Melvand Zrimmir
Generic Neimoidian #459
Zrimmir waited patiently within his public office, readying himself for his meeting. It was far from his first, ZUBU being a rather small company on the galactic scale, meant his more high class clients wanted him personally as their financial advisor, but this was by far his most interesting client. He couldn't conjure up much on Ra'a'mah Numare, even using his better PIs, but what he did know was she had worked for the Dominion, Shrouded Republic, Sith Empire, The Metal Lords of the Void, and more, although he wasn't entire sure of her positions within them. He did know this, she was the leader of a trade fleet, and an accomplished business woman, meaning she was rich, something Zrimmir always liked to hear.
Zrimmir checked his desk time piece, wondering if he had read the appointment time correctly.
Zrimmir checked his desk time piece, wondering if he had read the appointment time correctly.