Gred

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