Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Business is Business

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

Empress of the Eternal Empire and Terraris, CEO of HPI
Objective: Negotiate with DE
Location: ENS Crimson Empress, Orbit around Carlac
Equipment: [Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: The Messenger The Messenger
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Ingrid arrived in the Dark Empire on her own flagship. This time, not as the Empress of the Eternal Empire, which would have been interesting enough; she was representing her own company, the HPI Consortium. After all, the company had recently been looking to expand into Core Worlds anyway, where they had no such interests. They did have a stake in Ession or Dromund Kaas. And the company didn't really care whether they were doing business with the right or the wrong side.

Business is business and not a matter of personal judgement. And since the Dark Empire has conquered countless worlds, including some that HPI would have "targeted" through expansion. Now that one of the L'lerim was in the service of the Dark Empire anyway, so local interests could be left to that girl. At least the Consortium's leadership agreed on that.

As arranged, the Empire's envoy was due to arrive shortly, and Ingrid was waiting in one of the large meeting rooms. As always, the red-haired woman was now in her uniform without medals and rank insignia, the only difference from her usual appearance was that this time she wore an armband with the Terraris Command and HPI crest instead of the Eternal Empire armband.

HPI had recently been able to buy 3% shares of the Trade Federation, so she hoped that would be a good basis for today's meeting; after all, the Trade Federation had a huge influence in the Dark Empire, if the spies and intelligence reports were correct. In any case, she knew that would come out soon enough. In the meantime, until the other party arrived, she waited and analysed and read the company's data.

When The Messenger The Messenger arrives and docks on the ship, they will be escorted to where she was. When the Dark Empire representative arrives, Ingrid gets up from her seat and extends her hand to the Messenger, if the other accepts the woman's hand, Ingrid firmly squeezes the droid's hand - no matter how she disliked this because on Terraris they consider the droids only tools and not a person - and then points to one of the chairs.

"Welcome, please take a seat. I am Ingrid L'lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the Dark Empire's willingness to negotiate the Consortium's possible expansion into Empire territory." she said in her usual cold and emotionless voice.


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